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New Soft Tactile Sensor for Fine Control

New Soft Tactile Sensor for Fine Control
New Soft Tactile Sensor for Fine Control
24 FEB 2021

Dr. Yajing SHEN and his team have developed a new soft tactile sensor that allows for fine control of grasped objects. Existing tactile sensors for robotics applications are difficult to perform accurate force decoupling and proper spatial resolution at the same time. As the new skin-like sensor mimics the multi-layered nature of the skin, a robotic gripper with it mounted at the fingertip could accomplish certain tasks such as stably grasping fragile objects and threading a needle. Dr. SHEN believes that the sensor could be beneficial to various applications in the robotics field, such as adaptive grasping, dextrous manipulation, texture recognition, smart prosthetics and human-robot interaction.

The paper has been recently published in the scientific journal Science Robotics, titled "Soft magnetic skin for super-resolution tactile sensing with force self-decoupling".

Press coverage:
(18 May 2021) 高效觸感機械手抓豆腐不碎 [Hong Kong Economic Journal]
(18 May 2021) CityU Develops Advanced Robot Sensors to Facilitate Superior Touch and Feel [OPEN GOV ASIA]
(17 May 2021) 城大研仿人皮傳感技術助截肢者 [Headline Daily]
(17 May 2021) 城大研究團隊研發新型觸覺傳感技術 [Hong Kong Commercial Daily]
(17 May 2021) 城大開發觸覺傳感技術 如人類皮膚 [Hong Kong Economic Times]
(17 May 2021) 傳感器媲美皮膚觸覺 機械手有望靈巧如人 [Ming Pao]
(17 May 2021) 城大研發觸感機械手 可穿針抓豆腐 [Ta Kung Pao]
(16 May 2021) 城大研發出兩項機械觸覺傳感新技術 可媲美人類皮膚觸感 [TOPick]
(1 Apr 2021) 觸覺皮膚再進化 機器人也能穿針引線 [Digities]
(7 Mar 2021) A skin-like sensor allows a trap to perform difficult tasks [Oneindia News]
(3 Mar 2021) Skin-Like Sensor for Fine Control of Prosthetic Arms [medgadget]
(1 Mar 2021) Novel soft tactile sensor with skin-comparable characteristics for robots [techxplore]

Last modified on 9 August, 2021