Movies, Chinese - By Romanized Title : O-T

Movies, Chinese (Romanized title in alphabetical order) : 0-9 A-D E-I J-N O-T U-Z
Movies, Non-Chinese (Title in alphabetical order) : 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P-Q R S T U V W X-Z
Call Number Title Medium
PZ3 .O28 1998 哦 ! 香雪. VCD
PZ3 .O94 2010 Oxhide II.
PZ3 .P35 2004 跑吧孩子 = Homerun. VCD
PZ3 .P36 1990z 炮打雙燈 = Red firecracker, green firecracker. VCD
PZ3 .P49 2012 匹夫 = An inaccurate memoir. DVD
PZ3 .P5 1996 霹靂火 = Thunderbolt. VCD
PZ3 .P54 2004 霹靂十傑 = Disciples of the 36th chamber = Les disciplesde 36eme chambre. DVD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.2 枇杷巷口故人來 tutor. DVD
PZ3 .P544 2011 片刻暖和 = Sleeping with her. DVD
PZ3 .P545 2008 漂浪青春 = Drifting flowers. DVD
PZ3 .P564 2005 平原游擊隊. DVD
PZ3 .P55 2007 蘋果 = Lost in Beijing. DVD
PZ3 .P624 2010 破浪而出. DVD
PZ3 .P627 2008 破事兒.
Trivial matters
PZ3 .P78 2000z PTU. DVD
PZ3 .P824 2009 撲克王 = Poker king. DVD
PZ3 .Q2145 1997 七彩卡通老夫子. 水虎傳. VCD
PZ3 .Q2155 2004 七彩難兄難弟. VCD
PZ3 .Q2165 2013 奇幻夜 = Tales from the dark.DVD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.9 妻嬌郎更嬌. DVD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.6 淒涼媳婦. DVD
PZ3 .Q2185 2000z 奇謀妙計五福星 = Winners and sinners. DVD
PZ3 .Q2195 2007 七擒七縱七色狼. DVD
PZ3 .Q223 1990z 七十二家房客. Video
PZ3 .Q222 2002 七十二家房客 = The house of 72 tenants. DVD
PZ3 .Q2234 2012 起勢搖滾 = Lives in flames. DVD
PZ3 .Q2237 2007 棋王.
Chess king
PZ3 .Q2238 2002 棋王 = King of chess. VCD
PZ3 .Q2238 1990z 棋王 = King of chess. VCD
PZ3 .Q2239 2003 奇袭白虎团. DVD
PZ3 .Q224 1990z 奇異檔案 = Mystery files. VCD
PZ3 .Q22528 2008 旗魚 = Sailfish. DVD
PZ3 .Q2253 2008 七月好風 = Breeze of July. DVD
PZ3 .Q2254 2005 千杯不醉 = Drink drank drunk. DVD
PZ3 .Q22544 2009 錢不夠用. 親情無價 = Money no enough.DVD
PZ3 .Q22545 2011 前度 = Ex. DVD
PZ3 .Q2255 2001 千方百計搶財神. VCD
PZ3 .Q225584 2003 千嬌百媚 = Les belles. VCD
PZ3 .Q225585 2006 千里走单骑 = Riding alone for thousands of miles. DVD
PZ3 .Q5 倩女幽魂.LD
PZ3 .Q225587 2005 倩女幽魂 = A Chinese ghost story. DVD
