
Charter of Alumni Ambassador Scheme (AAS)

The Charter is established to promote excellence in voluntary service and maximise the rewarding experience of Alumni Ambassadors, while allowing them to execute their commitments and duties with clear guidelines. All Alumni Ambassadors are expected to comply with this Charter.

1. The Role and Responsibilities of Alumni Ambassadors:

In supporting the University Mission and the "Caring by Serving" spirit, Alumni Ambassadors are expected to:
  1. Support Alumni Relations Office (ARO) to further boost the "Caring by Serving" spirit among alumni;

  2. Perform voluntary service for the University, as arranged by ARO or other University departments;

  3. Actively participate in University services and activities in relation to their role under AAS;

  4. Be aware of the latest University achievements and alumni development and to further promote such information to fellow alumni and friends through emails, personal contacts and other communication channels facilitated by ARO;

  5. Encourage fellow alumni to stay connected with CityU and refer potential supporters to the University; and

  6. Provide ARO with related information for publication on website or other alumni communication channels.

  7. Particular role of Class Liaison Ambassadors:

  8. Assist ARO to collect up-to-date personal details of their classmates for updating the alumni data system in accordance with data protection policies and ARO guidelines;

  9. Promote alumni activities and services through personal contacts and boost participation of classmates; and

  10. Support organisation of class reunion activities.

2. Principles of Good Practice:

  1. Execute the duty of Alumni Ambassador with pride, good preparation and sense of responsibility;

  2. Have a spirit of partnership and solidarity when working with other Alumni Ambassadors;

  3. Respect confidentiality and privacy of personal data;

  4. Take due care of own safety when performing voluntary service;

  5. Communicate information about AAS and the University with accuracy; and

  6. Update ARO of contact changes and involvement in voluntary services at the University.

3. Service Period of Alumni Ambassadors:

The duration of service varies from role to role, subject to mutual agreement between an Alumni Ambassador and ARO. Alumni Ambassadors usually commit themselves to the Scheme on a continuous basis and may perform different roles as time changes. If an Alumni Ambassador wants to withdraw from the Scheme, they can send an advance written notice to ARO for related follow-up. ARO may regularly review and adjust the service period or role of Alumni Ambassadors as appropriate.

4. Support from Alumni Relations Office:

ARO will facilitate Alumni Ambassadors to:

  1. Receive orientation about their roles;

  2. Participate in University services and activities in relation to their role;

  3. Receive regular updates about the University and AAS;

  4. Enjoy opportunities for networking and personal development.

5. Enquiries:

Ms Cindy Kuan, Alumni Relations Manager at 3442 6391, email: