21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 动词语义研究 Lexical Semantics of Verbs
Presenter: 石若玉


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 动词语义研究 Lexical Semantics of Verbs
Presenter: 尹常乐


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 动词语义研究 Lexical Semantics of Verbs
Angry Thunder and Vicious Frost: Remarks on the Unaccusativity of Chinese Weather Verbs
Presenters: Sicong Dong, Jie Xu and Chu-Ren Huang


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 动词语义研究 Lexical Semantics of Verbs
Presenters: 赵果, 郝一培, 张恩璐


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 动词语义研究 Lexical Semantics of Verbs
Presenter: 徐毅发


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 动词语义研究 Lexical Semantics of Verbs
Mandarin Physical Contact Verbs: a Frame-based Constructional Approach
Presenters: Meichun Liu, Tianqi He, Hongfeng He and Yifan Cao


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 动词语义研究 Lexical Semantics of Verbs
Presenters: 石高峰, 杨彩影, 邢红兵


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 封闭类词义研究 Lexical Semantics of Closed Class Words
Presenters: 南宏宇, 俞理明


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 封闭类词义研究 Lexical Semantics of Closed Class Words
Presenter: 杨洁


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 封闭类词义研究 Lexical Semantics of Closed Class Words
Presenters: 王立永, 张韧


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 封闭类词义研究 Lexical Semantics of Closed Class Words
Presenter: 陈忠


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 封闭类词义研究 Lexical Semantics of Closed Class Words
Presenter: 王恩旭


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 封闭类词义研究 Lexical Semantics of Closed Class Words
Presenter: 沈园


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 封闭类词义研究 Lexical Semantics of Closed Class Words
Diagnosing the Multidimensionality of nàme ‘that’ in Mandarin Equatives
Presenter: Fan Liu


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 封闭类词义研究 Lexical Semantics of Closed Class Words
Plurality and Categorial Interpretation: the case of Proper Noun-men in Mandarin Chinese
Presenters: Yan Li and Huahung Yuan


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 封闭类词义研究 Lexical Semantics of Closed Class Words
Degree Intensification and Sentential Functions in Chengdu Chinese
Presenters: Jiajuan Xiong and Feng-Fan Hsieh


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 构式和形式语义学研究 Construction-based and Formal Approaches to Lexical Semantics
On the Interaction of Future and Perfective Aspect in Mandarin Chinese
Presenter: Jiun-Shiung Wu


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 构式和形式语义学研究 Construction-based and Formal Approaches to Lexical Semantics
Presenters: 张蕾, 潘海华


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 构式和形式语义学研究 Construction-based and Formal Approaches to Lexical Semantics
A DM-based Approach to the Lack of Monomorphemic Causative Verbs in Mandarin Chinese
Presenters: Daran Yang and Xiao Chang


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 构式和形式语义学研究 Construction-based and Formal Approaches to Lexical Semantics
A Modal Base Analysis of Mandarin Accomplishment Predicates
Presenters: Xiaoqian Zhang, Yingyi Luo and Jianhua Hu


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 构式和形式语义学研究 Construction-based and Formal Approaches to Lexical Semantics
Presenters: 刘智浪, 罗琼鹏


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 构式和形式语义学研究 Construction-based and Formal Approaches to Lexical Semantics
Profiling Chinese Cause-effect Constructions with rang(讓), shi (使) and ling (令) Using Frame semantic Features
Presenters: Andreas Liesenfeld, Meichun Liu and Chu-Ren Huang


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 构式和形式语义学研究 Construction-based and Formal Approaches to Lexical Semantics
Deriving Various Affected Subjects in Bei-passives
Presenters: Yu-Yin Hsu and Jun Chen


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 构式和形式语义学研究 Construction-based and Formal Approaches to Lexical Semantics
Subjective Negative Structure in Chinese: A Case study of Uncorrelated Da+NP (de) Sentence
Presenter: Xue Zhang


21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop

Field: 构式和形式语义学研究 Construction-based and Formal Approaches to Lexical Semantics
Three Types of Classifier Reduplication and Verbal Plurality
Presenter: Huahung Yuan