Fun STEM @ CityU Physics - 物趣STEM在城大 [Open for Application]

The Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, will organize a 1-Day Discovery and Innovation Program Fun STEM @ CityU Physics 物趣 STEM 在城大 on 28 December 2018.

Date 日期 : 28-12-2018
Time 時間 : 9 am – 5 pm
Eligibility 活動對象 : Primary 4 Form 3 Students
Quota 名額 : 30 (P4- P6 Students 小四至小六學生)
30 (F1- F3 Students


Introduction 活動簡介

This program aims to promote the interest and active applications of STEM "Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics related fields" among the primary and secondary students in Hong Kong. We have invited Dr Monica Kan (Secretary General, Hong Kong Association of Medical Physics) to share with us the interesting applications of physics in everyday life and healthcare. Apart from visiting the University facilities and laboratories, participants could also create their own “inventions” with their talent and innovations at the project based learning workshops.

香港城市大學物理學系將於 2018 12 28 日舉辦為期一天 Fun STEM @ CityU Physics 物趣 STEM 在城大的科學探索體驗活動藉此提升中小學生對STEM)科學科技工程和數學等方面的興趣我們邀請了香港醫學物理學會秘書長簡慧君博士和參加者分享現今有趣的醫學科技。參加者除有機會參觀大學設施和實驗室外,他們還可參與工作坊親手製作自己的科學作品,從而啟發科學才能和創意。

A Certificate of Participation will be presented by Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong to all participants who completed the program.


This program is Free of Charge (*Participants have to bring their lunch or dine at CityU canteen at their own expenses.)



Program Rundown 活動日程 (Tentative 暫定)

Time 時間 Activity 活動
0900 0915 Registration 報到
0915 0930 Welcome and Briefing
0930 - 1030 Theme Talk on “Physics in Medicine @ Everyday Life” 專題講座:醫學物理之日常
1030 - 1230 CityU Campus Tour 城大漫遊
1230 1330 Lunch 午餐
1330 1630 Project-based Learning Workshops
1630 1700 Conclusion and Presentation of Certificates
1700 Dismissal 解散


Program Highlights 活動詳情

Theme Talk on “Physics in Medicine @ Everyday Life”

Speaker: Dr KAN Wai Kwan Monica 簡慧君博士

Secretary General, Hong Kong Association of Medical Physics (HKAMP)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Oncology, CUHK


Dr Monica Kan will discuss how physics is applied to our everyday life, particularly its contributions to medicine and health. At the same time, she will share with us the role of medical physicists in healthcare.



CityU Campus Tour 城大漫遊

Participants will join the guided tour of the following University facilities and laboratories:


  • CLP Low Carbon Energy Education Centre 中華電力低碳能源教育中心
  • Plasma Laboratory 等離子體實驗室
  • CityU Exhibition Gallery 香港城市大學展覽館
Project-Based Learning Workshops 物理學探索體驗工作坊

1. Innovations via Straws 創意飲管模型
    (P4P6 Students 小四至小六學生)

The Straw module aims to inspire the primary students to apply physics knowledge to daily life and promote an interest in science through creative experiments. The participants are given some straws, rubber bands and instructions to construct a castle, a bow and arrows. The group that propels the opponent castle the farthest is the winner.

飲管模型製作旨在啟發學生將物理知識應用於日常生活並通過創作性實驗增進對科學的興趣。參加者會分成小組使用主辦單位提供的飲管橡皮筋及製作指引製作一組作品作品包括三個部份 : 發射器、發射物及城堡。各組需以發射器向對方之城堡發射發射物,利用發射物把對方 的城堡擊退較遠距離者為勝。

2. Innovations via Hologram 全息圖創作  
    (F1 –F3 Students 中一至中三學生)

A regular photograph is only two-dimensional (2D) because it only records the INTENSITY of the light hitting the film, the shades of brightness and darkness. A hologram is three-dimensional (3D) because it records both the INTENSITY and the DIRECTION of the light that hits the film. This additional information is recorded in the interference pattern and allows you to look form different angle of the recorded film as if it was really there. In this workshop, you will create your own hologram at the optics laboratory.

一般照片僅為二維(2D)因為它僅記錄照射到底片上的光的強度記錄亮度和暗度的陰影 全息圖是三維的(3D),因為它記錄了擊中底片的光的強度和方向。此附加信息記錄在干涉圖案中,當你從不同角度望向底片,影像就像真的存在一樣。 這個專題研習讓你將走進光學實驗室,拍攝屬 於你自己的全息圖。


Application 報名辦法

Interested students should submit the completed application form to the General Office, Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, by email ( or fax (3442-0538).

有興趣參加的同學請把已填妥之報名表經電郵 ( 傳真方式 (3442-0538)回香港城市大學物理學系辦事處。

Application form can be downloaded here.


If the number of applicants exceeds the enrolment quota, participants will be selected by random draw. Successful applicants will be informed by email in early December 2018.
如報名人數超過活動名額本系將以抽籤的形式選出參加者我們會於 2018 12 月初以電郵通知有關學生


Deadline of Application 截止報名日期



Enquiry 查詢

General Office, Department of Physics, CityU

Tel: 3442-7831   

6 November 2018  #PHY  #outreach_activities