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Smart Mask improves personal and public health by detecting breathing, coughing and speaking

Smart Mask improves personal and public health by detecting breathing, coughing and speaking
31 OCT 2022

Dr. Yu Xinge and the collaborators from sister departments have developed an Internet of Things (IoT) Smart Mask integrating an ultrathin nanocomposite sponge structure-based soundwave sensor, which can detect and classify various respiratory sounds (breathing, coughing and speaking) using deep learning, thus helping to improve personal and public health.

WeTac can provide tactile stimulation and measure the sensation thresholds of users in a flexible way. By mapping the thresholds for different electrical parameters, personalized threshold data can be acquired to reproduce virtual touching sensations on the hand with optimized stimulation intensity and avoid causing pain.

The paper was published in the high-impact factor journal Advanced Science:

Selected press coverage:
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Last modified on 4 November, 2022