Adverse Weather Arrangements

The Library will have the following arrangements when Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement, Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or above, Black Rainstorm Signal, or an “Extreme Condition” announcement is issued. For details of the Library Opening & Counter Hours, please visit

Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or Above Library will All Service Counters / Semi-closed Collection / Media Resources Collection will
Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement issued before scheduled opening time remain closed remain closed
Issued when Library is open close immediately when Signal No. 8 is issued close 1 hour after the issuance of Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement
Cancelled 4 hours or more before scheduled closing time open after 2 hours open after 2 hours

Cancelled more than 2 hours, but less than 4 hours before scheduled closing time of Service Counters, or

Cancelled at or after the closing time of Service Counters, but more than 2 hours before scheduled closing time of the Library

open after 2 hours remain closed
Cancelled 2 hours or less before scheduled closing time of the Library remain closed remain closed
Black Rainstorm Signal / “Extreme Condition” Announcement Library will All Service Counters / Semi-closed Collection / Media Resources Collection will
Issued before scheduled opening time remain closed remain closed
Issued when Library is open remain open until scheduled closing time remain open until scheduled closing time

Cancelled 4 hours or more before scheduled closing time of Service Counters

Cancelled at or after the closing time of Service Counters, but more than 2 hours before scheduled closing time of the Library

open after 2 hours open after 2 hours
Cancelled 2 hours or less before scheduled closing time of the Library remain closed remain closed