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Cultural and Historical Exploration
Opportunities for CityU Student Residents

Contributors: Ms Yemmy Lam and Mr Yeung Chi Wai [Student Residence Office]

In Semester A of 2021/22, Student Residence Office launched a series of tours, “Get to Know Hong Kong Better” for local and non-local student residents. Participants would get to know each other as well as exploring another side of Hong Kong. In early September, two groups with around 60 students visited Ap Chau, Kat O, Yan Chau Tong, and Tung Ping Chau Geopark to learn the history of the fishing village and the conservation of nature. For the upcoming activities, hiking in Tung Lung Chau and Sai Kung is suitable for residents who want to explore amazing nature scenery in autumn. Come and join us!

Residents visited Tin Hau Temple at Kat O.  

Group photo in Tung Ping Chau Geopark.