Movies, Chinese - By Romanized Title : U-Z

Movies, Chinese (Romanized title in alphabetical order) : 0-9 A-D E-I J-N O-T U-Z
Movies, Non-Chinese (Title in alphabetical order) : 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P-Q R S T U V W X-Z
Call Number Title Medium
PZ3 .A477 1997 Vive l'amour.
PZ3 .W285 2002 萬家燈火. VCD
PZ3 .W285 2003 萬家燈火. VCD
PZ3 .W288 2003 忘不了 = Lost in time. DVD
PZ3 .W289 2013 王的盛宴 = The Last Supper. DVD
PZ3 .W29 2000 網絡時代的愛情 = Love in the internet generation. VCD
PZ3 .W298 2004 王昭君 = Beyond the Great Wall. DVD
PZ3 .W3625 2004 旺角黑夜 = One nite in Mongkok. DVD
PZ3 .W3626 2010 旺角監獄 = To live and die in Mongkok. DVD
PZ3 .W363 2001 旺角卡門 = As tears go by. VCD
PZ3 .W36 1990z 婉君表妹. VCD
PZ3 .W43 2008 圍・城 = Beseiged city. DVD
PZ3 .W445 2010 未來警察 = Future X-cops. DVD
PZ3 .W4455 2006 危楼春晓. DVD
PZ3 .W446 2010 為你鍾情 = Frozen. DVD
PZ3 .W447 2002 衛斯理藍血人 = The Wesley's mysterious file. DVD
PZ3 .W448 2006 衛斯理之霸王卸甲 = Bury me high. DVD
PZ3 .W45 1990z 巍巍崑崙. VCD
PZ3 .W453 2012 危險關係 = Dangerous liaisons. DVD
PZ3 .W454 2010 維多利亞壹號 = DreamHome. DVD
PZ3 .W46 2008 文雀 = Sparrow. DVD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.10 問斜陽 = Asking the sunset. VCD
PZ3 .W63313 2005 Who am I?
PZ3 .W58 1990z 我愛廚房 = Kitchen. VCD
PZ3 .W583 2011 我愛 HK 開心萬歲 = I love Hong Kong. DVD
PZ3 .W585 2000z 我愛你 = I love you. DVD
PZ3 .W6 我愛太空人.LD
PZ3 .W623 2003 我愛夜來香 = All the wrong spies. DVD
PZ3 .W624 2002 我愛一碌葛 = Market's romance. DVD
PZ3 .W625 2001 我的父親母親 = The road home. VCD
PZ3 .W628 2001 我的野蠻同學 = My school mate, the barbarian. VCD
PZ3 .W6284 2008 我的最愛 = L for love, L for lies. DVD
PZ3 .W6285 2000z 我和爸爸 = My father and I. DVD
PZ3 .W63 1994 我和春天有個約會 = I have a date with spring. LD
PZ3 .W63135 2006 卧虎. DVD
PZ3 .W63155 2004 臥虎藏龍 = Crouching tiger, hidden dragon. DVD
PZ3 .W63176 2008 我叫刘跃进. DVD
PZ3 .W63179 2013 我老婆唔夠秤. 我老公唔生性 = My sassy hubby. DVD
PZ3 .W63178 2002 我老婆唔夠秤 = My wife is 18. DVD
PZ3 .W6318 1990z 我們都是這樣長大的 = Reunion. VCD
PZ3 .W632 1990z 我女若蘭 = Orchids and my love. VCD
PZ3 .W6327 2011 我, 十九歲 = Me 19. DVD
PZ3 .W633 1998 我是誰 = Who am I?DVD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.1 我是一片雲 = Cloud of romance. VCD
PZ3 .W634 1995 我要活下去 = I want to go on living. LD
PZ3 .W64 2004 我要做 model = Super model. VCD
PZ3 .W643 2007 我在政府部門的日子 = Just follow law. DVD
PZ3 .W645 1998 我這樣過了一生 = Kuei-mei a woman. VCD
PZ3 .W65 1990z 我這一輩子 = This life of mine. Video
PZ3 .W652 2004 我這一輩子 = This life of mine. DVD
PZ3 .W654 2011 我知女人心 = What women want. DVD
PZ3 .W66 2002 我左眼見到鬼 = My left eye sees ghosts. VCD
PZ3 .W73 1990z 無敵楊四郎. VCD
PZ3 .W86 五朵金花.Video
PZ3 .W862 2003 五朶金花. DVD
PZ3 .W735 2004 武館 = Martial club. VCD
PZ3 .W737 2006 無極 = The promise. DVD
PZ3 .W742 2003 無間道 II = Infernal affairs II. DVD
PZ3 .W743 2003 無間道 III : 終極無間 = Infernal affairs III. DVD
PZ3 .W74 2003 無間道 = Infernal affairs. DVD
PZ3 .W76 2002 無名英雄 = The anonymous heroes. DVD
PZ3 .W845 1990z 舞牛 = Wuniu = Dancing bull. VCD
PZ3 .W77 2007 吳清源 = The go master. DVD
PZ3 .W847 2000z 無人駕駛 = Spacked out. DVD
PZ3 .W777 2014 无人区.
