Page 14 - Annual_Report_2015_2016
P. 14

Report on the Foundation

               CityU receives substantial donations to support       城大獲資助發展社區創新計劃
               social innovation projects

               CityU has received two major donations, over HK$52    城大獲得香港賽馬會慈善信託基金兩筆撥
               million in total, from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities   款支持大學兩項社區創意項目,總額達
               Trust in support of our community and social innovation   5,200萬港元。首個項目「賽馬會運算思維
               projects. The first project, CoolThink@JC, commenced in   教育」於2016年4月開始,旨在培養高
               April 2016, aims at promoting computational thinking and   小學生運算思維和創意電腦編程。第二個
               coding education for upper primary schools. The second   項目於2017年1月開始,利用虛擬實境技
               project, kicked off in January 2017, aims to promote   術培養青年的社會創新意念和同理心。
               social innovation and enhance social empathy of young   兩個項目均由副校長室(發展及對外關係)
               people through the use of augmented and virtual reality
               technologies. Both projects are led and coordinated by the
               Office of the Vice-President (Development and External

                                                                      Professor Way Kuo (3rd from left), Professor Matthew
                                                                      Lee Kwok-on (3rd from right) and the CityU project team
                                                                      members attended the CoolThink@JC Launch Ceremony.
       City University of Hong Kong Foundation  香港城市大學基金

                     I can feel the ceaseless efforts CityU has made all these years, and its
                     progress and developments are obvious to all.


                                                        Mr Winfred Chan Hon-pun
                                           Member of Board of Governors, CityU Foundation
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