SEE Colloquium on Smart Technologies Driving Sustainable Smart Cities
We are delighted to have Dr. Winnie Tang, MH, JP, share her expertise and insights on Smart Technologies Driving Sustainable Smart Cities at the SEE Colloquium on 18 January 2023. In the Colloquium, Dr. Tang talked about global trends of smart cities, the journey of Hong Kong towards a smart city, how emerging technologies empower informed decision-making, and the next step forward for a sustainable future. The Colloquium was conducted on-campus again after years of the pandemic. It was well received with over 150 CityU and non-CityU members attending the Colloquium in the late afternoon.
Dr. Tang is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong and one of the local born IT entrepreneurs from Hong Kong.