Movies, Chinese - By Romanized Title : A-D

Movies, Chinese (Romanized title in alphabetical order) : 0-9 A-D E-I J-N O-T U-Z
Movies, Non-Chinese (Title in alphabetical order) : 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P-Q R S T U V W X-Z
Call Number Title Medium
PZ3 .A2 阿 Q 正傳.Video
PZ3 .A355 2005 阿嫂. VCD
PZ3 .A358 1990z 阿凡提. VCD
PZ3 .A245 2005 阿飛正傳 = Days of being wild. DVD
PZ3 .A35 2005 阿虎 = A fighter's blues. DVD
PZ3 .A246 2010 阿輝的女兒.
My blind uncle
PZ3 .A359 2010 愛出貓 = Trick or cheat. DVD
PZ3 .A3596 2010 爱出色 = Color me love. DVD
PZ3 .A43 2009 愛到底.
PZ3 .A434 2009 愛到發燒 = Some like it hot. DVD
PZ3 .A435 2010 愛到盡 = End of love. DVD
PZ3 .A44 2008 愛的發聲練習 = My so-called love. DVD
PZ3 .A444 2012 愛的麵包魂 = The soul of bread. DVD
PZ3 .A45 2004 愛, 斷了線 = Sky of love. VCD
PZ3 .A454 2011 愛你愛我 = Betelnut beauty. DVD
PZ3 .A455 2006 愛妳・媽媽 = Loving you, mama. DVD
PZ3 .A456 2011 愛你一萬年 = Love you 10000 years. DVD
PZ3 .A458 2003 愛奴 = Intimate confessions of a Chinese courtesan. DVD
PZ3 .A46 2001 愛情白麵包 = Bakery amour. VCD
PZ3 .A47 2002 愛情的代價 = The price of love. DVD
PZ3 .A475 2006 愛情故事.
Love story
PZ3 .A476 2009 愛情故事 = Basic love. DVD
PZ3 .A4773 2008 愛情萬歲 = Love is elsewhere. DVD
PZ3 .A4772 2000z 愛情萬歲 = Vive l'amour. DVD
PZ3 .A4778 2009 愛情左右 = Fit lover. DVD
PZ3 .A4779 2009 愛失償 = The equation of love & death.
PZ3 .A47795 2012 愛・無滋 = AIDS. DVD
PZ3 .A47796 2014 愛・尋・迷 = Enthralled. DVD
PZ3 .A48 1999 愛在別鄉的季節 = Farewell, China. VCD
PZ3 .A49 1990z 愛在草原的天空 = A Mongolian tale. VCD
PZ3 .A495 2009 矮仔多情 = Short of love. DVD
PZ3 .A3 1990z 阿金 = Ah Kam. VCD
PZ3 .A27 1988 阿郎的故事 = All about Ah-Long. LD
PZ3 .A272 2006 阿郎的故事 = All about Ah-Long. DVD
PZ3 .A499 2010 安非他命 = Amphetamine. DVD
PZ3 .A53 1993 暗戀桃花源 = The peach blossom land. LD
PZ3 .A56 2010 暗戰 = Running out of time. DVD
PZ3 .A65 2008 安娜與安娜 = Anna & Anna. DVD
PZ3 .A96 2005 AV. DVD
PZ3 .A95 2004 阿孖有難. DVD
PZ3 .B158 2011 B+ 偵探 = The detective.DVD
PZ3 .B226 2000 爸爸的玩具. VCD
PZ3 .B227 2002 八彩林亞珍 = Plain Jane to the rescue. DVD
PZ3 .B23 1998 八二三炮戰 = The kinmen bombs. VCD
PZ3 .B26 2014 爸媽不在家 = Ilo Ilo. DVD
PZ3 .B324 2009 爸-- 你好嗎? DVD
PZ3 .B325 2003 八千里路雲和月. VCD
PZ3 .B327 1998 巴山夜雨. VCD
PZ3 .B35 1995 百變狸猫 = Pon poco.LD
PZ3 .B334 1999 百變星君 = Sixty million dollar man. DVD
PZ3 .B37 1996 百分百感覺 = Feel 100%. VCD
PZ3 .B3345 2004 敗家仔 = The prodigal son. DVD
PZ3 .B3535 1990z 白毛女. VCD
PZ3 .B3536 2005 白毛女. DVD
PZ3 .B35365 2014 白日焰火 = Black coal, thin ice. DVD
PZ3 .B3537 2011 白蛇傳說 = The sorcerer and the white snake. DVD
PZ3 .B34 白蛇傳.Video
PZ3 .B342 1997 白蛇传. VCD
PZ3 .B35375 2012 白天的星星 = Love is sin. DVD
PZ3 .B3538 2000z 白兔會. VCD
PZ3 .B354 1990z 白屋之戀 = Love in a cabin. VCD
PZ3 .B35428 2013 百星酒店 = Hundred stars hotel. DVD
PZ3 .B3543 2010 白銀帝國 = Empire of silver. DVD
PZ3 .B3544 1990 八両金.LD
PZ3 .B35442 2008 八両金 = Eight taels of gold. DVD
PZ3 .B3545 2003 Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise.
