Physics Assistant Professors Awarded the Collaborative Research Fund

Dr. Denver Li and Dr. Junzhang Ma, our Assistant Professors, have been awarded the Collaborative Research Equipment Grant, under the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) 2022/23. We are proud of their achievement since it is extremely rare for Assistant Professor to receive CRF as Project Coordinator. Their project entitled “Advanced Integrated In-Situ Laser Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy Platform for Quantum Materials Research”, with the requested budget of $5,875,000 fully granted from the Research Grants Council. Since the University will also match the same amount to the project - the total funding reaches nearly HK$12M.

The project will establish Hong Kong's first interconnected angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and laser molecular-beam epitaxy system; the construction, usage and maintenance of this integrated equipment, require expertise from both Dr. Li and Dr. Ma that are currently unique in Hong Kong. Dr. Li is the Project Coordinator and Dr. Ma is the leading Co-PI of the project, they will also collaborate with other Co-PIs from local sister institutions.

6 February 2023  #achievement