Eng · ·

Poster Presentation (B)

Go through the part about the features of poster presentation and test your understanding by taking the following quiz!

1. Which of the following is NOT a typical structural feature of poster presentations?

  • A. Greeting the audience at the beginning
  • B. Self-introduction at the beginning
  • C. Stating the contribution made by the research in the methodology
  • D. Starting from the introduction, methodology, results to discussion

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical sentential feature of poster presentations?

  • A. Use of simple sentence structure
  • B. Use of complicated sentence structure
  • C. Use of past tense in the methodology section
  • D. Use of active voice

3. Which of the following is a typical lexical feature of poster presentations?

  • A. Use of signposting devices
  • B. Use of first and second personal pronouns
  • C. Use of comparative and/or comparative adjectives in the results
  • D. All of the above

4. What is the function of incorporating an anecdote at the beginning of poster presentations?

  • A. To capture the audience’s attention and arouse their interest
  • B. To let the audience understand the rationale behind the study
  • C. To make the presentation more concise
  • D. To extend the time of presentation

5. In poster presentations, where should we state the contribution made by the research?

  • A. Introduction only
  • B. Conclusion only
  • C. Results and discussion
  • D. Introduction and conclusion

6. Why is it important to use signposting devices?

  • A. To make the content of the presentation more comprehensible
  • B. To guide the audience through the presentation according to the chronological order or degree of significance
  • C. To highlight the logical flow of the arguments
  • D. All of the above

7. What is the function of indicating immediacy in poster presentations?

  • A. To pinpoint the urgency of the issue or problem under study, as to increase the significance of the research
  • B. To address the audience directly and increase interactivity with the audience
  • C. To increase the value of the research and intensify the audience’s interest of the research
  • D. To link the research discussion to an action in the past

8. Which of the following includes an in-group marker?

  • A. Do you know how much food we waste on our campus every day?
  • B. The interviewees agreed that public transportation is necessary to their daily life.
  • C. I hope the research can explore the relationship between water quality and the brain development of children.
  • D. We invited 10 students and 20 teachers to indicate their attitude towards exercising.

9. If we want to increase the interactivity of a poster presentation, what should we do?

  • A. Use of a clear structure starting from introduction, methodology, results to discussion
  • B. Use of sentences with complicated structure
  • C. Use of first and second personal pronouns and questions
  • D. None of the above

10. Which of the following statements about the use of tense in poster presentations is correct?

  • A. We have to use present tense throughout the presentation due to consistency.
  • B. We must not use future tense in any part in order to reduce confusion of the research.
  • C. We can freely use different tenses to arouse the audience’s interest in the research.
  • D. None of the above.