PZ3 .Q225586 2003 倩女幽魂 = Enchanting shadow. DVD
PZ3 .Q52 1990 倩女幽魂 II : 人間道 = A Chinese ghost story II. LD
PZ3 .Q225588 2003 倩女幽魂. 人間道 = A Chinese ghost story. II, The story continues--DVD
PZ3 .Q225588 2005 倩女幽魂. 人間道 = A Chinese ghost story. The story continues--DVD
PZ3 .Q522 1991 倩女幽魂 III : 道道道 = A Chinese ghost story III. LD
PZ3 .Q225589 2003 倩女幽魂. 道道道 = A Chinese ghost story. III. DVD
PZ3 .Q225589 2005 倩女幽魂. 道道道 = A Chinese ghost story.DVD
PZ3 .Q22559 2002 慳錢家族 = Frugal game. VCD
PZ3 .Q225592 2002 慳錢家族 = Frugal game. DVD
PZ3 .Q226 2002 千禧曼波 = Millennium Mambo. DVD
PZ3 .Q532 1999 千言萬語 = Ordinary heroes. VCD
PZ3 .Q2342 2005 搶錢夫妻. DVD
PZ3 .Q234 1993 搶錢夫妻 = Always on my mind. LD
PZ3 .Q23 1988 搶錢家族 = Yen family. LD
PZ3 .Q235 2000 鎗王 = Double tap. VCD
PZ3 .Q2358 2010 鎗王之王 = Triple tap. DVD
PZ3 .Q2363 2008 巧克力重擊 = Chocolate rap. DVD
PZ3 .Q2365 1990z 契媽唔易做 = To catch a theif. VCD
PZ3 .Q23672 2011 竊聽風雲. = Overheard.DVD
PZ3 .Q2367 2009 竊聽風雲 = Overheard. DVD
PZ3 .Q2368 2009 親密 = Claustrophobia. DVD
PZ3 .Q563 1996 秦頌 = The emperor's shadow. VCD
PZ3 .Q56 1990 秦俑 = A terra-cotta warrior. LD
PZ3 .Q2369 2012 傾城之淚 = The allure of tears. DVD
PZ3 .Q238 2003 靑春兒女. DVD
PZ3 .Q57 1998 青春無悔 = No regrets about youth. VCD
PZ3 .Q24 靑春之歌.Video
PZ3 .Q243 2004 青春之歌. DVD
PZ3 .Q247 2008 情非得已之生存之道 = What on earth have I done wrong?!DVD
PZ3 .Q249 2002 清宮秘史. VCD
PZ3 .Q2492 2006 清宮秘史.
Secrets of the Qing court
PZ3 .Q25 淸宮怨.Video
PZ3 .Q258 2002 傾國傾城 = The Empress Dowager. DVD
PZ3 .Q2586 2001 青梅竹馬 ; 唐狗与北京狗 = Bamboo doors, bamboo doors ; The dogs. VCD
PZ3 .Q2587 2012 情謎 = The second woman. DVD
PZ3 .Q2588 2010 情人的眼淚 = The melody of love. DVD
PZ3 .Q259 2002 靑少年哪吒 = Rebels of the Neon God. DVD
PZ3 .Q2593 2000z 晴天娃娃 = Sunny doll. DVD
PZ3 .Q2594 2006 情意拳拳 = Nothing is impossible. DVD
PZ3 .Q2597 2008 青藏线 = A railway in the cloud. DVD
PZ3 .Q26 秋瑾.Video
PZ3 .Q265 2012 球來就打.
Viva baseball
PZ3 .Q268 2000z 秋收起義. VCD
PZ3 .Q58 秋天的童話.LD
PZ3 .Q269 2004 秋天的童話 = An Autumn's tale. DVD
PZ3 .Q2695 2007 秋月 = Autumn moon. DVD
PZ3 .Q272 1990z 秋菊打官司.