No man's land
PZ3 .W848 2010 無聲風鈴 = Soundless wind chime. DVD
PZ3 .W85 武松.Video
PZ3 .W863 1990z 舞台姐妹. Video
PZ3 .W8632 2000z 舞台姐妹. DVD
PZ3 .W8632 2004 舞台姐妹.
Two actresses
PZ3 .W8635 2010 毋, 亡我 = Forget me not. DVD
PZ3 .W83 1995 無味神探 = Loving you. LD
PZ3 .W832 2007 無味神探 = Loving you. DVD
PZ3 .W8637 2011 武俠. DVD
PZ3 .W864 2008 武俠梁祝 = Butterfly lovers. DVD
PZ3 .W78 2002 無限復活. VCD
PZ3 .W8645 2011 武训传. DVD
PZ3 .W8652 2003 烏鴉與麻雀. VCD
PZ3 .W865 1996 烏鴉與麻雀 = Crows and sparrows. Video
PZ3 .W8655 2007 無言的山丘.
Hill of no return
PZ3 .W795 2012 無言 = Speechless. DVD
PZ3 .W8658 2011 午夜照相館 = Open to midnight. DVD
PZ3 .W866 2008 無野之城 = City without baseball. DVD
PZ3 .W867 2011 五月天追夢 = Mayday 3DNA. DVD
PZ3 .W8 1992 武狀元蘇乞兒 = King of beggars. VCD
PZ3 .W88 2004 五郎八卦棍 = The eight diagram pole fighter. DVD
PZ3 .W89 2006 武則天 = Empress Wu. DVD
PZ3 .X527 1992 西楚霸王 = The great conqueror's concubine. DVD
PZ3 .X5272 1998 西楚霸王 = The great conqueror's concubine part 1. VCD
PZ3 .X429 2011 西風烈 = Wind blast. DVD
PZ3 .X43 1999 喜劇之王 = King of comedy. VCD
PZ3 .X44 2013 犀利人妻 : 最終回 : 幸福男・不難 = The fierce wife. DVD
PZ3 .X45 2000 細路祥 = Little Cheung. VCD
PZ3 .X48 2000 戲夢人生. VCD
PZ3 .X485 2000z 希望在人間. VCD
PZ3 .X486 2007 戲王之王 = Simply actors. DVD
PZ3 .X522 1993 囍宴 = The Wedding banquet. LD
PZ3 .X5222 2004 [Xi]宴 = The Wedding banquet. DVD
PZ3 .X488 2003 夕陽天使 = So close. VCD
PZ3 .X5225 1990z 喜盈門. Video
PZ3 .X525 1995 西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣 = A Chinese odyssey part two : Cinderella. LD
PZ3 .X5252 2006 西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣 = A Chinese odyssey.DVD
PZ3 .X5242 2006 西遊記第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒 = A Chinese odyssey.DVD
PZ3 .X524 1995 西遊記第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒 = A Chinese odyssey part one : Pandora's box. LD
PZ3 .X4885 2003 西遊記 = The monkey goes west. DVD
PZ3 .X489 2013 西遊 : 降魔篇 = Journey to the west : conquering the demons. DVD
PZ3 .X49 2000 洗澡 = Shower. DVD
PZ3 .X5274 2010 嚇到笑 = Where got ghost?DVD
PZ3 .X5276 2002 俠女 = A touch of zen. DVD
PZ3 .X495 2000 夏日的麼麼茶 = Summer holiday. VCD
PZ3 .X52765 2000z 夏日福星 = Twinkle, twinkle, lucky stars. DVD
PZ3 .X498 2007 夏天的尾巴 = Summer's tail. DVD
PZ3 .X5277 2010 夏天協奏曲 = Summer time. DVD
PZ3 .X528 2003 下一站--天后 = Diva, Ah Hey. DVD
PZ3 .X52825 2005 鹹豆漿 = Brave 20. DVD
PZ3 .X5283 2010 綫人 = The stool pigeon. DVD
PZ3 .X535 1994 仙人掌 = Run. LD
PZ3 .X5 西安事變.Video
PZ3 .X5199 1997 西安事变. VCD
PZ3 .X5284 2002 想飛 = Princess-d. DVD
PZ3 .X52845 1980z 香火 = Gone with honor. LD
PZ3 .X5355 2002 香江花月夜 = Hong Kong nocturne. DVD
PZ3 .X5357 2007 香蕉天堂.
