Research Grants and Contracts Office - City University of Hong Kong

What's New

Grant & Awards Applications / Others Deadline Internal/External
RGC grant proposal writing Webinar1
The UGC Research Matching Grant Scheme (RMGS) has been concluded as of 22 July 2024.
ITF - Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) 7 October 2024CityU Internal
General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Schemes (ECS) 14 October 2024CityU Internal
RGC Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) and RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) 21 October 2024CityU Internal
National Key Technologies R&D Programme (for Hong Kong Institutions)
   - 癌症、心腦血管、呼吸和代謝性疾病防治研究
25 October 2024 CityU Internal
   - 長江黃河等重點流域水資源與水環境綜合治理
30 October 2024 CityU Internal
   - 中醫藥現代化
15 November 2024 CityU Internal
National Key Technologies R&D Programme
   - “深海與極地關鍵技術與裝備”重點專項
   - “海洋環境安全保障與島礁可持續發展”重點專項
1 November 2024 CityU Internal
   - “中醫藥現代化”重點專項 22 November 2024CityU Internal
   - “2025 年度中法傑出青年科研人員交流計畫”重點專項 8 November 2024CityU Internal
Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme (PASS) 11 November 2024CityU Internal
Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) 5 December 2024CityU Internal
Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) Research Fellowship Scheme 16 December 2024CityU Internal
Collaboration with the HKSI for applications to the Sports Science and Research Funding Scheme (SRFS) Refer to website
Start-up Grant for New Faculty (updated November 2020) Open all year round
ITF - Better Living (FBL) Open all year round
ITF - Public Sector Trial Scheme Open all year round
ITF - General Support Programme (GSP) Open all year round
ITF - HKRITA R&D Projects Open all year round
ITF - NAMI R&D Projects Open all year round
ITF - Partnership Research Programme (PRP) Open all year round
Chinese Medicine Development Fund – Industry Support Programme Open all year round
Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) Open all year round
BICI HK Collaborative Research Program (自主課題) Open all year round
Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme Open all year round
Smart Traffic Fund (STF) Open all year round
Hospital Authority Self-Service Data Platform Open all year round
Artificial Intelligence Subsidy Scheme (AISS) Open all year round
Please click to access from Office 365
Animal Ethical Review
Human Ethical Review
ERIC Quick User Guide for PIs
ERIC Quick User Guide for Heads/Deans
Please click to access iThenticate
User Guide for login iThenticate
Please click to access CityU Scholars 
Important Internal Reminders on Guidelines/ Prodecures 
ERIC Quick User Guide for Heads/Deans
Guidelines and Announcements
GRF/ECS Results of 2024-2025
Submission of Research Output, 2023-2024
Research Assessment Exercise 2026 (RAE 2026)
Application Notes for SSF
List of Ongoing Research Projects with Chemical Safety Clearance
RGC Code of Conduct (for reference by RGC grants Applicants and project PIs)
HRO Guidelines on Appointment of Research Support Staff
Endorsement Form for External Grant / Contract Research Applications  
Grading Structure for Research Support Staff

About Us

The Research Grants & Contracts Office is a central unit, led by the Associate Vice-President (Research), providing administrative support for the University's research activities. The Office is responsible for:
 1. providing support for research policy formulation and strategic planning;
 2. providing support services for the administration of internal and external research grants schemes, including funding allocation, monitoring research progress and expenditures, and evaluation of results;
 3. acting as a focal point for internal research information dissemination and external liaison;
 4. developing and maintaining a central database for research activities;
 5. supporting services for University Research Centre funding allocation and progress monitoring;
 6. co-ordinating major RGC grant applications: e.g. Areas of Excellence (AoE), Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS), Research Impact Fund (RIF);
 7. compilation of submissions for the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE);
 8. compilation of reports to the UGC and RGC on the University's research activities;
 9. providing secretarial support to the University's Research Committee and other Working Groups