Story of Qiuju
PZ3 .Q27 1992 秋菊打官司 = The story of Qiuju. LD
PZ3 .Q8 1999 去年煙花特別多 = The longest summer. VCD
PZ3 .Q824 2000z 全郶歌唱陳姑追舟. VCD
PZ3 .Q324 2010 全城戒備 = City under siege. DVD
PZ3 .Q325 2010 全城熱恋熱辣辣 = Hot summer days. DVD
PZ3 .Q3256 2013 全民目擊 = Silent witness. DVD
PZ3 .Q326 2012 全球熱戀 = Love in space. DVD
PZ3 .Q825 1990z 拳王 = Dreams of glory, a boxers' story. VCD
PZ3 .Q35 2001 全職殺手 = Fulltime killer. VCD
PZ3 .Q84 1998 闕里人家 = A confucius family. VCD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.9 卻在心頭 = Wells up in my heart. VCD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.11 燃燒吧! 火鳥 = Burn phoenix burn. VCD
PZ3 .R354 2011 讓子彈飛 = Let the bullets fly. DVD
PZ3 .R38 2013 熱愛島 = Passion Island. DVD
PZ3 .R39 2010 熱帶魚. DVD
PZ3 .R396 2011 熱浪球愛戰 = Beach spike. DVD
PZ3 .R4 1990z 熱戀. VCD
PZ3 .R46 人到中年.Video
PZ3 .R462 2002 人到中年. DVD
PZ3 .R463 2000z 人, 鬼, 情 = Woman, demon, human. Video
PZ3 .R4635 2010 人間喜劇 = La comedie humaine. DVD
PZ3 .R464 1995 人間有情 = The umbrella story. LD
PZ3 .R46428 2000z 人民的巨掌. VCD
PZ3 .R4643 2004 人民公廁 = Public toilet. DVD
PZ3 .R46437 2007 人民英雄 = People's hero. DVD
PZ3 .R4644 2003 人皮燈籠 = Human lanterns. DVD
PZ3 .R4645 2002 人嚇鬼 = Hocus Pocus. DVD
PZ3 .R4646 2004 任逍遙 = Unknown pleasures. DVD
PZ3 .R4647 2006 人鱼朵朵 = The shoe fairy. DVD
PZ3 .R465 1995 人約黃昏 = Evening liaison. VCD
PZ3 .R466 2011 人約離婚後 = Love is the only answer. DVD
PZ3 .R467 2010 人在囧途 = Lost on journey. DVD
PZ3 .R4672 2012 人再囧途之泰囧 = Lost in Thailand. DVD
PZ3 .R4682 1990z 人在紐約 = Full moon in New York. DVD
PZ3 .R468 1990 人在紐約 = Full moon in New York. LD
PZ3 .R5 日出.Video
PZ3 .R68 2004 柔道龍虎榜 = Throw down. DVD
PZ3 .R765 2006 如果・愛 = Perhaps love. DVD
PZ3 .R767 2010 如夢 = Like a dream. DVD
PZ3 .R825 1992 阮玲玉 = Center stage. LD
PZ3 .R8252 2005 阮玲玉 = Centre stage. DVD
PZ3 .R8252 2003 阮玲玉 = Centre stage. DVD
PZ3 .R82522 1990z 阮玲玉 = Centre stage. VCD
PZ3 .R78 2000 如來神掌. VCD
PZ3 .S225 2000z 塞上風雲. VCD
PZ3 .S2255 2012 賽德克・巴萊. 彩虹橋 = Seediq Bale. DVD
PZ3 .S2254 2012 賽德克・巴萊. 太陽旗 = Seediq Bale. DVD
PZ3 .S226 2005 三岔口 = Divergence. DVD
PZ3 .S26 1994 三個相愛的少年 = Oh! My three guys ..LD
PZ3 .S29 2004 三更 2 = Three--extremes. DVD
PZ3 .S28 2002 三更 = Three.
v.1 回憶/v.2 回家/v.3 輪迴
PZ3 .S36 1998 三進山城. VCD
PZ3 .S37 1990z 三狼奇案 = Sentenced to hang. DVD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.12 三年一哭二郎橋. DVD
PZ3 .S375 2010 三槍拍案驚奇.