Banana paradise
PZ3 .X5285 2003 香車美人. VCD
PZ3 .X53 1990 湘女蕭蕭 = A girl from Hunan. Video
PZ3 .X52 鄉情.Video
PZ3 .X523 1993 香魂女 = Oil maker's family. LD
PZ3 .X5358 2003 向左走, 向右走 = Turn left, turn right. DVD
PZ3 .X536 1994 香港淪陷 = 1941 Hong Kong on fire. LD
PZ3 .X539 2014 香港仔 = Aberdeen. DVD
PZ3 .X54 1997 香港製造 = Made in Hong Kong. VCD
PZ3 .X54 2000z 香港製造 = Made in Hong Kong. VCD
PZ3 .X543 2001 香港仔. VCD
PZ3 .X5259 2004 笑傲江湖 = Swordsman. DVD
PZ3 .X544 1998 小城之春. VCD
PZ3 .X5443 2004 小城之春 = Springtime in a small town. DVD
PZ3 .X5528 2005 小刀会. DVD
PZ3 .X5529 2003 小兒女. VCD
PZ3 .X55292 2003 小兒女.
Father takes a bride
PZ3 .X554 2006 小孩不笨 2 = I not stupid too. DVD
PZ3 .X557 2000 小親親 = And I hate you so. VCD
PZ3 .X5573 2005 小煞星 = The singing killer. VCD
PZ3 .X557325 2011 消失打看 = Honey pupu. DVD
PZ3 .X5573256 2013 小时代. 青木时代 = Tiny times. DVD
PZ3 .X5573255 2013 小时代 = Tiny times. DVD
PZ3 .X557326 2012 消失的子彈 = The bullet vanishes. DVD
PZ3 .X55733 1990z 小畢的故事 = Growing up. VCD
PZ3 .X55734 1990z 小翠 = The petite wife. VCD
PZ3 .X557344 1990z 小花. VCD
PZ3 .X55735 2004 小武 = Xiao Wu. DVD
PZ3 .X55736 2008 夏日之詩 = Poetry of Summer. DVD
PZ3 .X5574 2004 邪 = Hex. VCD
PZ3 .X5575 2007 細路祥.
My son A-chang
PZ3 .X5576 2005 喜馬拉亞星 = Himalaya Singh. VCD
PZ3 .X5577 2013 西門町 = Westgate tango. DVD
PZ3 .X5578 2005 新半斤八兩 = Front page. DVD
PZ3 .X5579 1993 新不了情 = C'est la vie, mon cheri. LD
PZ3 .X55792 2007 新不了情 = C'est la vie, mon cheri. DVD
PZ3 .X558 2000z 心動 = Tempting heart. DVD
PZ3 .X5586 2004 新獨臂刀 = The new one-armed swordsman. VCD
PZ3 .X559 2000z 新兒女英雄傳. VCD
PZ3 .X55925 2011 辛亥革命 = 1911 Revolution. DVD
PZ3 .X5593 2003 心寒 = Shiver. VCD
PZ3 .X55935 2002 心灰 = First love & other pains. VCD
PZ3 .X5595 1990z 新戀愛世紀 = Love generation Hong Kong. VCD
PZ3 .X5598 2007 心灵渡口 = Shuttle of hearts. DVD
PZ3 .X56 1992 新龍門客棧 = Dragon inn. VCD
PZ3 .X5635 2010 心魔 = At the end of daybreak. DVD
PZ3 .X564 1993 新難兄難弟 = He ain't heavy, he's my father.LD
PZ3 .X5643 1990z 新娘與我 = The bride & I. VCD
PZ3 .X56435 1998 新女性. VCD
PZ3 .X564354 2010 新上海灘 = Shanghai grand. DVD
PZ3 .X564355 2011 新少林寺 = Shaolin. DVD
PZ3 .X56436 2009 新唐山大兄 = Shanghai affairs. DVD
PZ3 .X56438 2005 信天游 = Basic Interests. DVD
PZ3 .X56439 2000z 新同居時代.
