社會工作實習教育 , 發現與創新 , 社工 , 教育 , 實習課程 , 社工實習 , 國際研討會 , 國際會議 , 應用社會科學系 , 社會工作與社會行政學系 , 香港大學 , 社會工作系 , 香港中文大學 , 社會福利機構 , 合作式學習 , 督導模型 , 學生學習 , 成效評估 , 科技應用 , 全球化 , 最佳論文摘要獎 , 郭黎玉晶, 博士 , 徐永德, 林靜雯博士 , 陳智豪 , 張偉良 , 蔡惠敏 , 羅明輝 , 羅亦華, 梁芷芳, 梁倩儀, 李紫媚, 盧希皿, 樓瑋群, 林一星, 吳兆文, 譚巧蓮, 陶兆銘 , 曾潔雯 , 楊偉強 , 盧鐵榮教授 , 陳麗雲教授 , 馬麗莊教授 , 加拿大多倫多大學 , 英國薩塞克斯大學 , 澳大利亞昆士蘭大學 , 惠卿劇院 , 郭位教授 , 主題演講 , 分組討論 , 全體會議 , M21 多媒體服務 , 香港青年協會 , 房協長者安居資源中心 , 香港房屋協會 , 都市綠洲及心靈綠洲 , 基督教家庭服務中心 , 盲人工廠 , 香港盲人輔導會 , 提交論文摘要 , 優質實習教育的最佳實踐: 概念及實證貢獻以建立實習指導模型 , 這是誰的課程? 社會工作教育全球化和知識 , 概念化及促進實習教育的質素 , 學生項目, 香港城市大學, 城大, 應用社會科學系,正向教育, 正向心理, 培訓, 研究, 聖雅各福群會, 香港明愛, 信義會, 東華三院, 禮賢會, 北山堂基金, 香港小童群益會, 幸福, 馬丁 沙利文, 馬丁, 沙利文, 正向情緒, 全情投入, 正向關係, 意義, 成就感, 神馳, 美德, 品格強項, 家庭時光之旅大冒險, 安樂窩, 青少年抑鬱, 焦慮



  1. UGC Teaching and Learning Fund, Enhancing university students’ well-being and positive learning experiences – Application of positive education, 2017-2020, Principal Investigator, HKD 5,703,000.

  2. Bei Shan Tang Foundation (Hong Kong), The application of positive educationto nurture wellbeing and promote mental health of primary school students, 2015-2019, Principal Investigator, HKD 4,200,000 (for stage 1 to 3).

  3. Wofoo Social Enterprises Fund, Whole school positive education in primary schools, 2017-2019, Principal Investigator, HKD 1,000,000.

  4. UGC Teaching and Learning Fund, A collaborative forum for the enhancement of Social Work practicum education in Hong Kong, 2014-2016, Principal Investigator, HKD 1,000,000.

  5. Mental Health Association, Application of positive psychology to mental health setting – A holistic approach, 2018-2020, Principal Investigator, HKD 620,000.

  6. Caritas Family Service (Hong Kong), Practice research for a suicide prevention project, 2016-2018, Principal Investigator, HKD 500,000.

  7. General Research Grant, Integrating positive psychology and elements of music therapy for treating adolescents with suicidal ideation, Principal Investigator, 2013-2016, HKD 403,800. 


  1. General Research Fund (GRF), University Grant Council (UGC), Group Storytelling Intervention Based on Social Information Processing (SIP) Model to Reduce Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Young Schoolchildren, 2018 – 2020, Principal Investigator, HKD $683,200.

  2. General Research Fund (GRF), University Grant Council (UGC), Perceived Overparenting and Developmental Outcomes of Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong, 2018 – 2020, Co-investigator, HKD $649,000.

  3. General Research Fund (GRF), University Grant Council (UGC), Omega-3 supplementation to reduce externalizing behavior problems in risk-taking adolescents: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial, 2015 – 2018, Co-Investigator, HKD 730,300.


  1. Survey on the influences of online activities to the lives of young people in Tai Po District. Principal Investigator – Collaborate with Hong Kong Children and Youth Services Tai Po District Youth Outreaching Social Work Team, 10/2014 – present (Tai Po District Council: $35,000).


  1. Co-investigator, P.A.T.H.S. III, a three-year community-based Youth Enhancement Programme funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Amount of Grant: HK$8.074 million (2012-2016).


  1. Promoting wellbeing of families with children at-risk of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Health Care and Promotion Fund, April 2015- September 2016, Jerf Yeung (Co-I). 
  2. Dreams Making Journal: A project to support disadvantaged families for health development of their young children in socially deprived neighborhoods in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, September 2014- November 2017, Jerf Yeung (PI). 
  3. Religion, family socialization and developmental problems of adolescent children in Hong Kong, CityU Start-Up Grant, July 2014 – February 2016, Jerf Yeung (PI).


  1. City University of Hong Kong Teaching Development Grant (Hong Kong), Enhancing students’ English-language test performance through stress re-appraisal, 2017-18, Principal Investigator.  
  2. Research Grants Council General Research Fund (Hong Kong), Processing segmental and tonal information in the production of Cantonese speech: An event-related brain potential study, 2017 to 2018, Principal Investigator.