PALSI - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What should I do if I want to nominate a course to join PALSI?
Course leaders can nominate any courses to join the PALSI scheme. After joining the scheme, PALSI Coordinators will have to:

  • Complete course-based forms (Forms B & C) and submit them to the Talent and Education Development Office (TED). Course nomination is usually conducted in July and December;
  • Nominate senior year students who performed well in the course to be PALSI Leaders;
  • Encourage junior year students to join PALSI as learners;
  • Provide support to PALSI Leaders when they encounter any difficulty with the subject matter.

What kinds of students should I nominate as PALSI Leaders?
Ideal PALSI Leaders should have a:

  • Good CGPA, preferably 3.0 or above;
  • Good grade (A- or above) in the PALSI Course.

How should I prepare PALSI Leaders to teach?
After nominating PALSI Leaders, PALSI Coordinators shall:

  • Grant PALSI Leader access to the course materials via Canvas or email;
  • Provide academic support to PALSI Leaders if necessary.

Does my department need to pay for the PALSI Leaders?
PALSI Leaders are employed under the Campus Work Scheme (CWS) and their stipend is supported by the University's institutional fund.

How many courses can a PALSI Leader teach?
Each PALSI Leader can only teach one PALSI course on a first-come, first-served basis. PALSI Leaders are recommended to facilitate no more than 2 groups of students. The group size normally ranges from 6 to 8 students.

How can I determine if I am eligible to become a PALSI Leader?
All PALSI Leaders must be nominated by PALSI Coordinators/course leaders. You should have:

  • Good CGPA, preferably 3.0 or above;
  • Good grade (A- or above) in the PALSI Course.

How many PALSI courses can I teach?
PALSI leaders are limited to teaching one PALSI course only. If you are nominated to teach several courses, you should choose one only.

How does a PALSI session operate and what do I have to do in my sessions?
The weekly 2-hour PALSI sessions will run from Week 4 to Week 12 for PALSI courses.
PALSI Leaders should approach course leaders to discuss about the session arrangements and consult them if they have any academic questions.

Will I get paid?
PALSI Leaders are recruited under the Student Helper and Campus Work Scheme (CWS). The current stipend is HK$ 75 per hour worked.

How can I claim my working hours?
All PALSI leaders have to claim their working hours in AIMS. If you have more than one helper contract, the sum of weekly hours should not exceed 17 hours. According to the University’s guidelines, you can have at most three job assignments concurrently.

How can I join PALSI?
You have to attend ONE of the PALSI Orientation sessions (except those who have joined PALSI before) if you want to join PALSI.  You can follow the steps below to sign up:

  1. Logon AIMS;
  2. Choose "Student Services";
  3. Click "On-line Application for In-house Student Development Courses";
  4. Select Department "Talent and Education Development Office (TED)";
  5. Click "Click to sort" before you apply for the session;
  6. Choose the appropriate session and click the "Apply" button;
  7. Click "Confirm" to complete the registration.
  8. Mark your diary for the registered session.

How many courses/sessions can I take?
PALSI Students are limited to taking one PALSI session only for a particular PALSI course. Likewise, it is advised not to take more than two PALSI courses in a semester.

How long will the PALSI sessions last?
The weekly 2-hour PALSI sessions will run from Week 4 to Week 12.

Who will be facilitating my academic study?
Senior students who have performed well in the PALSI courses are invited to become PALSI Leaders. They will meet with junior students (called PALSI Students) studying in the same course to discuss academic work and to share effective learning strategies.

What do PALSI Leaders and Students say about PALSI?
Go to testimonials to learn more about PALSI and what others say.