Celebration of Physics – PHY Annual Symposium 2020 (Online)

PHY Annual Symposium 2020 – Celebration of Physics was held via Zoom on 29 May 2020. Prof. Raymond Chan (Dean, College of Science; Chair Professor of Mathematics) and Prof. Xun-Li Wang (Head of Department; Chair Professor of Physics) kicked off the online symposium with encouraging remarks for all students and faculties. The speakers of research talk sessions are Dr Ivan Borzenets, Dr Chai Yu, Dr Dai Laing and Dr Xiao Li. Apart from the enlightening talks by the PHY faculties, 9 students were selected for the Best Poster Awards (Undergraduate Final Year Project/Undergraduate Research Attachment Scheme/Postgraduate) as a recognition of their excellent efforts in their research discoveries. The Faculty Service Awards 2019 were also announced at the symposium. Dr Liu Qi ad Dr Dai Liang are honored for their outstanding contributions to the new MSc in Applied Physics program.

Celebration of Physics – PHY Annual Symposium is an annual signature event of Department of Physics, CityU. It not only provides a platform to showcase the research achievements of PHY students, but also promotes the collaborative research culture across the department. The Organizing Committee of this year was headed by Dr Xiao Li. 

01 Jun 2020