Woman, a gun and a noodle shop
PZ3 .S38 2003 三少爺的劍 = Death duel. DVD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.8 三審狀元妻. DVD
PZ3 .S386 2010 三條窄路 = Three narrow gates. DVD
PZ3 .S394 2006 三峡好人 = Still life. DVD
PZ3 .S395 2003 三笑 = The Three smiles. DVD
PZ3 .S3955 2001 三笑姻緣. DVD
PZ3 .S396 1990z 三毛從軍記 = San Mao's army life. Video
PZ3 .S3964 2014 掃毒 = The white storm. DVD
PZ3 .S3965 1992 莎莎嘉嘉站起來 = Sisters of the world unite. LD
PZ3 .S397 2007 色, 戒 = Lust, caution. DVD
PZ3 .S399 2007 森冤 = Forest of death. DVD
PZ3 .S425 2006 殺破狼 = SPL. DVD
PZ3 .S427 2009 殺人犯 = Murderer. DVD
PZ3 .S43 1998 殺殺人, 跳跳舞 = Ballistic kiss. VCD
PZ3 .S435 2007 殺手蝴蝶夢 = My heart is that eternal rose. DVD
PZ3 .S436 2011 殺手, 歐陽盆栽 = The killer, never kills. DVD
PZ3 .S44 2003 沙家浜. DVD
PZ3 .S444 2011 山楂樹之戀 = Under the hawthorn tree. DVD
PZ3 .S536 1995 山水有相逢 = The golden girls. VCD
PZ3 .S45 2004 山中傳奇. DVD
PZ3 .S4535 2007 傷城 = Confession of pain. DVD
PZ3 .S52 傷逝.Video
PZ3 .S455 2006 上学路上 = The story of Xiao Yan. DVD
PZ3 .S46 1990z 上海 1920. VCD
PZ3 .S49 1990z 上海皇帝之雄霸天下 = Lord of East China Sea II. DVD
PZ3 .S52137 2003 少林搭棚大師 = Return to the 36th chamber. VCD
PZ3 .S52137 2004 少林搭棚大師 (少林三十六房续集) = Return to the 36th chamber = Retour à la 36eme chambre. DVD
PZ3 .S52138 2003 少林三十六房 = The 36th chamber of Shaolin. DVD
PZ3 .S52138 2004 少林三十六房 = The 36th chamber of Shaolin = La 36eme chambre de Shaolin. DVD
PZ3 .S521393 2003 少林寺.
Shaolin Temple
PZ3 .S52139 2003 少林寺 = Shaolin Temple. DVD
PZ3 .S53 1994 笑林小子 = Shaolin popey. LD
PZ3 .S52143 2001 少林足球 = Shaolin soccer. DVD
PZ3 S52144 2006 少年犯.
Juvenile delinquent
PZ3 .S52145 1990z 少年黃飛鴻之鐵馬騮 = Iron monkey. VCD
PZ3 .S521452 2005 少年黃飛鴻之鐵馬騮 = Iron Monkey. DVD
PZ3 .S52196 2005 少女小漁 = Siao Yu. DVD
PZ3 .S52198 2000z 射鵰英雄傳之東成西就.
Eagle shooting heroes
PZ3 .S522 1998 攝氏 32° = Beyond hypothermia. VCD
PZ3 .S5223 2004 神打 = The spiritual boxer. VCD
PZ3 .S522325 2000z 深海 = Blue cha cha. DVD
PZ3 .S52233 2008 深海尋人 = Missing.
PZ3 .S52234 2005 神話 = The myth. DVD
PZ3 .S52235 2004 神經俠侶 = Crazy n' the city. DVD
PZ3 .S52242 2005 神女. DVD
PZ3 .S52242 2004 神女.
PZ3 .S5224 2000z 神女 = Goddess. VCD
PZ3 .S534 1990z 神女會襄王. VCD
PZ3 .S52243 2008 神奇兩女俠 : 梁好逑鬥連子蓉.
Wonder women
PZ3 .S52244 2011 神奇俠侶 = Mr. & Mrs. Incredible. DVD
PZ3 .S52246 2009 神鎗手 = The sniper. DVD
PZ3 .S5225 1998 審死官. VCD
PZ3 .S5226 1993 審死官 = Justice, my foot. LD
PZ3 .S52262 2007 審死官 = Justice, my foot!DVD
PZ3 .S5227 1992 神算 = The magic touch. VCD
PZ3 .S52272 2005 神算 = The magic touch. DVD
PZ3 .S522744 2012 神探亨特張 = Beijing blues. DVD
PZ3 .S52275 1990z 神探馬如龍 = Inspector pink dragon. VCD
PZ3 .S52274 2008 神探 = Mad detective. DVD
PZ3 .S544 1994 神探磨轆 = I wanna be your man!!!VCD
PZ3 .S537 1999 神偷諜影 = Downtown torpedoes. DVD
PZ3 .S52276 2013 聖誕玫瑰 = Christmas rose. DVD
PZ3 .S522783 2005 省港旗兵第三集 = Long arm of the law part III. DVD
PZ3 .S52277 2002 省港旗兵 = Long arm of the law. DVD
PZ3 .S52278 2002 省港旗兵續集 = Long arm of the law--sage II. DVD
PZ3 .S52279 1990z 生命如歌 = Concerto of life. VCD
PZ3 .S522795 2010 生命無限公司.
