Field Guide to Hong Kong Mangroves

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This field guide is a companion publication of Hong Kong Mangroves. It serves three purposes:

  1. To provide maps indicating where mangrove plants and animals can be found.

  2. To provide teachers, students and parents with tips of do's and don'ts when they collect field data, and the safe steps for them to follow.

  3. To provide identification keys, lists and indexes of the names of places, plants and animals so as to assist readers in conducting background research.

The book focuses on useful tools and techniques for field studies. This book, together with the companion volume - Hong Kong Mangroves - will attract more students and nature lovers to appreciate the beauty and the importance of mangroves in Hong Kong.

*Available on Amazon China

Pub. Date
Jan 1, 2000
96 pages
152 x 229 mm
Mangroves are diverse ecosystems that are found on the fringes of sheltered tropical and subtropical shores, regularly flooded by incoming tides but then becoming exposed when tides are gone. They serve as a link between marine and terrestrial ecosystems. This habitat has unique flora and fauna, which are in close association with its abiotic factors. Due to their distinct features, mangroves have attracted lots of curiosity and attention, and are important ecosystems for education and for scientific research. Ecological studies are now included in the curriculum of secondary schools. Many teachers bring students to mangrove habitats for ecological field work and let them appreciate the beauty of our nature. It would make their data collection and entry more useful if we provide more information on the distribution of mangrove stands in Hong Kong, the occurrence of common plants and animals, and the common ecological survey techniques.

The present book is based on the findings of a three-year (1994-1997) mangrove ecological study supported by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It gives a general description of Hong Kong mangroves. The ecological techniques commonly used in field studies for analyzing mangrove plant and animal communities and their environments, the identification of plants and animals, data entry and interpretation are also clearly explained. We intend to make this book a simple and user-friendly reference for teachers, students and other interested parties who would like to carry out field studies and to appreciate the complexity and uniqueness of mangrove ecosystems. We sincerely hope that with this field guide, more ecological surveys will be conducted and long-term databases on ecological information of the local mangroves be compiled.

The authors wish to express their appreciation to all who assisted in the production of this book and in field studies, in particular, Prof. C.Y. Lu, Xiamen University, People's Republic of China. We would also like to thank Mr. Janson K. F. Wong, Research Assistant, Dr. S. G. Cheung and his Ph.D. student, Mr. W. H. Wong at the City University of Hong Kong for their assistance in field studies and identification of animals. The authors would also like to thank Mr. Desmond K. O'Toole and Elizabeth M. O'Toole for critically reading the manuscript and providing helpful comments on the English and content of the book. Last but not least, we are grateful to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, especially Mr. Frank S. P. Lau, Mr. Richard P. K. Chan, Mr. Patrick C. C. Lai and Mr. T. W. Tam, for their advice, continual support and stimulating discussions during the course of the present study. Without their assistance and financial support, the book would not have been completed.

Nora Fung-yee
TAM Yuk-shan WONG
City University of Hong Kong
January 2000

Mangrove Habitat
Structure of Mangroves in Hong Kong
Function of Mangroves
Distribution of Mangrove Stands in Hong Kong
Practical Guide
How Do We Carry out Ecological Surveys in Mangroves?
        Initial Observation
        Where Do We Sample?
        What Do We Measure? 
What are the Common Ecological Techniques?
        Techniques for Abiotic Factors
        Quadrat Analyses
        Transect Analyses
        Soil Core Sampling
        Handling of Animal Specimens
        Data Entry and Treatment

How Do We Identify Mangrove Plants and Animals?
        Classification of Plants in Hong Kong Mangrove Stands 
        Identification Key to Mangrove and Associate Plants in Hong Kong
        Pictures of Mangrove Plants in Hong Kong
        Classification of Ground-dwelling Animals in Hong Kong Mangrove Stands
        Pictures of Ground-dwelling Animals in Hong Kong
1. Distribution of 44 Mangrove Stands in Six Districts of HK
2. Possible Mangrove Stands for Students' Field Visits