Departmental Events


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 知识库及应用 Knowledge Base and Applications
The Construction of Knowledge Base on Pre-Qin Chinese Reduplication
Presenters: Yonghong Ke and Lingjie Leng


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 知识库及应用 Knowledge Base and Applications
Construction of General Lexical-Semantic Knowledge Graph
Presenters: Yi Li, Yanqiu Shao and Yuhang Zhao


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 知识库及应用 Knowledge Base and Applications
Presenters: 张坤丽,任晓辉,庄雷,昝红英,张维聪,穗志方


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 知识库及应用 Knowledge Base and Applications
Presenter: 周启红