PZ3 .B534 1991 半邊人. LD
PZ3 .B5342 1990z 半邊人 = Ah Ying. VCD
PZ3 .B355 2004 半斤八兩 = The private eyes. DVD
PZ3 .B356 2000z 半生緣 = Eighteen springs. DVD
PZ3 .B38 1994 伴我同行 = One of the lucky ones. LD
PZ3 .B3573 1999 半支煙 = Metade fumaca. VCD
PZ3 .B35732 2000z 半支煙 = Metade fumaca. DVD
PZ3 .B35733 2008 幫幫我愛神 = Help me eros. DVD
PZ3 .B35735 2007 綁架 = Kidnap. DVD
PZ3 .B357355 2014 爆 3 俏嬌娃 = Kick ass girls. DVD
PZ3 .B35736 2010 抱抱俏佳人 = Perfect wedding. DVD
PZ3 .B3574 2006 寶貝計劃 = Rob-b-hood. DVD
PZ3 .B35745 2008 保持通話 = Connected. DVD
PZ3 .B357525 2004 爆裂都市 = Explosive city. VCD
PZ3 .B35753 2000 爆裂刑警 = Bullets over summer. DVD
PZ3 .B35764 2013 寶米恰恰 = Cha cha for twins. DVD
PZ3 .B35766 2012 保衛戰隊之出動喇!朋友! = Let's go!DVD
PZ3 .B3577 2011 報應 = Punished. DVD
PZ3 .B358 1998 抱擁朝陽 = Up for the rising sun. DVD
PZ3 .B36 1994 暴雨驕陽 = The true hero. LD
PZ3 .B33 1990z 霸王別姬. VCD
PZ3 .B3936 2003 覇王別姬.
Farewell my concubine
PZ3 .B3936 1999 霸王別姬 = Farewell my concubine.
PZ3 .B435 2009 背光 = Against the darkness. DVD
PZ3 .B45 1994 背靠背臉對臉 = Back to back, face to face. LD
PZ3 .B462 2006 悲情城市.
City of sadness
PZ3 .B46 1990z 悲情城市 = A city of sadness. Video
PZ3 .B463 2014 被偷走的那五年 = The stolen years. DVD
PZ3 .B464 2014 北京愛情故事 = Beijing love story. DVD
PZ3 .B444 2001 北京樂与路 = Beijing rocks. DVD
PZ3 .B445 1991 北京你早 = Budding desires (Good morning, Beijing). Video
PZ3 .B465 2013 北京遇上西雅圖 = Finding Mr. Right. DVD
PZ3 .B54 2000z 本命年. Video
PZ3 .B48 1998 碧海紅波. VCD
PZ3 .B52 邊城.Video
PZ3 .B522 2002 邊城. VCD
PZ3 .B5225 1998 變臉 = The king of masks. VCD
PZ3 .B533 1997 邊寨烽火. VCD
PZ3 .B523 1990z 邊走邊唱 = Life on a string. LD
PZ3 .B528 2000z 錶. VCD
PZ3 .B56 1994 表姐你好嘢 ! 4 : 之情不自禁 = Her fatal ways IV. LD
PZ3 .B53 1990 表姊你好嘢 = Her fatal ways. LD
PZ3 .B532 2006 表姐, 你好嘢! = Her fatal ways. DVD
PZ3 .B564 2014 冰封俠 : 重生之門 = Iceman. DVD
PZ3 .B57 1993 冰河死亡綫. Video
PZ3 .B58 1997 冰上姐妹. VCD
PZ3 .B586 2006 鬼鄰.
