Our Alumni Ambassadors

Our Alumni Ambassadors

Dr Andrew Fan, Distinguished Alumnus and the Court member of CityU, has given continuous support to development of alumni network.
Mr Feng Jitao (first row, third from the left), actively connects his fellow classmates with the University after graduation.

Mr Geng Chunya strengthens alumni network through the alumni association platform.
Mr Gabriel Ho (first row, second from the left) facilitates the organic farming programme at CityU campus for alumni and the vegetables harvested from this initiative are generously donated to local social enterprises.

Mr William Khoo (left) and Mr Robert Lui (right) play active roles in supporting the Convocation and facilitate alumni engagement in University development through an established structure and system.
Dr Rocky Lam (left, standing one) recruits quality CityU graduates and enriches them with eye-opening opportunities.

Mr Alvin Leung (first from the left) takes the initiative to organise alumni gatherings, bringing together graduates from various years and fields within the Department of Management.
Mr Arnold Leung shares his voluntary experience and career tips with new Alumni Ambassadors in an ambassadorial event.