Eng · ·

Sentential Features

1. Use of simple sentence structure
Function: To make the presentation more concise and avoid any unnecessary confusion.
Example: “A semi-structured interview, which lasted for 30 minutes, was carried out to collect qualitative data.” → “We carried out a semi-structured interview to collect qualitative data. It lasted for 30 minutes.”

2. Use of active voice
Function: To emphasize the active role of the researcher/presenter in the research process.
Example: “We interviewed 30 students about their expenditure after applying for credit cards.”

3. Use of present tense in the introduction
Function: To highlight the immediacy of the particular issue/problem under study.
Example: “A lot of undergraduates own one or more credit cards nowadays.”

4. Use of past tense in the methodology
Function: To indicate the past actions taken by the researcher/presenter in his/her investigation.
Example: “We designed a questionnaire with 10 questions about shopping habits.”

5. Use of (rhetorical) questions
Function: To attract the audience’s attention and prompt their thinking about a particular issue/To increase the interactivity of the presentation.
Example: “As you may know, a lot of undergraduates have part-time jobs. But, do you think they can strike a work-life balance between study and work?