PZ3 .B59 1999 玻璃之城 = City of glass. DVD
PZ3 .B79 2003 不了情 = Love without end. DVD
PZ3 .B84 2009 不能沒有你 = No Puedo vivir sin ti. DVD
PZ3 .B86 2007 不能說的・秘密 = Secret. DVD
PZ3 .B865 2012 不一樣的月光 = Finding Sayun.
PZ3 .B87 2011 不再讓你孤單 = A beautiful life. DVD
PZ3 .B876 2013 不二神探 = Badges of fury. DVD
PZ3 .C199 2007 C+ 偵探 = The detective. DVD
PZ3 .C274 2011 蔡李佛 = Choyleefut. DVD
PZ3 .C275 2007 彩票也疯狂 = Crazy lottery. DVD
PZ3 .C277 2011 財神客棧 = Treasure inn. DVD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.5 彩霞滿天 = Love under a rozy sky. VCD
PZ3 .C285 2000z 草房子 = Thatched memories. VCD
PZ3 .C29 2005 草原児女. DVD
PZ3 .C35 1998 策馬入林 = Run away. VCD
PZ3 .C52 茶館.Video
PZ3 .C522 1995 茶馆. VCD
PZ3 .C37 2004 長輩 = My young auntie. VCD
PZ3 .C3736 2005 長恨歌 = Everlasting regret. DVD
PZ3 .C374 2008 長江 7 號 = CJ7. DVD
PZ3 .C375 2001 常在我心 = Funeral March. VCD
PZ3 .C377 2013 超級經理人 = The midas touch. DVD
PZ3 .C38 1999 超時空要愛 = Timeless romance. DVD
PZ3 .C3835 2011 潮性辦公室 = Microsex office. DVD
PZ3 .C384 2008 車票 = Ticket. DVD
PZ3 .C3846 2012 車手 = Motorway. DVD
PZ3 .C385 2000z 陳寶珠 : 珠光寶戲.VCD
PZ3 .C386 2008 沉睡的青春.
Keeping watch
PZ3 .C53 城南舊事.Video
PZ3 .C388 2005 城寨出來者 = Brothers from the Walled City. DVD
PZ3 .C38942 2009 赤壁. 決戰天下 = Red Cliff.DVD
PZ3 .C389 2002 赤裸特工 = Naked weapon. VCD
PZ3 .C3894 2008 赤壁 = Red Cliff. DVD
PZ3 .C43 1996 衝鋒隊 : 怒火街頭 = Big bullet. VCD
PZ3 .C44 2014 衝鋒戰警 = The constable. DVD
PZ3 .C45 2014 重生 = The second coming. DVD
PZ3 .C46 1994 重慶森林. LD
PZ3 .C462 2008 重慶森林.
Chungking express
PZ3 .C464 1994 重慶談判 = Chong Qing negotiation. LD
PZ3 .C538 2002 丑角登场 = Enter the clowns. DVD
PZ3 .C54 2005 醜聞 = Scandal. VCD
PZ3 .C544 2007 出埃及記 = Exodus. DVD
PZ3 .C545 2011 出軌的女人 = Hi, fidelity. DVD
PZ3 .C546 2011 初戀風暴 = Tempest of first love. DVD
PZ3 .C547 2010 初恋红豆冰 = Ice kacang puppy love. DVD
PZ3 .C55 2003 楚留香 = Clans of intrigue. DVD
PZ3 .C56 2005 出籠馬騮 = Monkey kung fu. DVD
PZ3 .C565 2010 出水芙蓉 = The fantastic water babes. DVD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.3 穿金寶扇. DVD
PZ3 .C566 1990z 川島芳子 = Kawashima Yoshiko. DVD
PZ3 .C567 1988 垂簾聽政.LD
PZ3 .C5672 1990z 垂簾聽政.
