No. | Policy Papers | Download (as PDF) |
1 | 王澤森(2017)信用評級和一帶一路債券市場的發展:問題、 挑戰和解決方案 Wong, Michael. (2017) Credit Rating and OBOR Bond Market Development: Issues, Challenges and Possible Solutions |
中 | ENG |
2 | 李芝蘭, 李建安(2017)‘粵港澳大灣區全國策略角色思考: 善用香港「一國兩制」,彰顯灣區軟實力優勢’ 意見書 LI Che-lan Linda, Li Kin On (2017) Thoughts on national strategic role of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area: Leveraging on “One Country, Two Systems” in Hong Kong, envisioning advantages of soft power capacity of the Bay Area |
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3 | 李芝蘭, 姬超(2017)制度反腐:《監察法》草案改革增進尺度評價’意見書 LI Che-lan Linda,Ji Chao. (2017) Institutional Anti-Corruption: Comments on Supervision Bill |
中 |
4 | 李芝蘭、石磊、李建安 (2018) 超越零和角度:重新剖析香港人的身份認同 Linda Chelan Li, H. Christoph Steinhardt. (2018) Re-examining Hong Kong Political Identities: Beyond a Zero-sum Relationship |
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5 | 王澤森 (2018) 設立「一帶一路信用評級機構」的路徑藍圖 Wong, Michael CS. (2018) Belt-Road Credit Rating Agency (BRCRA): Outlining a Roadmap |
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李芝蘭、郭文德、李建安 (2018) 設立填海造地用途監管機制 |
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李芝蘭、郭文德、李建安 (2018) 遏止居屋流入私營市場 轉售價格宜與入息掛鈎 |
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Dr David Holloway, Prof Feng Lin, Prof Linda Chelan Li, Ms Xiaohe Zheng, Mr Mantak Kwok (2018) Strengthening Hong Kong’s Position as an Arbitration Hubin the Belt and Road Initiative |
9 |
陳志軒、林峰 (2018)一帶一路倡議下的爭議解決:在粵港澳大灣區構建有效的調解體系 |
中 |
10 |
李芝蘭、鍾碩殷、李建安 (2018) 教育與人口政策脫鉤 建設大灣區高等教育樞紐 |
中 |
11 |
李芝蘭、鍾碩殷 (2018) 讓粵港澳大灣區成為香港青年的真正選擇 ── 香港政府角色的思考 |
中 |
12 |
王澤森、陳樂庭、李建安 (2019) 構建一帶一路新投融資模型 |
中 |
13 |
李芝蘭、李建安 (2019) 如何化解社會仇恨 發揮政府的正面功能 |
中 |
14 |
李芝蘭、姬超、羅曼、李建安 (2019) 大灣區要素流動的新思考方向: 超越對等與非對等 |
中 |
15 |
李芝蘭、何繼超、游玎怡、李建安(2020)香港再工業化需要更清晰定位 Linda Chelan Li, Kai-chiu Ho, Ding-yi You, Kin-on Li. (2020) Hong Kong's Reindustrialization needs a Clearer Positioning |
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16 |
關志健、徐銘蝶、徐俊傑(2020)職場共融:企業在協助殘疾人士就業的角色 |
中 |
17 |
盧啟聰、關志健(2020)推動少數族裔精神健康的策略與行動 Kai Chung Lo, Chi Kin Kwan. (2020) Strategies and Actions for Promoting the Mental Health of Ethnic Minorities |
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18 |
溫慧儀 (2021) 香港企業破產及重整改⾰的幾個初步建議 Professor Wai Yee WAN (2021) "Should Hong Kong Reform its Insolvency Law in Times of COVID-19?", please download here or visit |
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19 |
巫麗蘭、李芝蘭、鍾兆偉、陳浩文、徐俊傑、李建安(2021)改善香港上市公司ESG匯報制度的一些思考 Phyllis Mo, Linda Chelan Li, William Chung, Ho Mun Chan, Chun Kit Chui and Kin On Li (2021) Thoughts on Improving ESG Reporting Practice in Hong Kong |
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李芝蘭、關志健、柯衍健、巫麗蘭、郭儉、鍾碩殷 (2023) 「多元、公平和共融」(DEI) 勞動力對香港創新、競爭力和可持續發展的作用 Linda Chelan Li, Chi Kin Kwan, Nick Or, Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Kim Kwok, Jeffrey Chung (2023) "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" labor force's impact on Hong Kong's innovation, competitiveness and sustainable development |
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21 |
李芝蘭、劉蕓宏、董亮、巫麗蘭、李建安 (2023) 達致減排目標政策框架的思考 Linda Chelan Li, Yunhong Liu, Liang Dong, Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Kin On Li (2023) The Policy Framework to achieve emission reduction targets |
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22 |
