Audit Strategy and Approach

Departmental Self-assessment Program (“DSA”)

With the support from the President and the Audit Committee, Internal Audit has introduced a Departmental Self-assessment Program (“DSA”) to help departments to build a positive control environment, and to cultivate control awareness and good management practices in their administrative and management processes. Through responding to a set of DSA questionnaires, departments could effectively identify the gaps in complying with internal/external regulations and policies, and the related administrative, IT and financial risks. Hence, they would be in position to identify enhancements of their management and administrative process, and to reinforce the training of their staff. Refer to the “DSA” Section of this website for details of the Program.

Risk Based Thematic Audits

Internal Audit undertakes reviews of specific themes of University’s operations. Thematic audit projects are identified from the audit universe based on a systematic risk assessment process and management inputs through interviews with Directors of key administrative offices and the Vice-Presidents and above. Internal Audit adopts a comprehensive and holistic approach to review the thematic areas to identify best practices as well as improvement areas across departments of the University.