Mission Statement
Following University-wide consultations in May, the Council
approved the new Mission Statement at its meeting on 20 June. The Council
noted that the new Statement clearly articulates the University's role
and mission in education and research, and outlines developments in accordance
with the Role Statement given by the UGC.
The new Mission Statement:
The mission of City
University of Hong Kong is to nurture and develop the talents of students
and to create applicable knowledge in order to support social and economic
The University offers
professionally oriented programmes to provide students with quality
higher education of international standing.
The University strives
to create a learning ambience with diverse cultural backgrounds and
to enhance students' acquisition of useful knowledge, communicative
skills and analytical abilities through innovative pedagogy and a
holistic learning environment. It values the development of both an
international outlook and a familiarity with the Chinese culture among
The University anticipates
and responds to the needs of industry, commerce and the community
by engaging in applied research, and uses the results of such work
to directly benefit Hong Kong and beyond. The University concentrates
resources to achieve excellence in selected areas of research.
The University considers
research and teaching as inextricably linked. Research informs teaching,
which includes the provision of research opportunities to our students
so that they can contribute to the development of the community.
The University enhances
its strength through pursuing collaboration in teaching and research
with other institutions of higher education.
The University encourages
staff and students to contribute to community service through strong
partnerships with Government, business, industry, professional and
other sectors of the community.
rate ranked 2nd
CityU's success rate in the 2005-06 Competitive Earmarked
Research Grant (CERG) exercise, supported by the Research Grants Council,
is ranked 2nd among the eight local higher education institutions. The University
was ranked 3rd last year. Funding obtained totals HK$48.9 million, higher
than last year's HK$46.5 million.
Three grants worth over HK$1 million went to the University: two to the
of Biology and Chemistry (BCH), and the third to the Department
of Electronic Engineering (EE).
The BCH projects, "Cardiovascular Toxicity of Carbaryl in Zebrafish
Embryos" by Dr Cheng Shuk-han and "Study of
Perfluorinated Compounds and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in
the Pearl River Estuary" by Professor Paul Lam,
obtained HK$1,947,828 and HK$1,014,000 respectively.
The EE project, "Optimizing the Advanced Manufacturing Processes
and Materials for the Reliable Fabrication of Polymer Photonic Devices"
by Dr Andy Chan, received a grant of HK$1,110,132.
Applied Research Grant
To promote applied research further, the Working Group
on Applied R & D has resolved to introduce a new Applied Research
Grant (ARG) with effect from 2005-06. The objective is to support projects
leading to ITF applications, analogous to the current Strategic Research
Grant that is intended to support projects resulting in CERG applications.
Funding for ARG projects will be between HK$0.5M and HK$1.5M.
The Working Group hopes faculty
members conducting ARG projects will garner support from, and collaboration
with, industry. Depending on size, each application must have cash sponsorship
from industry, approximately 10%-50% of the total cost, plus proof of
the sponsorship pledge. The ARG is now open for applications. Interested
colleagues are invited to submit applications by 30 September 2005 to
the Secretary, Working Group on Applied R & D, c/o Technology Transfer
Office. Results will be announced in October.
for a 4-year programme
A whole-day workshop entitled "Once in a Lifetime:
The move to a four-year normative degree programme" was held on 29
June. The workshop, in which University colleagues discussed topics including
undergraduate curriculum structure; first year university experience;
general education and cultural diversity; academic services, advising
and counseling; and outcome-based learning, was organized by Chair
Professor Richard Ho, Dean of Undergraduate Education.
Dr Joseph Kwok Kin-fun, Associate Professor,
of Applied Social Studies, is on this year's HKSAR Chief Executive
Honours List. He will be awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS) in recognition
of his long and meritorious public and community service, particularly
for his valuable contribution and dedication in the development of Hong
Kong's rehabilitation services and in promoting the achievements of Hong
Kong in this area at the international level.
Three research degree students from the Department
of Computer Science, Mr Wang Meng, Mr Huang
Guanglin and Ms Zhang Wan, won third place with
their project "Instant Menu" in the Imagine Cup 2005 in the
software design category for university students organized by Microsoft
Hong Kong. The students designed an ordering system for restaurants.
Chair Professor Horace Ip of the Department
of Computer Science has been appointed Chairman of the Quality Education
Fund Dissemination and Promotion Subcommittee and Member of Quality Education
Fund Steering Committee, both from 1 July 2005 to 15 January 2007.
Dr Wong Pui-Kwong,
Associate Professor of the Department
of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, has been re-appointed a member
of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, Education
and M anpower Bureau, HKSAR, for two years from 1 July 2005 to 30 June
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