CityU Arts Festival 2019: CityU Musical - Chicago

31 October - 2 November 2019, Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, CityU

城大同學踏上舞台呈獻百老匯音樂劇《芝加哥》,一套擁有 6座東尼獎、多次改編成電影版風靡全球觀眾的百老匯最長壽音樂劇之一。城大同 學苦練數月,由門外漢到能歌善舞,過程中絕對付出不少汗與淚。他們將會把美 國芝加哥的紙醉金迷原汁原味帶到你眼前,你又豈能錯過!

CityU students are proud to present "Chicago”, one of the longest-running musicals in Broadway, winning 6 trophies of Tony Awards and being adapted to movie several times. Undergoing several months of training with sweat and tears, CityU students strives to perform their best and surprise you on stage. Join us and get indulged in the dazzling world of "Chicago”!

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