Art Deco—The France-China Connection

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*This book is only available for sales in Hong Kong and China region.

The Art Deco style, which flourished in Europe, Asia, and the Americas from the1920s to the 1940s, was born in France and named after the 1925 International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts held in Paris. Art Deco’s forms captured the spirit of the modern age (cars, aeroplanes, electricity, telephones), and was embraced across the globe. From Canada, the United States and Brazil, to Australia and Asia, French architects and designers built banks, cinemas, grand hotels, even palaces and private dwellings. Even the young Chinese republic, led by Sun Yat-sen, adopted Art Deco from 1929 on. Therein resided the movement’s originality and resilience.

The history of Art Deco in China, and of the reciprocal influences between French and Chinese artists, still remains to be written. In its modest way, this exhibition hopes to initiate this project, while also proposing fruitful paths for future exploration.




Pub. Date
Apr 19, 2019
268 pages
*This book is not available for sales in overseas market (outside Hong Kong region).

All agree that the Art Deco style was born in France and named after the 1925 Paris International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts. Coming on the heels of the elaborate, turn-of-the century style (called Art Nouveau), Art Deco’s simple and energized geometric forms pleased one and all, and the new style quickly became celebrated across the globe. Art Deco’s forms captured the spirit of the modern age, expressing, for instance, the new speed of cars and airplanes, bridging once distant lands. The modern, emancipated woman also emerged during this period, empowered with new rights and forms of liberty. Her “garçonne” boyish elegance, epitomized by the black, bobbed hair with bangs, became a flag of sorts, emblazoned across the magazines of Vogue and la Gazette du Bon Ton.

眾所周知,裝飾藝術的風格起源於法國,起名自1925年的巴黎裝飾工藝博覽會。以華麗花巧著稱的新藝術運動崛起於交替的年代,緊接其後的裝飾藝術,則以充滿活力的簡約幾何線條迷倒每一個人,並旋即風靡全世界。裝飾藝術通過其形式,展現出現代氣魄;新世代下車輛呼嘯而過,大無畏的飛機連接遠在他方的土地,時代新潮可見一斑。現代解放女性亦在這段時期嶄露頭角,她們擁抱前所未有的權利,享有不同形式的自由。齊耳短黑髮造型加上劉海,襯托出不讓鬚眉的優雅;這種女性形象儼如那個年代的旗幟,傲然飛揚於時尚雜誌《Vogue》及《Gazette du Bon Ton》的書頁上。

Emmanuel Bréon & Isabelle Frank 范懿莎

Preface Emmanuel Bréon & Isabelle Frank

A New Style for the 20th Century

Maurice Picaud’s Dance Emmanuel Bréon

The Materials and Motifs of Art Deco Bénédicte Mayer

A Style both Popular and Chic Emmanuel Bréon

Movement and Motion - The New Spirit of the Time

Cars and Planes Crossing Borders Emmanuel Bréon

Cinema and Photography Document the New Emmanuel Bréon

Cross-Atlantic Steamers - The New Ambassadors of Art Deco Emmanuel Bréon

The Triumph of the Modern Woman Anne Camilli & Emmanuel Bréon

1925: A Turning Point

The International Exhibition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Arts – Paris 1925 Emmanuel Bréon

The Chinese Influence on French Artists Emmanuel Bréon

The Chinese Pavilion at the Exhibition Emmanuel Bréon

President Sun Yat-sen and Art Deco Emmanuel Bréon

Art Deco in China

Liu Jipiao and the 1929 International Exhibition in Hangzhou Emmanuel Bréon

Shanghai, Architectural Capital of Art Deco Emmanuel Bréon

Art Deco Architecture in Hong Kong Lau Leung Kwok Prudence

Chinese Art Deco Furniture and Furnishings Emmanuel Bréon

Art Deco Revival Isabelle Frank & Emmanuel Bréon

The Refinement and Elegance of Art Deco Anne Camilli