Life of Never End Co., Ltd.
PZ3 .S5228 1999 生命揸 fit 人. VCD
PZ3 .S52282 2002 生命揸 fit 人.
Boss up there
PZ3 .S52283 2007 生日快樂.
Happy birthday
PZ3 .S52284 2004 聲色犬馬 = Sinful confession. VCD
PZ3 .S522854 2007 盛夏光年 = Eternal summer. DVD
PZ3 .S522855 2006 生肖 = Zodiac : the race begins.
PZ3 .S52286 2004 十八般武藝 = Legendary weapons of China. VCD
PZ3 .S547 2000 十二欄干十二釵. VCD
PZ3 .S522865 2013 十二生肖 = CZ12. DVD
PZ3 .S52287 2007 十分愛 = Love is not all around. DVD
PZ3 .S5374 2009 十分鍾情 = A decade of love. DVD
PZ3 .S522875 2007 時光・倒流的話 = Pandora's booth. DVD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.10 獅吼記. DVD
PZ3 .S522877 2014 失魂 = Soul. DVD
PZ3 .S52289 2013 世界第 1 [pang] : 吳寶春 = 27°c loaf rocks. DVD
PZ3 .S549 2000z 世界上最疼我的那個人去了 = Gone is the one who held me dearest in the world. DVD
PZ3 .S52288 2004 世界 = The world. DVD
PZ3 .S5229 1990z 詩禮傳家. VCD
PZ3 .S52294 2012 失戀 33 天 = Love is not blind. DVD
PZ3 .S52295 2004 十面埋伏 = House of flying daggers. DVD
PZ3 .S52295 2004b 十面埋伏 = House of flying daggers. DVD
PZ3 .S52296 2006 師奶唔易做 = My mother is a belly dancer. DVD
PZ3 .S5375 2002 十三太保 = The heroic ones. DVD
PZ3 .S538 1998 食神 = God of cookery. VCD
PZ3 .S55 1997 十萬火急 = Lifeline. VCD
PZ3 .S54 十五貫.Video
PZ3 .S554 2000z 十兄弟. VCD
PZ3 .S5545 2006 失業生.
On trial
PZ3 .S555 1999 失業特工隊 = Extra. DVD
PZ3 .S52299 2010 十月圍城 = Bodyguards and assassins. DVD
PZ3 .S5555 2001 十字街頭. VCD
PZ3 .S5555 2003 十字街頭. VCD
PZ3 .S55642 2006 手機 = Cell phone. DVD
PZ3 .S5565 2013 手機裡的眼淚 = Father's lullaby.
PZ3 .S56 2005 瘦身 = Slim till dead. VCD
PZ3 .S5569 2014 暑假作業 = A time in Quchi. DVD
PZ3 .S557 1993 蜀山 : 新蜀山劍俠 = Zu : warriors from the Magic Mountain. DVD
PZ3 .S5572 2001 蜀山傳 = The legend of Zu. DVD
PZ3 .S5232 1997 雙城故事 = Alan & Eric.
Between hello & goodbye
PZ3 .S523 1991 雙城故事 = Between hello and goodbye. LD
PZ3 .S525 1992 雙龍會 = The twin dragon. LD
PZ3 .S524 雙旗鎮刀客 = Swordsman at the double flag town. LD
PZ3 .S55725 2003 雙瞳 = Double vision. DVD
PZ3 .S5255 1999 雙鐲 = The twin bracelets. DVD
PZ3 .S5257 2007 双子神偷 = Twins mission. DVD
PZ3 .S526 1993 水滸笑傳 = Laughters of water margins. LD
PZ3 .S55728 2003 水滸傳 = The Water margin. DVD
PZ3 .S5573 2001 順流逆流 = Time and tide. VCD
PZ3 .S557332 2014 四大名捕. = The four.DVD
PZ3 .S55733 2012 四大名捕 = The four. DVD
PZ3 .S557337 2006 四大天王 = The heavenly kings. DVD
PZ3 .S55734 2010 撕票風雲 = Black ransom. DVD
PZ3 .S55735 2003 四千金. DVD
PZ3 .S55738 2014 私人訂制 = Personal tailor. DVD
PZ3 .S5574 1990z 死神與少女 = Death and the maiden. VCD
PZ3 .S558 1997 死亡遊戲 = Game of death. DVD
PZ3 .S655 2003 A small miracle.