Reign behind a curtain
PZ3 .C5673 2004 垂帘听政. DVD
PZ3 .C57 2011 春風沉醉的夜晚.
Spring fever
PZ3 .C58 1997 春光乍洩 = Happy together. DVD
PZ3 .C582 1997 春光乍洩 = Happy together. VCD
PZ3 .C5822 2010 春光乍洩 = Happy together. DVD
PZ3 .C583 2006 春花夢露 = A drifting life. DVD
PZ3 .C586 2006 春田花花同學會.
McDull, the alumni
PZ3 .C5864 2012 春嬌与志明 = Love in the buff. DVD
PZ3 .C588 2007 辭郎洲 = Farewell to a warrior. DVD
PZ3 .C587 2010 刺陵 = The treasure hunter. DVD
PZ3 .C59 2003 刺馬 = The blood brothers. DVD
PZ3 .C594 2007 慈母心. DVD
PZ3 .C596 2006 刺青 = Spider lilies. DVD
PZ3 .C598 2010 Citizen King.
PZ3 .C65 2000z 聰明太太笨丈夫. VCD
PZ3 .C85 2000z 翠崗紅旗. VCD
PZ3 .C86 1994 錯愛 = Crossings. LD
PZ3 .C87 2000z 錯位. Video
PZ3 .D248 2010 大兵小將 = Little big soldier. DVD
PZ3 .D25 2004 大刺客 = The assassin. VCD
PZ3 .D32 搭錯車.LD
PZ3 .D322 1990z 搭錯車.
Papa, can you hear me sing
PZ3 .D255 2000z 大冬瓜. VCD
PZ3 .D26 1990z 大渡河. VCD
PZ3 .D325 1992 大紅燈籠高高掛 = Raise the red lantern. LD
PZ3 .D3252 1990z 大紅燈籠高高掛 = Raise the red lantern. VCD
PZ3 .D2634 2000z 大紅袍.
PZ3 .D2635 1980z 大湖英烈 = A man of immortality. LD
PZ3 .D327 1990z 大決戰. 遼瀋戰役 = The Decisive engagement. The Liaoxi Shenyang campaignLD
PZ3 .D3272 1998 大決戰. 淮海戰役 = The Decisive engagement. The Wei-hai campaign. VCD
PZ3 .D3273 1998 大決戰. 平津戰役 = The Decisive engagement. Part 3. Beiping Tianjin campaign. VCD
PZ3 .D267 2012 大藍湖 = Big blue lake. DVD
PZ3 .D268 2004 大佬愛美麗 = Enter the phoenix. VCD
PZ3 .D269 2010 打擂台 : Gallants. DVD
PZ3 .D2697 2012 大魔術師 = The great magician. DVD
PZ3 .D27 1999 大內密探零零發 = Forbidden City cop. DVD
PZ3 .D27199 2009 大內密探靈靈狗 = On his majesty's secret service. DVD
PZ3 .D2725 1990z 大清砲隊.
Imperial cannon team
PZ3 .D33 1996 大三元 = Tri-star. VCD
PZ3 .D2727 2013 大上海 = The last tycoon. DVD
PZ3 .D2728 2008 打蛇 = Lost souls. DVD
PZ3 .D2729 2009 大搜查之女 = Lady cop & papa crook. DVD
PZ3 .D273 2002 大腕 = Big shot's funeral. DVD
PZ3 .D2735 2011 大武生 = My kingdom. DVD
PZ3 .D333 2012 大武當 : 天地密碼 = Wu Dang. DVD
PZ3 .D2736 2004 大俠沈勝衣 = Roving swordsman. VCD
PZ3 .D2737 2011 大笑江湖 = Just call me nobody. DVD
PZ3 .D2738 1990z 大閱兵. VCD
PZ3 .D274 2003 大丈夫 = Men suddenly in black. DVD
PZ3 .D275 2000z 大丈夫日記下集.
