创业网络 |
介绍 |
TiE Hong Kong (Fostering Entrepreneurship Globally) The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), was founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley by a group of successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and senior professionals with roots in the Indus region. There are currently 13,000 members, including over 2,500 charter members in 61 chapters across 17 countries. TiE’s mission is to foster entrepreneurship globally through mentoring, networking, and education. Dedicated to the virtuous cycle of wealth creation and giving back to the community, TiE’s focus is on generating and nurturing our next generation of entrepreneurs. |
Young Entrepreneurs Development Council (YDC) Young Entrepreneurs Development Council (YDC) is a non-profit organization established by home grown entrepreneurs and professionals who believe Entrepreneurial Spirit (ES) holds the key to helping young people of Hong Kong achieve their potentials in life and ensuring the betterment of our society. |
「起点」 「起点」 成为一个迎合青年人口味的聚脚地,透过切合青年人需要的个人化服务,提升他们的就业能力,协助他们在劳动市场打好根基,达至持续发展。 |
The Entrepreneurs Club The Entrepreneurs Club has impacted many entrepreneurs throughout the years and is one of the longest running English speaking organizations for Entrepreneurs in Hong Kong. With an impressive track record for getting iconic entrepreneurs to give inspiring talks for events, The E Club's speaker list reads like Who's Who in Hong Kong.
Unlike other entrepreneurs associations in Hong Kong, the E Club aims to assist established as well as start ups in getting to the next level of their business and is unique in providing group health insurance, hotels and restaurant discounts as well as regular talks, workshops and social networking events. |
Hong Kong Business Angel Network (HKBAN) Hong Kong technology startups are facing the problem in obtaining investment funding between seed and venture capital funding stages. This has been a result of the lack of organized business angel networks and funding to provide the “smart money”.
With this understanding, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC), HKVCA, CUHK, HKUST, HKU, and POLYU had worked informally to form the Hong Kong Business Angel Network (HKBAN) in 2010. Angels were being invited to join several Investment Matching Gatherings (IMGs) where entrepreneurs from the incubation programme of HKSTPC and universities had presented their business plans. |
Hong Kong Women Professional & Entrepreneurs Association(HKWPEA) The Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association (HKWPEA) was established as a non-profit organization in September 1996 by a group of local women professionals and entrepreneurs. They are women professionals, business executives and entrepreneurs who have come together with the following objectives: to develop a strong support network, to create practical and innovative learning and business opportunities for themselves and for others, to promote high professional standards. Based in Hong Kong, the Association reaches out and establishes relationship with counterparts in Mainland China and abroad. Ranking high on the Association’s agenda is timely response to the consultation papers of the HKSAR Government on various policy issues. |
2econd Generation Entrepreneur Association Limited (2GHK) Founded in March 2006, 2econd Generation Entrepreneur Association Limited (2GHK) is an organization run by a group of young entrepreneurs age below 45, of whom are involved in family business or are running their own businesses. We aim at building a strategic relationship between entrepreneurs and to provide a supportive and positive learning experience to our members. Through extensive training and activities, we will strengthen the leadership and management skills and to foster personal growth amongst our members. We hope our members can also utilize their knowledge to develop a better business environment together in Hong Kong. |
创意创业会(IEA) 「创意创业大赏」源自于城市青年商会一个拥有超过十年历史的颁奖活动。大赏严谨选出具创意的香港企业,以表扬「创意创业」的肯定,参赛得奬者提供的服务或产品,做到以心为改善社会生活作出贡献。
创意创业会由「创意创业大赏」得奬者组成,作为一个非谋利的团体,致力加强推动香港、中国内地及海外的「创意创业」精神及商务教育,并与政府及其他团体合作,让有志创业人士能够分享得奖者的经验及营商策略;协助创业人士面对困难和提供意见,提升香港的竞争能力,本会努力推动「创意创业大赏」得奬者履行对社会的责任。令会员及公众人士达致双赢,并冀望于未来10年内,推动香港成为全球领先的「创意创业之都」。 |
城市青年商会(JCI) 城市青年商会创立于1981年,为国际青年商会香港总会﹙前身为香港青年商会﹚属下十九个商会之一,所有会员均为男性,并以中文为法定语言,现时会员人数已超过二百位。城市青年商会一向秉承着青商的宗旨〔服务社会,训练自己〕,不断推出各类型不同大小工作计划同时,更让会员透过参与的过程而得到各方面的训练和服务社会的机会。 |
企业发展中心 企业发展中心透过提供财政资助、发展支援以及专业服务,致力协助正处於不同发展阶段的ICT创业家和起步企业,积极培育业界人才。 |
The Entrepreneurs' Network (TEN) The Entrepreneurs' Network (Ten) was established at the end of 2005 as an association for entrepreneurs in Hong Kong through which they can access a network of peers and information from a practical perspective. Members who come from diverse backgrounds and all nationalities can interact to exchange expertise on personal and business improvement. |
社会创业论坛(HKSEF) Founded in March 2008, Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum (HKSEF) is a membership-based organization dedicating to promoting and supporting the development of social entrepreneurship. HKSEF was incorporated as a limited company in December 2008. |