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Industrial Workshop 2022

6 Speakers

Date & Time
22 May 2022 (Sun) | 09:30 AM - 04:00 PM

Language: English/ Putonghua


Professional experts from local and international financial/technological firms are invited to give seminars on the applications of mathematics to real-world problems such as AI neural network, risk analytics, etc. The insightful talks will broaden students' horizons on the prospect/challenge/opportunity of different mathematics related professions. Some participating firms will offer industrial final-year projects and internship opportunities to students of the Department.

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Programme Details


Talk Time Programme / Speaker  
  9:30am - 9:55am Registration
  9:55am - 10:00am Opening Speech (Prof. Raymond Chan)

10:00am - 10:40am

The Power of Abstraction and Reasoning
--- The Important Lessons that I have Learned as a student of Mathematics

Dr. C. K. WONG

iASPEC Technologies Group, Chairman

10:40am – 11:20am

Application of Mathematics in Financial Derivatives and Structured Products

Dr. Yves GUO

Managing director at BNP Paribas Hong Kong

11:20am - 12:00 noon

Next Generation AI Robotic Indoor Positioning System by Fusion of 3D Magnetic Sensor and Depth Camera


Mr. Rick, Tiande MO
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Head of Green and Smart Mobility /Smart City Division
Head of Business Development Unit/Automotive Platforms & Application Systems R & D Centre

12:00 noon - 12:40pm

Data Visualization

Ms. Elizabeth KWONG

Nova Credit Limited, Head of Business Insight & Risk Strategy Advisory (Graduate of 1997 cohort)
2:00pm – 2:40pm

Pavement 3D Laser Scanning

Mr. K. K. CHAN

Freetech Road Recycling Technology (holdings) Limited, Executive Director

2:40pm - 3:20pm

The current trend of terminal solutions of Internet of Things (IoT) and opportunities

(物联网行业终端现状与机会) - (Conduct in Mandarin)

Mr. Heqi WANG

Shenzhen Unicair Communication Technology Co. Ltd.
Co-founder and Deputy General Manager

Last update: 20 May 2022