"南紅, 張英才主演"
PZ3 .D278 2003 大隻佬 = Running on Karma. DVD
PZ3 .D28 1998 大轉折 = The breakthrough. DVD
PZ3 .D285 2012 大追捕 = Nightfall. DVD
PZ3 .D335 2004 大阪撻一餐 = Osaka Wrestling Restaurant. VCD
PZ3 .D338 2005 代号'美洲豹'.
Code name : cugar
PZ3 .D34 2003 呆佬拜壽. VCD
PZ3 .D35 1995 呆佬拜壽 = Only fools fall in love. VCD
PZ3 .D3535 2010 帶我去遠方 = Somewhere I have never travelled. DVD
PZ3 .D3537 2011 帶一片風景走 = Leaving Gracefully. DVD
PZ3 .D3538 2012 黛比的幸福生活 = Kehidupan happy Debbie.
Happy life of Debbie
PZ3 .D354 2003 妲己 = The Last woman of Shang. DVD
PZ3 .D35423 2011 彈・道 = Ballistic. DVD
PZ3 .D35425 2011 單身男女 = Don't go breaking my heart. DVD
PZ3 .D3543 2011 當愛來的時候 = When love comes. DVD
PZ3 .D35435 2004 當碧咸遇上奧雲 = When Beckham met Owen. DVD
PZ3 .D3544 2009 蕩寇 = Plastic city. DVD
PZ3 .D3545 2003 蕩寇誌 = All men are brothers. DVD
PZ3 .D3546 2002 當男人變成女人 = Women from Mars. DVD
PZ3 .D355 1998 刀. VCD
PZ3 .D3554 2007 稻草人.
PZ3 .D356 2013 到阜阳六百里 = Return ticket. DVD
PZ3 .D358 2007 導火綫 = Flash point. DVD
PZ3 .D3 刀馬旦.LD
PZ3 .D319 2006 刀馬旦 = Peking opera blues. DVD
PZ3 .D359 2014 盜馬記 = Horseplay. DVD
PZ3 .D36 1991 盗馬賊 = The horse thief. Video
PZ3 .D427 2013 德士當家 = Taxi! taxi!DVD
PZ3 .D44 2010 得閒炒飯 = All about love. DVD
PZ3 .D447 2006 得閒飲茶 = I'll call you. DVD
PZ3 .D45 2014 Delete 愛人 = Delete my love. DVD
PZ3 .D46 1994 等愛的女人 = Right here waiting ..LD
PZ3 .D465 2006 等待飛魚 = Fishing luck. DVD
PZ3 .D48 1997 等待黎明 = Hong Kong 1941. DVD
PZ3 .D485 2001 等候董建華發落 = From the Queen to the Chief Executive. VCD
PZ3 .D488 2011 第 4 張畫 = The fourth portrait. DVD
PZ3 .D489 2010 第 36 個故事 = Taipei exchanges. DVD
PZ3 .D495 2001 地久天長 = Forever and ever. VCD
PZ3 .D5 帝女花.LD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.1 帝女花. DVD
PZ3 .D52 2000z 帝女花. DVD
PZ3 .D523 2013 狄仁傑之神都龍王 = Young Detective Dee : rise of the Sea Dragon. DVD
PZ3 .D524 2010 狄仁傑之通天帝國 = Detective Dee and the mystery of the phantom flame. DVD
PZ3 .D5248 2012 低俗喜劇 = Vulgaria. DVD
PZ3 .D525 1999 地下情 = Love unto wastes. VCD
PZ3 .D52528 2004 地下鐵 = Sound of colors. VCD
PZ3 .D525284 2012 第一次 = First time. DVD
PZ3 .D52529 2008 第一誡 = Rule #1. DVD
PZ3 .D5253 1990z 地獄無門 = We're going to eat you. VCD
PZ3 .D52532 2004 地獄無門 = We're going to eat you. DVD
PZ3 .D52537 2013 電哪吒 = The spin kid. DVD
PZ3 .D5254 1990z 點指兵兵. VCD
PZ3 .D5256 2003 釣金龜 = The Millionaire chase. DVD
PZ3 .D49 1990z 蒂蒂日記 = The diary of Di-di. VCD
PZ3 .D526 1990z 蝶變. VCD
PZ3 .D5262 2004 蝶變 = The butterfly murders. DVD
PZ3 .D528 1998 喋血街頭 = Bullet in the head. DVD
PZ3 .D53 1998 喋血雙雄 = The killer. VCD
PZ3 .D532 2004 喋血雙雄 = The Killer. DVD
PZ3 .D54 2000z 蝶影紅梨記.
