社會工作實習教育 , 發現與創新 , 社工 , 教育 , 實習課程 , 社工實習 , 國際研討會 , 國際會議 , 應用社會科學系 , 社會工作與社會行政學系 , 香港大學 , 社會工作系 , 香港中文大學 , 社會福利機構 , 合作式學習 , 督導模型 , 學生學習 , 成效評估 , 科技應用 , 全球化 , 最佳論文摘要獎 , 郭黎玉晶, 博士 , 徐永德, 林靜雯博士 , 陳智豪 , 張偉良 , 蔡惠敏 , 羅明輝 , 羅亦華, 梁芷芳, 梁倩儀, 李紫媚, 盧希皿, 樓瑋群, 林一星, 吳兆文, 譚巧蓮, 陶兆銘 , 曾潔雯 , 楊偉強 , 盧鐵榮教授 , 陳麗雲教授 , 馬麗莊教授 , 加拿大多倫多大學 , 英國薩塞克斯大學 , 澳大利亞昆士蘭大學 , 惠卿劇院 , 郭位教授 , 主題演講 , 分組討論 , 全體會議 , M21 多媒體服務 , 香港青年協會 , 房協長者安居資源中心 , 香港房屋協會 , 都市綠洲及心靈綠洲 , 基督教家庭服務中心 , 盲人工廠 , 香港盲人輔導會 , 提交論文摘要 , 優質實習教育的最佳實踐: 概念及實證貢獻以建立實習指導模型 , 這是誰的課程? 社會工作教育全球化和知識 , 概念化及促進實習教育的質素 , 學生項目, 香港城市大學, 城大, 應用社會科學系,正向教育, 正向心理, 培訓, 研究, 聖雅各福群會, 香港明愛, 信義會, 東華三院, 禮賢會, 北山堂基金, 香港小童群益會, 幸福, 馬丁 沙利文, 馬丁, 沙利文, 正向情緒, 全情投入, 正向關係, 意義, 成就感, 神馳, 美德, 品格強項, 家庭時光之旅大冒險, 安樂窩, 青少年抑鬱, 焦慮



  1. Social Welfare Development Fund from the Social Welfare Department to St. James Settlement, An evaluation study on the needs of families in Hong Kong, 2014-2015, Principal Investigator, HKD 162,000.
  2. Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, A Study of an Emotions Coaching Program (ECP) for Children and Adolescent with Anxiety Features - Using Protective Factors to Enhance Positive Changes, 2014-2016, Co-investigator, HKD 350,776.
  3. Social Welfare Development Fund from the Social Welfare Department to St. James Settlement, An evaluative study on the care and support service for deprived families, 2013-2014, Principal Investigator, HKD 160,000.  
  4. Quality Education Fund, ELCHK Life Angel Education Centre, Happiness enhancement project: Application of positive psychology to alleviate adolescent anxiety, 2013-2014, Principal Investigator, HKD 120,000.
  5. Social Welfare Development Fund from the Social Welfare Department to the Chinese Rhenish Church HK Synod Social Services, Application of positive psychology: Personal growth and development project, 2013-2015, Principal Investigator, HKD 192,000.
  6. Caritas Children and Youth, Community Services, A research project on parent-child relationship, Principal Investigator, 2013-2014, HKD 84,240.
  7. Quality Education Fund, Application of positive psychology to promote whole child development in pre-primary education, Principal Investigator, 2013-2014, HKD 300,000.
  8. Social Welfare Development Fund from the Social Welfare Department to St. James Settlement, Applying positive psychology to adolescents with anxiety and depression, Principal Investigator, 2012-2013, HKD 60,000.
  9. Social Welfare Development Fund from the Social Welfare Department to St. James Settlement, Parenting pattern and service needs of low income families in Hong Kong – Reflection from positive psychology approach, Principal Investigator, 2011-2012, HKD 144,795.
  10. Social Welfare Development Fund from Social Welfare Department to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Anxiety among primary school students: The perspectives of parents and teachers, Co-investigator, 2012-2013, HKD 100,000.
  11. CLASS Research Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Integration of positive psychology and elements of music therapy to alleviate child depression, 2015-2016, Principal Investigator, HKD 350,000.
  12. Teaching Development Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Students’ theory application and creation of a website to promote happy and positive families, 2014-2016, Principal Investigator, HKD 180,000.
  13. Idea Incubator Fund, City University of Hong Kong, Application of positive psychology to develop program manual for primary school moral education, 2013-2016, Principal Investigator, HKD 350,000.
  14. CLASS Research Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Correlates of child abuse and neglect among new immigrant parents in Hong Kong, 2013-2014, Principal Investigator, HKD 60,000, Completed.
  15. CLASS Research Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Relationship between parenting correlates and marital satisfaction of Chinese mothers, 2012-2013, Principal Investigator, HKD 60,000, Completed.
  16. Strategic Research Grant, City University of Hong Kong, The impact of live-in foreign domestic helpers on Chinese families in Hong Kong – Implications for policy formulation related to child development, 2012-2014, Principal Investigator, HKD 180,000, Completed.
  17. Teaching Development Grant, City University of Hong Kong, Development of an interactive web-based self-learning package: Integrating family therapy into practice, 2011-2012, Principal Investigator, HKD 179,981.
  18. Idea Incubator Fund, City University of Hong Kong, Application of family therapy concepts to the development and production of family play materials, 2012-2013, Principal Investigator, HKD 536,200.


  1. Principal Investigator, Web-based Learning Environment for Counselling practicum Students, funded by Teaching Start-Up Grant, HKD 99,721.
  2. Co-Investigator, in SRG Project “A ‘process-outcome’ study of a “learner-responsive” approach to parent education: How parents learn and what they learn in a four-session “Self-learning in Parenthood” progarmme

  3. Co-investigator, “Validating the Professional Suitability Scale for Social Work Practice” This is a multi-sites international collaborative projects between Canadian and 
    Hong Kong Researchers. Part of the findings have been presented at the 2013 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Social Work Education.

  4. Co-Investigator, “ An exploratory study on the use of protective factors in support of children and adolescents with anxiety features” with Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

  5. Co-Investigator, “Family Needs Assessment” with St. James Settlement

  6. Co-Investigator, “Positive Education Project” funded by Bei Shan Tang Foundation HKD 904,064.


  1. Evaluation study on The Women’s Foundation life skills program 2013 – 2014. Co-Principle Investigator, 11/2013 – 10/2014 (The Women’s Foundation: $327,750). 

  2. Evaluation study on The Women’s Foundation life skills program for secondary school students. Co-Principal Investigator, 11/2012 – 10/2013 (The Women’s Foundation: $112,125)

  3. A journey of recovery: study on the effectiveness of art therapy in relapse prevention of young psychotropic substance abusers in Hong Kong (愛‧創路 – 探索藝術治療在預防青少年重復吸食精神科藥物的成效). Principal investigator, 2/2011 – 7/2012 (CUHK – Direct Grant: $20,800). 

  4. Study on young people’s attitudes toward sex and sex education provided by schools in Kowloon City: views from junior secondary school students, teachers who are responsible for sex education in schools and the active cases from outreaching social work service, 2010 (Principal investigator - Collaboration with NGOs in Kowloon City).


  1. City University of Hong Kong Teaching Start-up Grant (Hong Kong), Promoting inter-disciplinary learning and research between Psychology students and students from other disciplines, 2014-15, Principal Investigator.