In between
PZ3 .X566 1993 新仙鶴神針 = The magic crane. LD
PZ3 .X5677 2007 心想事成 = It's a wonderful life. DVD
PZ3 .X5644 1998 心香 = The true hearted. VCD
PZ3 .X5684 2007 心中有鬼 = The matrimony. DVD
PZ3 .X565 1991 新最佳拍檔 = Aces go places V. LD
PZ3 .X5685 2002 幸福時光 = Happy times. DVD
PZ3 .X5689 2009 性工作者 2 : 我不賣身・我賣子宮 = Ture women for sale. DVD
PZ3 .X5688 2007 性工作者十日談 = Whispers and moans. DVD
PZ3 .X569 1996 杏花三月天 = The story of Xinghua. Video
PZ3 .X5695 2002 星際鈍胎. DVD
PZ3 .X5697 2012 星空 = Starry starry night. DVD
PZ3 .X57 1994 星空下の戀情 = Hero interview. LD
PZ3 .X574 2013 星星的孩子.
Son of the stars
PZ3 .X575 2003 星星, 月亮, 太陽.
Sun, moon and star
PZ3 .X577 1999 星願 = Fly me to polaris. VCD
PZ3 .X578 2003 星月童話 = Moonlight express. DVD
PZ3 .X5785 2009 星月無盡 = Our island, our dreams. DVD
PZ3 .X5837 2009 新宿事件 = Shinjuku Incident. DVD
PZ3 .X585 2007 兄弟 = Brothers. DVD
PZ3 .X59 2009 喜羊羊與灰太狼電影版. 牛氣沖天 = Pleasant goat and big big wolf. DVD
PZ3 .X592 2010 喜羊羊與灰太狼. 虎膽羊威 = Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf. DVD
PZ3 .X835 2012 懸紅 = The bounty. DVD
PZ3 .X84 2013 血滴子 = The guillotines. DVD
PZ3 .X85 1990z 血色淸晨= The Bloody morning. VCD
PZ3 .X854 2005 雪兒 = Cherie. DVD
PZ3 .X857 2011 寻欢作乐 = The high life. DVD
PZ3 .X86 2001 薰衣草 = Lavender. VCD
PZ3 .Y34 1997 鴉片戰爭 = The Opium War. VCD
PZ3 .Y342 2000z 鴉片戰爭 = The Opium War. DVD
PZ3 .Y3 啞姑.Video
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.3 雁兒在林梢. VCD
PZ3 .Y3428 2006 艷光四射歌舞團 = Splendid float. DVD
PZ3 .Y3429 2010 眼淚 = 目屎 = Tears. DVD
PZ3 .Y362 胭脂扣.LD
PZ3 .Y3622 2002 胭脂扣 = Rouge. DVD
PZ3 .Y35 1998 延安游擊隊. VCD
PZ3 .Y364 1995 陽光燦爛的日子 = In the heat of the sun. LD
PZ3 .Y36 楊門女將.Video
PZ3 .Y365 1990z 養鴨人家. VCD
PZ3 .Y367 1990z 楊月樓傳 = Yeung Yuet Lau story. VCD
PZ3 .Y368 2009 陽陽. DVD
PZ3 .Y369 2010 搖啊搖, 搖到外婆橋 = Shanghai triad. DVD
PZ3 .Y37 1998 搖滾靑年 = Rock kids. VCD
PZ3 .Y377 2009 窈窕绅士 = My fair gentleman. DVD
PZ3 .Y38 2003 妖夜迴廊 = Night corridor. DVD
PZ3 .Y39 1990z 遥遠的愛. VCD
PZ3 .Y42 2000z 夜半歌聲 = The phantom lover. DVD
PZ3 .Y4 1995 夜半歌聲 = The phantom lovers. LD
PZ3 .Y424 2012 野蓮香 = My little honey moon. DVD
PZ3 .Y425 2003 野玫瑰之戀. VCD
PZ3 .Y426 2011 夜・明 = Road to dawn. DVD
PZ3 .Y43 1990z 野山. VCD
PZ3 .Y432 2007 野山.