Butterfly & red pear
PZ3 .D5624 1995 叮噹. 魔界大冒險. LD
PZ3 .D5626 1995 叮噹. 未來世界的怪人. LD
PZ3 .D59 2012 Diva 華麗之後. DVD
PZ3 .D66186 2011 東成西就 2011 = East meets west 2011. DVD
PZ3 .D66195 2003 動詞變位 = Conjugation. VCD
PZ3 .D663 1993 東方三俠 = The heroic trio. LD
PZ3 .D6632 1990z 東方三俠 = The heroic trio. VCD
PZ3 .D664 2010 東風破 = Merry-go-round. DVD
PZ3 .D665 1999 東宮西宮 = East Palace, West Palace. Video
PZ3 .D6652 2003 東宮西宮= East palace, west palace. DVD
PZ3 .D666 1997 東進序曲. VCD
PZ3 .D65 2000 洞 = The Hole. DVD
PZ3 .X526 1992 東方不敗 = Swordsman II. LD
PZ3 .X5262 2003 東方不敗 = Swordsman II.
PZ3 .D662 1993 東方不敗再起風雲 = The east is red. LD
PZ3 .D6622 1990z 東方不敗再起風雲 = The East is red. DVD
PZ3 .D668 2000 東京攻略 = Tokyo raiders. VCD
PZ3 .D68 2006 東京审判.
Toyko trial
PZ3 .D67 2009 東邪西毒. DVD
PZ3 .D684 2009 鬪茶 = とうちゃ = Tea fight. DVD
PZ3 .Z854213 2003 Drunken master.
PZ3 .D77 2004 獨臂刀 = One-armed swordsman. VCD
PZ3 .D773 2004 獨臂刀王 = Return of the one-armed swordsman. VCD
PZ3 .D774 2014 賭城風雲 = From Vegas to Macau. DVD
PZ3 .D776 2006 獨家試愛 = Marriage with a fool. DVD
PZ3 .D778 2010 杜拉拉升职记 = Go Lala go!DVD
PZ3 .D78 1998 獨立時代 = A confucian confunsion. VCD
PZ3 .D83 1994 賭神. = God of gambler's return. LD
PZ3 .D832 2003 賭神. = God of gambler's return. DVD
PZ3 .D85 1996 賭神3之少年賭神 = God of gamblers 3 - The early stage. VCD
PZ3 .D82 2003 賭神 = God of gamblers. DVD
PZ3 .D8523 1981 杜十娘.Video
PZ3 .D8524 2013 毒戰 = Drug war. DVD
PZ3 .D8525 2009 短暫的生命 = A very short life. DVD
PZ3 .D853 1997 "對不起・多謝你" = My dad is a jerk!VCD
PZ3 .D8537 2009 對不起, 我愛你 = Sumimasen, love. DVD
PZ3 .D8538 2014 對面的女孩殺過來 = Apolitical romance. DVD
PZ3 .D854 2005 杜鹃山. DVD
PZ3 .D8546 2008 奪標 = Champions. DVD
PZ3 .D855 1990z 多此一女. VCD
PZ3 .D86 2008 墮落天使 = Fallen angels. DVD
PZ3 .D862 2010 墮落天使 = Fallen angels. DVD
PZ3 .D87 2012 奪命金 = Life without principle. DVD
PZ3 .D88 2008 奪帥 = Fatal move. DVD