9 March 2023

Clinical Attachment Visit to Host Lab for their Continued Professional Collaborations, Commend Students’ Dedications

Clinical attachment visit to Quality HealthCare Medical Group.
Clinical attachment visit to Quality HealthCare Medical Group.
Interaction between Head of Department and Year-4 students during attachment visit.
Interaction between Head of Department and Year-4 students during attachment visit.

On 7 March 2023, Prof. Yu Huang, Head of Department and our Clinical Attachment Coordinators (Dr Jackie Pon and Ms Fannie Tsang) paid a visit to Quality HealthCare Medical Group. During the clinical visit, they were able to meet with the clinical staff and observe the operations of the lab and facilitates including specimen reception areas, hematology bench, clinical chemistry automation, medical microbiology rooms and molecular clean zone. The Head and Coordinators also met with the lab director, manager and mentor to discuss areas for improvement in the clinical program. They discussed ways to enhance the learning experience for the students and improve the quality of care provided by the lab.

The visit also included a progress visit to our Year-4 Biomedical Sciences major students’ attachment at the lab. They were impressed with the level of professionalism and dedication demonstrated by our students during the clinical attachment and appreciated their hard work and commitment to learning. This also provided an opportunity for the Head and Coordinators to interact with the students and gather feedback on their experience at the hospital. The students expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to be attached to such a reputable institution and for the support they received from the professional and experiences laboratory staff.

Overall, the visit was exciting and fruitful and highlighted the positive relationship between our department and the host lab. It was a valuable experience for both the students and the Head and Coordinators, and we look forward to continued collaboration in the future.

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