PZ3 .S66 2003 宋家皇朝 = The Soong sisters. DVD
PZ3 .S67 1990z 松花江上. VCD
PZ3 .S68 搜書院.Video
PZ3 .S682 2010 捜書院. DVD
PZ3 .S687 2013 搜索 = Caught in the web. DVD
PZ3 .S69 2010 蘇乞兒 = True legend. DVD
PZ3 .S8196 2011 算吧啦, 老豆! = The way we were. DVD
PZ3 .S84 1991 歲月的童話 = Only yesterday. LD
PZ3 .S845 1990z 歲月風雲之上海皇帝 = Lord of East China Sea. VCD
PZ3 .S855 2010 歲月神偷 = Echoes of the rainbow. DVD
PZ3 .S86 孫中山.Video
PZ3 .S862 2003 孫中山. DVD
PZ3 .S82 2000 蘇州河. VCD
PZ3 .T28 1990z T 省大風暴. VCD
PZ3 .T325 2012 太極. 從零開始 = Taichi zero. DVD
PZ3 .T326 2012 太極. 英雄崛起 = Taichi hero. DVD
PZ3 .T34 2006 太太萬歲.
Darling stay at home
PZ3 .T355 2006 太陽雨 = Rain dogs. DVD
PZ3 .T357 2007 太陽照常升起 = The sun also rises. DVD
PZ3 .T3575 2012 台北飄雪 = Snowfall in Taipei. DVD
PZ3 .T3577 2003 台北晚 9 朝 5 = Twenty something Taipei. DVD
PZ3 .T3579 2005 太行山上 = Taihang Mountain. DVD
PZ3 .T36 譚嗣同.Video
PZ3 .T367 1990 唐伯虎點秋香. LD
PZ3 .T3672 1990z 唐伯虎點秋香. VCD
PZ3 .T3673 2010 唐伯虎點秋香. 之四大才子 .
Flirting scholar. 2
PZ3 .T37 2000z 唐山大兄 = The big boss. DVD
PZ3 .T375 2010 唐山大地震 = After shock. DVD
PZ3 .T378 2013 逃出生天 = Out of inferno. DVD
PZ3 .T38 1998 桃花扇. VCD
PZ3 .T383 2008 桃花运 = Desire of the heart. DVD
PZ3 .T385 2003 桃李劫. VCD
PZ3 .T386 2005 桃色 = Colour blossoms. DVD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.13 桃花仙子. DVD
PZ3 .T387 2012 桃姐 = A simple life. DVD
PZ3 .T426 2000 特警新人類 = Gen-X cops. DVD
PZ3 .T44 2013 特殊身份 = Special ID. DVD
PZ3 .T45 2001 特務迷城 = Accidental spy. VCD
PZ3 .T455 2006 Tears of the goddess. DVD
PZ3 .T46 2002 提防小手 = Carry on, pickpocket. VCD
PZ3 .T478 2005 天邊一朵雲 = The Wayward cloud. DVD
PZ3 .T483 2011 天才與白痴 = Ah Fai the dumb. DVD
PZ3 .T48 2000z 天才與白痴 = The last message. DVD
PZ3 .T485 2005 天長地久.
Everlasting love
PZ3 .T49 2003 天地英雄 = Warriors of heaven and earth. DVD
PZ3 .T73 1994 天國逆子 = The day the sun turned cold. LD
PZ3 .T498 2010 天黑・夏午・闔家觀賞.DVD
PZ3 .T4984 2013 天后之戦.
