Dr. Denver Li Shortlisted for MIT’s TR35 China

Dr. Denver Li Shortlisted for MIT’s TR35 China

Article Source
CityU NewsCentre (23 Feb 2022)

MIT Technology Review
Innovators Under 35 of China
TR35 China (in Chinese only)

Dr Denver Li


Dr. LI Danfeng Denver, Assistant Professor in the Department, has been shortlisted for MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 (TR35) China, being one of the only two awardees in Hong Kong.

TR35 elects 35 leading figures under the age of 35 from all over the world who have had a profound impact on the future development of science and technology.

Dr. Li joined CityU in 2020. His research spans superconductor and superconductivity. In 2019, Dr. Li and a research team from Stanford University set a precedent, as they successfully discovered nickel oxide thin film superconductors in the world. The team also constructed an infinite layer of nickel oxide superconducting phase diagram for the first time, resulting in a wave of research on nickel oxide superconductivity.

“I appreciate CityU’s support and will continue to work hard with my colleagues to pursue academic excellence,” Dr. Li said.

CityU has been actively recruiting professors at all levels from around the world in the past two years. There has been a net increase of about 100 new faculty, which is the largest strategic recruitment effort since the University was founded, with the highest increase and increase rate among the eight universities. Many of the new hires are young professors with excellent potential.

In 2010, MIT Technology Review carried out a regional selection for TR35 for the first time and launched the China selection in 2017. TR35 was set up in 1999.

2 March 2022  #achievement