In the wild mountains
PZ3 .Y4392 2010 葉問. = Ip Man.DVD
PZ3 .Y439 2009 葉問 = Ip Man. DVD
PZ3 .Y4393 2010 葉問前傳 = The legend is born--Ip Man. DVD
PZ3 .Y4394 2013 葉問 : 終極一戰 = Ip Man : the final fight. DVD
PZ3 .Y44 2006 夜宴 = The banquet. DVD
PZ3 .Y46 2008 一半海水一半火焰 = Ocean flame. DVD
PZ3 .Y464 2013 一代宗師 = The grandmaster. DVD
PZ3 .Y47 1990z 義蓋雲天 = A hearty response. VCD
PZ3 .Y478 2000 一個都不能少. DVD
PZ3 .Y479 2014 一個複雜故事.
Complicated story
PZ3 .Y48 1998 一個和八個. VCD
PZ3 .Y485 2000z 一個陌生女人的來信 = Letter from an unknown woman. DVD
PZ3 .Y49 2000 一見鍾情 = Sausalito. VCD
PZ3 .Y494 2003 一江春水向東流. VCD
PZ3 .Y4947 2013 一九四二 = Back to 1942. DVD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.4 一顆紅豆 = A love seed. VCD
PZ3 .Y495 2000z 一棵樹 = A tree in desert. VCD
PZ3 .Y4955 2011 異空危情 = Virtual recall. DVD
PZ3 .Y496 2003 一樂也 = The happiest moment. VCD
PZ3 .Y4967 2012 一路向西.
Due west : our sex journey
PZ3 .Y497 2010 一路有你 = The road less traveled. DVD
PZ3 .Y4984 2008 一輪明月 = a bright moon. DVD
PZ3 .Y4985 2007 姨妈的后现代生活 = The postmodern life of my aunt. DVD
PZ3 .Y4986 2006 一年之初 = Do over. DVD
PZ3 .Y5 一盤沒有下完的棋.Video
PZ3 .Y53 1999 一生一台戲. VCD
PZ3 .Y535 2000z 倚天屠龍記. VCD
PZ3 .Y536 2009 意外 = Accident. DVD
PZ3 .Y5365 2009 一席之地 = A place of one's own. DVD
PZ3 .Y537 2010 一頁台北 = Au revoir Taipei. DVD
PZ3 .Y54 2001 一一 = A one and a two. DVD
PZ3 .Y542 2010 一一 = A one and a two--DVD
PZ3 .Y544 2005 伊波拉病毒 = Ebola syndrome. DVD
PZ3 .Y546 2012 颐和园 = Summer Palace. DVD
PZ3 .Y55 2005 沂蒙颂. DVD
PZ3 .Y554 2005 銀漢雙星 = Two stars. DVD
PZ3 .Y5546 2011 隱婚男女 = Mr. & Mrs. single. DVD
PZ3 .Y555 1998 陰間響馬 ; 吹鼓吹. VCD
PZ3 .Y557 2004 飲食男女. DVD
PZ3 .Y564 2011 硬汉. 奉陪到底 = He-man. DVD
PZ3 .Y568 2003 瀛台泣血 = The Last tempest. DVD
PZ3 .Y5685 2005 鷹王 = King eagle. VCD
PZ3 .Y57 1998 英雄本色 = A better tomorrow. DVD
PZ3 .Y5699 2010 英雄本色 = The story of a discharged prisoner. DVD
PZ3 .Y575 2012 英雄喋血 = 72 martyrs. DVD
PZ3 .Y58 2003 英雄好漢 = Tragic hero. VCD
PZ3 .Y569 2003 英雄 = Hero. DVD
PZ3 .Y584 1990z 英倫琵琶 = Banana cop. VCD
PZ3 .Y586 2006 伊莎貝拉 = Isabella. DVD
PZ3 .Y66 2000 詠春 = Wing chun. VCD
PZ3 .Y6635 2009 永久居留 = Permanent residence. DVD
PZ3 .Y665 2000z 永失我愛 = Gone forever my love. VCD
PZ3 .Y668 1998 有话好好说. VCD
PZ3 .Y67 2000z 游擊進行曲. VCD
PZ3 .Y685 2009 游龍戲鳳 = Look for a star. DVD
PZ3 .Y686 2010 有一天 = One day. DVD
PZ3 .Y688 2002 憂憂愁愁的走了 = Leaving in sorrow. DVD
PZ3 .Y689 2009 憂鬱森林 = Melancholy forest. DVD
PZ3 .Y695 2001 遊園驚夢 = Peony pavilion. DVD
PZ3 .Y788 2011 與愛別離 = Revenge of the factory woman. DVD
PZ3 .Y8 郁達夫傳奇.LD
PZ3 .Y8155 1997 漁島怒潮. VCD
PZ3 .Y8165 2004 玉觀音 = Goddess of mercy. DVD
PZ3 .Y8188 2005 漁光曲. DVD
PZ3 .Y8228 2014 盂蘭神功.
