Committee Against Sexual Harassment (CASH)

The membership of CASH is as follows:

Chairman : Prof Sunny LEE Senior Director (Office of the President)
Ex-officio Members : Ms Marinda LAU Director of Human Resources
Prof Henry CHUNG Dean of Students
Prof YUE Chee Yoon Dean of Graduate Studies
Members : Prof Maria BABAK Assistant Professor (Department of Chemistry)
Dr Arthur CHEUNG Senior Teaching Fellow (Department of Public and International Affairs)
Ms Charlotte LI Associate Director of Human Resources
Prof Ron KWOK Associate Professor (Department of Information Systems)
Ms Tiffany LAU Senior Human Resources Manager
Prof KWOK LAI Yuk Ching Sylvia Associate Dean (School of Graduate Studies)
Dr Larry NG Assoc Director of Student Development Services (Counseling)
Prof Dannii YEUNG Associate Dean to Associate Provost (Student Life)
Prof YU Xiaonan Nancy Associate Professor (Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences)
Prof ZHU Guobin Professor (School of Law)
Secretary : Ms Iris LAU Executive Officer