MSc Applied Physics Admissions 2021/22 [Apply Now!]

The Department of Physics now invites applications for admission to our taught postgraduate programme, Master of Science in Applied Physics, in 2021/22.

This programme provides post-graduate level training in applied physics with highly marketable professional skills in the sub-fields of Bio-medical Physics*Energy Materials Physics and General Advanced Physics. In addition to an advanced physics education, the graduates will gain knowledge of physical principles and how these principles can be applied to practical problems in specific related professions. 

The training and knowledge provided are suitable for employment as medical technical specialists as well as engineers/researchers in electronic and renewable energy industries in Hong Kong, China and other Asian countries. Graduates of this programme will have the flexibility to seek employment in the industry as well as pursuing Ph.D. studies in a broad range of related fields (e.g. Physics, Materials Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering).

To learn more about our MSc Applied Physics programme, please click here. For details about entrance requirements and application procedures, please click here.

Application Deadline: 

Local:        31 July 2021
Non-local:  Application Closed

* the Bio-medical Physics electives in this programme will not be offered in 2021/2022.

24 November 2020  #PHY  #PG