Hungry ghost ritual
PZ3 .Y825 2003 玉女私情. VCD
PZ3 .Y827 2001 玉女添丁.
"陳寶珠, 呂奇主演 (1968年)"
PZ3 .Y8272 2005 玉女添丁. DVD
PZ3 .Y828 2003 緣份 = Behind the yellow line. VCD
PZ3 .Y83 1998 遠離戰爭年代 = Far removed from war. VCD
PZ3 .Y834 1990z 怨女. VCD
PZ3 .Y838 1997 原野 = The savage land. VCD
PZ3 .Y8385 2006 原振俠與与衛斯理 = The seventh curse. DVD
PZ3 .Y839 2010 越光寶盒 = Just another Pandora's box. DVD
PZ3 .Y84 1994 月光少年 = Moonlight boy. VCD
PZ3 .Y85 2008 粤・歸・緣 = Reunion. DVD
PZ3 .Y86 2001 月亮的秘密 = When I fall in love--with both. VCD
PZ3 .Y863 2010 月滿軒尼詩 = Crossing Hennessy. DVD
PZ3 .Y864 1996 月滿英倫 = Foreign moon. Video
PZ3 .Y8642 1990z 月滿英倫 = Foreign moon. VCD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.2 月朦朧鳥朦朧. VCD
PZ3 .Y865 2000z 月未老 = After the crescent. DVD
PZ3 .Y866 2012 樂之路 = Road less traveled. DVD
PZ3 .Y87 2003 雲海玉弓緣. VCD
PZ3 .Y88 2007 雲水謠.
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.7 芸娘. DVD
PZ3 .Z1976 2014 Z 風暴 = Z storm. DVD
PZ3 .Z198 2012 Z108 : 棄城.
Zombie 108
PZ3 .Z285 2002 雜家小子 = Knockabout. VCD
PZ3 .Z289 1990z 雜嘴子. Video
PZ3 .Z336 1990 再見螢火蟲 = Fireflies. LD
PZ3 .Z338 2009 再生號 = Written by. DVD
PZ3 .Z34 再生人.LD
PZ3 .Z346 2005 再世紅梅記. DVD
PZ3 .Z348 2005 再說一次我愛你 = All about love. DVD
PZ3 .Z349 2013 在一起 = Together. DVD
PZ3 .Z35 2002 贊先生與找錢華 = Warriors two. DVD
PZ3 .Z36 早春二月.Video
PZ3 .Z37 2005 早熟 = 2 young. DVD
PZ3 .Z43 1990z 戰地英豪 = Heroes behind the enemy lines. VCD
PZ3 .Z435 2011 戰國= The Warring States. DVD
PZ3 .Z448 1993 戰神傳說 = The moon warriors. LD
PZ3 .Z4485 2002 站台 = Platform. DVD
PZ3 .Z449 1998 站直囉, 別趴下 = Stand up don't bend over, don't bend over stand up. LD
PZ3 .Z44925 2004 掌門人 = The Lady is the boss. VCD
PZ3 .Z44926 2010 趙氏孤儿.
