Prof. Sai Kishore RAVI Named Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials

Prof. Sai Kishore Ravi has been elected as a Lifetime Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) in recognition of his significant contributions to materials research, particularly in biohybrid materials and artificial photosynthesis.

The “Fellow of IAAM”  title is a notable distinction awarded to researchers who have made impactful contributions to materials science, engineering, and technology. IAAM is a renowned non-profit international scientific organization dedicated to fostering global collaboration in advanced materials research and addressing pressing societal challenges through materials innovation.

Each year, IAAM selects up to three outstanding scientists in each discipline of materials science, engineering, and technology to receive this honor.

As part of this recognition, Prof. Ravi will deliver a Fellow Lecture at the European Advanced Materials Congress in August 2025, where the title will be formally conferred.

International Association of Advanced Materials