Cultural and Language Immersion Scheme (CALIS)

Cultural and Language Immersion Scheme (CALIS) 2025
About the Scheme
The College of Computing will launch the first Cultural and Language Immersion Scheme (CALIS) in summer 2025.
The main purpose of the Scheme is to help students improve their English communication skills through immersion in overseas language learning and cultural activities. The Scheme includes intensive English classes, cultural and social activities, interaction with local people via homestay, industrial visits as well as community service projects.
About the Scheme
This 1-month programme takes place in UK. Apart from taking formal English classes at the host university, there are guided-visits to various famous scenic spots and cities, performing community services at local NGOs, primary schools and elderly centres, participating in some traditional English sports such as horse-riding, golf, rugby and cricket, and various cultural activities. Each student is arranged to live with a local family as home stay. A formal IELTS test is arranged to measure students’ progress and achievement towards the end of the Scheme.
CALIS welcomes all full-time students of the College of Computing. Information sessions are normally held between January and February. Interested students are encouraged to attend the session for full details

The duration of the Scheme is one month. The tentative schedules for 2025 is as follows:
London Group
15 May 2025 – 16 June 2025
Details of application are normally announced in December each year. An Information Seminar and a Sharing Session conducted by students who joined the Scheme of the previous year would be held in January, before the application deadline.
Coordinator: Wilbur Cheung (scwil@cityu.edu.hk)
For further information and enquiries, please contact CC General Office at Room P6309, 6/F (YEUNG) or cc.office@cityu.edu.hk.
How much Does it Cost
Programme Fee
The cost of the programme is about HK$50,000. It covers airfare, home-stay accommodation, course fees, IELTS test fee and most of the pre-arranged cultural visits, community services projects and social activities.
Participated students will receive approximately 60% sponsorship from the University. In addition, students with GPA 3.0 or above are eligible to apply for the HKSAR Reaching Out Scholarship. The value of the Scholarship is HK$10,000.
Caution Money
Students are required to pay a caution money of HK$8,000 as caution money after being selected to join the programme. The money is non-transferrable and will be refunded to students when they have successfully completed the programme.
How to Apply
This Scheme is opened to all undergraduate students of the College of Computing.
Application Period: January of each year
Application: via CRESDA
Selection: Students are required to undertake a written assessment as well as attending an interview. Interviews will normally be conducted two weeks after the application deadline.
CALIS's Life