PZ3 .Z44927 2002 這個夏天有異性 = Summer breeze of love. VCD
PZ3 .Z44928 2012 陣頭 = Din tao : leader of the parade. DVD
PZ3 .Z4498 2001 徵婚啓事 = The personals. DVD
PZ3 .Z44984 2009 証人 = Beast stalker. DVD
PZ3 .Z449845 2014 整容日記 = The truth about beauty. DVD
PZ3 .Z44985 2005 摯愛 = Embrace your shadow. DVD
PZ3 .Z44987 2006 只愛陌生人 = Innocent. DVD
PZ3 .Z4499 2000z 脂粉市場. VCD
PZ3 .Z44995 2008 指間的重量 = The touch of fate. DVD
PZ3 .Z44996 2013 志氣 = Step back to glory. DVD
PZ3 .Z44997 2005 智取威虎山. DVD
PZ3 .Z44998 2013 致我们终将逝去的青春 = So young. DVD
PZ3 .Z44999 2006 至尊無賴. VCD
PZ3 .Z449995 2010 志明与春嬌 = Love in a puff. DVD
PZ3 .Z454 2004 重案黐孖 gun = Heat team. VCD
PZ3 .Z45 1993 重案組 = Crime story. LD
PZ3 .Z452 2006 重案組 = Crime story. DVD
PZ3 .Z4546 2013 忠烈楊家將 = Saving General Yang. DVD
PZ3 .Z459 2000z 重裝警察 = Hit Team. VCD
PZ3 .Z4548 2013 中國合伙人 = American dreams in China. DVD
PZ3 .Z457 2000z 中環英雄 = Don't fool me. VCD
PZ3 .Z462 1999 周恩來 = Zhou En Lai. DVD
PZ3 .Z46 1992 周恩來 = Zhou En lai. LD
PZ3 .Z47 2004 咒樂園 = The park. VCD
PZ3 .Z479 1983 祝福 = New year sacrifice. Video
PZ3 .Z48 2000 祝福 = Promising Miss Bowie. VCD
PZ3 .Z484 1988 竹籬笆外的春天. LD
PZ3 .Z485 1990z 壯志豪情 = Whampao blues. VCD
PZ3 .Z486 2000z 壯志凌雲. VCD
PZ3 .Z487 2004 追擊 8 月 15 = Hidden heroes. VCD
PZ3 .Z488 2012 追凶 = Fairy tale killer. DVD
PZ3 .Z489 2009 追影 = Tracing shadow. DVD
PZ3 .Z4894 1980z 追魚 = Fish pursue. Video
PZ3 .Z4896 2011 茱麗葉 = Juliets. DVD
PZ3 .Z52 紫釵記.LD
PZ3 .Z5 子夜.Video
PZ3 .Z5199 2005 子夜. DVD
PZ3 .Z58 1999 紫雨風暴 = Purple storm. DVD
PZ3 .Z66 2006 縱橫四海 = Once a thief. DVD
PZ3 .Z665 2014 總舖師 = Zone pro site. DVD
PZ3 .Z67 2011 走出五月 = Goodbye May. DVD
PZ3 .Z68 2002 走火槍 = Runaway pistol. VCD
PZ3 .Z79 2002 足本玉蒲團 = Yu pui tsuen. DVD
PZ3 .Z84 2007 最愛.
PZ3 .Z843 2011 最愛 = Love for life. DVD
PZ3 .Z8436 2006 最愛女人購物狂 = The shopaholics. VCD
PZ3 .Z845 2007 最好的時光 = Three times. DVD
PZ3 .Z846 2006 最後判決 = Final justice. DVD
PZ3 .Z847 2007 最後勝利 = Final victory. DVD
PZ3 .Z853 1998 最佳拍檔. VCD
PZ3 .Z8532 1997 最佳拍檔.
Aces go places I
PZ3 .Z85 1986 最佳拍檔 : 千里救差婆 = Aces go places IV. LD
PZ3 .Z8535 2011 最強囍事 = All's well end's well 2011. DVD
PZ3 .Z854 1990z 醉拳. VCD
PZ3 .Z855 1990z 最想念的季節 = My favorite season. VCD
PZ3 .Z856 2008 最遙遠的距離 = Most distant course. DVD
PZ3 .Z857 2012 昨日的記憶 = When yesterday comes. DVD
PZ3 .Z858 2005 做頭 = Hands in the hair. DVD
PZ3 .Z86 1994 昨夜長風 = Tears and triumph. LD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.12 昨夜之燈 = Last night's light. VCD