FAQ - Others

What are the current Library opening hours?

  • Information on Library opening hours can be found on the Library Web site.
  • Library opening hours are also posted near the entrance of the Library.

How to log in to the public workstations inside the Library?

Type of PC User Type Login with If you come across logging in problems
PCs in the Oval and Information Space CityU staff and students, SCOPE members with new SCOPE smart cards (issued in or after 2006) Active Directory (AD) User Account please consult the following pages:
For staff: http://www.cityu.edu.hk/csc/deptweb/facilities/using-facilities/stf-account.htm
For student: http://www.cityu.edu.hk/csc/deptweb/facilities/using-facilities/stud-account.htm
Electronic Resource Workstations, Media PCs CityU staff and students, SCOPE members with new SCOPE smart cards (issued in or after 2006) EID please consult the following pages:
For staff: http://www.cityu.edu.hk/csc/deptweb/facilities/using-facilities/stf-account.htm
For student: http://www.cityu.edu.hk/csc/deptweb/facilities/using-facilities/stud-account.htm
Alumni, JULAC Card / Borrower's Card / Reader's Card / Spouse Card holders as well as Friends of the Library members EID please approach the Circulation Counter for assistance.

How do I get to the Library if I am on wheel chair?

The Library is located on the 3rd floor of the Yeung Kin Man Academic Building. You may get there by taking Lift no. 6 or 7.

Can I use Octopus cards in the Library to do photocopying?

Yes, there are photocopying machines that take Octopus cards only. These machines are located in different areas of the Library.

Are there any photocopiers in the Law Section?

The Law Section provides self-serviced photocopiers. They are located next to the Law & Reference Help Desk.

What facilities are available to users with special needs?

  • The Special Education Needs Rooms (Rm. G3620, Rm. G3621 and Rm. G3622) are dedicated for users with special needs. The rooms are equipped with microcomputers, scanners, Perkins Braille typewriters, Power Braille 40, Braille printer, CCTV magnifier, 4-track portable cassette tape player/recorder and PACmate BX420 with 20 cell Braille display etc.
  • Three rollators (specially-designed wheel walkers with hand brakes and a weight capacity of 125 kg) are available for loan to users who need mobility aids upon request at the Circulation Counter or Law Counter of the Library.
  • Some seats in the reading areas and PC workstations K-L and S-U within the Oval are specially reserved for users with special needs.
  • A washroom with facilities for users with special needs (male and female) is located in the Purple Zone of the Library, close to the Law & Reference Help Desk. Besides, two washrooms for users with special needs, one for female and one for male, are located outside the Library main entrance at Lift no. 6 and Lift no. 7 respectively.

Is there any workstation in the Library installed with common software for me to work on my assignments?

About 216 PC workstations equipped with a wide range of software tools including those for word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, graphics, desk top publishing, web authoring, statistical analysis and programming languages, etc. are available in the Information Space and the Oval of the Library. Current CityU staff and students can use the PC workstations by logging in with their CityU Network Connection Accounts.

Can I use mobile phone/pager inside the Library?

In order to provide a quiet environment for all users, please be advised to turn off your mobile phone/pager or switch it to vibrate/silent mode when entering the Library. In view of the great disturbance that mobile phones/pagers have caused to our users, the Library has decided to adopt a scale of penalties for the use of mobile phones/pagers in the Library with effect from 22 March 1999.

If my question has not been answered in this FAQ list, whom can I consult?

  • The staff at the Law & Reference Help Desk (3442-8395) of the Library is pleased to answer your questions.
  • To ask a brief and specific reference question electronically, you may address your query to Ask A Librarian.