PZ3 .T4985 2006 天劍絶刀.
Paragon of sword & knife
PZ3 .T524 1988 天空之城 = Laputa. LD
PZ3 .T4986 2007 甜蜜蜜. DVD
PZ3 .T525 2013 甜・秘密 = Together. DVD
PZ3 .T527 1990 天若有情 = A moment of romance. LD
PZ3 .T529 1996 天若有情 III : 烽火佳人 = Moment of romance III. VCD
PZ3 .T52947 2013 天生愛情狂 = Natural born lovers. DVD
PZ3 .T5295 1990z 天生膽小 = Yellow belly. VCD
PZ3 .T5297 1999 天使之城 = Sometimes, miracles do happen. VCD
PZ3 .T5298 2013 天台.
PZ3 .T53 1994 天台的月光 = A roof with a view. LD
PZ3 .T53195 2007 天堂口 = Blood brothers. DVD
PZ3 .T53197 2011 天天好天.
Great day
PZ3 .T5322 2002 天網 = Kidnap. DVD
PZ3 .T5323 2002 天下无双 = Chinese odyssey 2002.
PZ3 .T5324 2004 天下無賊 =A world without thieves. DVD
PZ3 .T5325 1970z 天仙配. Video
PZ3 .T5328 2007 甜心粉絲王 = Super fans. DVD
PZ3 .T533 2007 天行者 = Heavenly mission. DVD
PZ3 .T534 1996 天涯海角 = Lost and found. VCD
PZ3 .T5344 2002 天涯, 明月, 刀 = The magic blade. DVD
PZ3 .T53445 2000 甜言蜜語 = Sealed with a kiss. DVD
PZ3 .T5345 2001 天有眼 = Comeuppance. VCD
PZ3 .T535 2000 天浴 = Xiu Xiu : the sent-down girl. VCD
PZ3 .T536 2014 天注定 = A touch of sin. DVD
PZ3 .T538 2004 天作之盒 = The Miracle box. DVD
PZ3 .T539 2008 天水圍的日與夜 = The way we are. DVD
PZ3 .T5392 2009 天水圍的夜與霧.
Night and fog
PZ3 .T52 天雲山傳奇. Video
PZ3 .T522 2005 天雲山传奇.
Legend of Tianyun Mountain
PZ3 .T5395 2011 跳格子.
PZ3 .T54 1997 鐵道衛士. VCD
PZ3 .T55 2007 鐵三角.
PZ3 .T553 2005 停不了的愛 = Ever lasting love. DVD
PZ3 .T554 2009 停車 = Parking. DVD
PZ3 .T556 2012 聽風者 = The silent war. DVD
PZ3 .T5565 2014 聽見下雨的聲音 = Rhythm of the rain. DVD
PZ3 .T557 2010 聽說 = Hear me. DVD
PZ3 .T56 1998 停戰以後. VCD
PZ3 .T64 2001 同居蜜友 = Fighting for love. VCD
PZ3 .T645 2005 童夢奇緣 = Wait 'til you're older. DVD
PZ3 .T646 2013 同謀 = Conspirators. DVD
PZ3 .T65 1990z 童年往事 = Time to live and the time to die. VCD
PZ3 .T654 2012 銅雀台 = The assassins. DVD
PZ3 .T658 2010 童眼 = The child's eye. DVD
PZ3 .T682 2007 投奔怒海.
Boat people
PZ3 .T68 1992 投奔怒海 = Boat people. LD
PZ3 .T685 1990z 頭髮亂了 = Dirt. VCD
PZ3 .T687 2001 頭奬馬票. VCD
PZ3 .T688 2007 投名狀 = The warlords. DVD
PZ3 .T689 2009 頭七 = The first 7th night. DVD
PZ3 .T75 2000 偷吻 = Un baiser volé. VCD
PZ3 .T828 2012 兔俠傳奇.
Legend of a rabbit
PZ3 .T836 1998 推手 = Pushing hands. VCD
PZ3 .T8362 2004 推手 = Pushing hands. DVD
PZ3 .T88 2007 图雅的婚事 = Tuya's marriage. DVD