
(A) The Principal Officers of the University
The Honourable John LEE Ka-chiu, GBM, SBS, PDSM, PMSM ( 李家超 )
Dr CHUNG Shui-ming, GBS, JP ( 鍾瑞明 )
Mr Lester Garson HUANG, SBS, JP ( 黃嘉純 )
Chairman of the Council
Ms Lilian CHIANG Sui-fook, MH ( 蔣瑞福 )
Deputy Chairman of the Council
Mr Charles CHIN Ying-on ( 錢應安 )
Professor Freddy BOEY Yin Chiang ( 梅彥昌 )
(B) The Deputy President, the Provost, the Vice-Presidents, the Associate Provost(s), the Deans & their equivalent
Professor LEE Chun-sing ( 李振聲 ) 
Provost and Deputy President
Professor Michael YANG Mengsu ( 楊夢甦 )
Senior Vice-President (Innovation and Enterprise)
Professor LI Wen-jung ( 李文榮 )
Vice-President (Talent and International Strategy)
Professor LU Chun ( 魯春 )
Vice-President (Mainland Strategy)
Professor CHAN Chi-hou ( 陳志豪 )
Vice-President (Community Engagement)
Miss Maggie CHAU Choi-ying ( 周彩英 )
Vice-President (Administration)
Professor Alan WAN Tze-kin ( 温子堅 )
Associate Provost (Academic Affairs)
Professor Ray CHEUNG Chak-chung ( 張澤松 )
Associate Provost (Digital Learning)
Professor Stephen SHUM Wan-hang ( 岑運亨 )
Associate Provost (Quality Assurance and Accountability)
Professor Dannii YEUNG Yuen-lan ( 楊婉蘭 )
Associate Provost (Student Life)
Professor YUE Chee-yoon ( 茹智遠 )
Dean of Graduate Studies
Professor CHAN Ka-lok ( 陳家樂 )
Dean of College of Business
Professor WANG Jianping ( 汪建平 )
Dean of College of Computing
Professor LU Jian ( 呂堅 )
Dean of College of Engineering
Professor Alfred HO Tat-kei ( 何達基 )
Dean of College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Professor Xin WANG ( 王昕 )
Dean of College of Science
Professor Vanessa Rosemary Duke BARRS
Dean of Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences
Professor AARSETH Espen Johannes
Dean of School of Creative Media
Professor Kenneth LEUNG Mei-yee ( 梁美儀 )
Dean of School of Energy and Environment
Professor LIN Feng ( 林峰 )
Dean of School of Law
Professor Henry CHUNG Shu-hung ( 鍾樹鴻 )
Dean of Students
(C) The Members of the Council
Please click this link for the most updated membership of the Council
(D) The Members of the Senate
Please click this link for the most updated membership of the Senate PDF  
(E) Not more than 20 members, appointed by the Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Council
Dr Sunny CHAI Ngai-chiu, SBS, JP ( 查毅超 )
Miss Edlyn CHENG Wei-chi ( 鄭慧慈 )
Dr Eric CHIANG Hsin ( 江昕 )
Mr Tony CHOI Chi-keung ( 蔡志強 )
Dr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, JP ( 鍾志平 )
Mr Wilson CHUNG Kwok-yi ( 鍾國儀 )
Dr Andrew FAN Ka-fai ( 范家輝 )
Dr Colin LAM Ko-yin, SBS ( 林高演 )
Ms Lisa LAU Man-man, BBS, MH, JP ( 劉文文 )
Mr LAU Tat-chuen ( 劉達泉 )
Dr Joseph LEE Chung-tak, GBS, OStJ, JP ( 李宗德 )
Dr Martin LEE Ka-shing, GBS, JP ( 李家誠 )
Ms Christina Maisenne LEE, JP ( 李美辰 )
Ms Anna LEE See-wing ( 李詩詠 )
Mr Alexander LUI Yiu-wah ( 呂耀華 )
Mr Eric MA Siu-cheung, GBS, JP ( 馬紹祥 )
Dr Allen SHI Lop-tak, SBS, MH, JP ( 史立德 )
Mr Simon TSANG Cheong-wai ( 曾章偉 )
Mr Herbert TSOI Hak-kong, BBS, JP ( 蔡克剛 )
Ms Grace YU Ho-wun, MH ( 余皓媛 )
(F) Not more than 20 members appointed by the Council
Dr Harry S BANGA ( 哈利‧般哥 )
Ms Bonita CHAN Bow-ye ( 陳寶儀 )
Professor CHAN Kei-biu, MH ( 陳其鑣 )
Ms Jenny CHAN Pik-ha ( 陳碧夏 )
Mr Stephen CHAN Man, JP ( 陳文 )
Dr Gary CHENG Faat-ting ( 鄭發丁 )
Mrs Janice CHOI KWAN Wing-kum, BBS, MH, JP ( 蔡關穎琴 )
Ms Quince CHONG Wai-yan, JP ( 莊偉茵 )
Miss Lily CHOW ( 周莉莉 )
Ms Cordelia CHUNG, MH ( 鍾郝儀 )
Dr Emmie HO Ngai-man ( 何毅雯 )
Professor Albert IP Yuk-keung ( 葉毓強 )
Ms Catherine KWAI Yuk-nin ( 季玉年 )
Mrs Natalia SENG SZE Ka-mee ( 沈施加美 )
Mr Abraham SHEK Lai-him, GBS, JP ( 石禮謙 )
Professor Cliff SUN Kai-lit, BBS, JP ( 孫啟烈 )
Mr Patrick TSANG On-yip, BBS ( 曾安業 )
Dr WONG Chun-hong, SBS ( 黃俊康 )
Ir Dr Conrad WONG Tin-cheung, BBS, JP ( 黃天祥 )
Mr Vincent WONG Yin-shun, MH ( 王賢訊 )
Secretary to Council & Secretary to the Court

Professor Kevin DOWNING ( 唐寧 )

Information as at 1 September 2024