李芝蘭、董亮、巫麗蘭、劉蕓宏、李建安 (2023) 完善「市場管控」及「商業化機制」政策 推動香港發電能源構成進一步轉型 Linda Chelan Li, Liang Dong, Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Yunhong Liu, Kin On Li (2023) Refining "Market Control" and "Commercialisation Mechanism" Policies to Accelerate Energy Transition in Hong Kong |
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23 |
李芝蘭、董亮、巫麗蘭、劉蕓宏、李建安 (2023) 私家車轉油為電,香港交通運輸減排的關鍵 Linda Chelan Li, Liang Dong, Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Yunhong Liu, Kin On Li (2023) Electrification of Private Cars to Reduce Emissions for Hong Kong's Transportation |
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關志健、李芝蘭、郭儉、馬錦華、高潔梅、巫麗蘭、李建安 (2023) 制訂主動式無縫個案管理機制 Ricky Chi Kin Kwan, Linda Chelan Li, Kwok Kim, Kam Wah Ma, Samantha Kit Mui Ko, Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Kin On Li (2023) Implementing a Proactive Seamless Case Management Mechanism |
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25 |
李芝蘭、董亮、巫麗蘭、李建安 (2023) 驅動香港綠色金融發展 ,完善「投融資溫室氣體排放」核算 Linda Chelan Li, Liang Dong, Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Kin On Li (2023) Accelerating green finance development in Hong Kong: Improving the estimation on greenhouse gas emissions in the financial sector |
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26 |
董亮、巫麗蘭、李芝蘭、李建安 (2023) 香港投融資溫室氣體排放估算: 以銀行貸款及資產管理為切入點 Liang Dong, Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Linda Chelan Li, Kin On Li (2023) Estimation of Financed Emissions in Hong Kong: From the Perspective of Bank Loans and Asset Management |
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董亮、巫麗蘭、李芝蘭、李建安 (2023) 促進香港綠色金融發展: 基於投融資溫室氣體排放初步估算的一些建議 Liang Dong, Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Linda Chelan Li, Kin On Li (2023) Advancing Green Finance Development in Hong Kong: Policy Recommendations Based on Estimation of Financed Emissions |
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卓雋傑、陳浩文、熊天佑、李芝蘭、林芬、Viktor Tuzov、李建安 (2023) 人工智能發展的倫理考量 Chun-kit Cheuk, Ho-mun Chan, Victor Tin-yau Hung, Linda Chelan Li, Fen Lin, Viktor Tuzov (2024) Ethical examination of the development of artificial intelligence |
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卓雋傑、陳浩文、熊天佑、李芝蘭、林芬、Viktor Tuzov、李建安 (2023) 建立人工智能倫理與監管框架的幾點建議 Chun-kit Cheuk, Ho-mun Chan, Victor Tin-yau Hung, Linda Chelan Li, Fen Lin, Viktor Tuzov, Kin On Li (2024) Suggestions for the establishment of an ethical and regulatory framework for artificial intelligence |
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30 |
李芝蘭、羅曼 、李建安 (2024) 香港與前海的合作路徑 - 以「特」促「特」 Linda Chelan Li, Man Luo, Kin On Li (2023) The future of collaboration between Hong Kong and Qianhai: Interactive uniqueness and transformation |
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Jerry Zhang, Michael C.S. Wong, Linda Chelan Li (2024) Four Ideas for seizing Belt and Road opportunities for Hong Kong |
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巫麗蘭、李芝蘭、李建安 (2024) 柬埔寨考察系列之一 : 香港會計業把握東盟機遇的幾點初步建議
Phyllis Lai Lan Mo, Linda Chelan Li, Kin On Li: Exploring Cambodia: How accounting professionals in Hong Kong can seize opportunities in ASEAN countries |
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Pranab Kumar Panday, Linda Chelan Li (2024) Taking Stock of Bangladesh: Drivers and Future Directions |
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Pranab Kumar Panday, Linda Chelan Li (2024) Navigating Diversity: Challenges and Strategies for a Harmonious Bangladesh |