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About CityUHK
CityUHK announced the establishment of the College of Computing to further promote interdisciplinary research, attract top-tier talent, encourage pioneering exploration, and drive innovation for the betterment of society and the economy.

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About CityUHK
CityUHK is committed to developing partnerships with esteemed universities worldwide to foster greater academic and research collaboration. CityUHK recently further committed to a co-operative relationship with the Science, Engineering and Technology Group at KU Leuven, which has a history of nearly 600 years and is the oldest Catholic university in the world.
About CityUHK
Dr Choi Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education of the Hong Kong SAR Government, was briefed on the latest developments on innovation of CityUHK during a visit on 19 August.
CityUHK hosted an Alumni Reunion Dinner in Beijing on 24 August to mark the 30th anniversary of CityUHK. Alumni from different provinces and cities in mainland China came together to celebrate the remarkable achievements of their alma mater over the past 30 years.
Alumni in Singapore gathered to celebrate the 30th anniversary of CityUHK at an Alumni Reunion Dinner of the University held on 17 August in Singapore.