Cross-Institutional General/Gateway Education (GE) Course Enrolment Scheme for Undergraduate Students

Cross-Institutional Courses Offered by CityUHK

Information for HKBU undergraduate students taking courses offered by CityUHK

Courses offered by CityUHK in Semester A, 2024/25

GE Course Area in HKBU
GE1105 - Chinese Music Appreciation GE Level 2
GE1125 - Architecture and Space in Chinese Culture GE Level 2
GE1137 - Movies and Psychology GE Level 2
GE1226 - Youth in a Changing Society GE Level 2
GE1301 - Climate Change and Extreme Weather GE Level 2
GE1341 - Life and Health GE Level 2
GE2105 - Popular Culture GE Level 2
GE2124 - The World Through Languages GE Level 2
GE2132 - Discovering the Dynamics of Contemporary Cities and Architecture in China GE Level 2
GE2134 - Critical and Creative Thinking GE Level 2
GE2135 - World Religions GFVM
GE2213 - Understanding Uncertainty and Statistical Reasoning GFQR
GE2266 - Health Communication GE Level 2
GE2309 - The World of NANO: The Next Big Thing is Really Small GE Level 2

* For HKBU students who successfully complete the course with a satisfactory grade (C or above), 3 units of the corresponding area at HKBU will be granted for unit transfer.

Application Procedures and Details

  1. Students are required to fill in an e-application form to the General Education Office (GEO) of HKBU for endorsement. Applicants will be notified through email if their applications are duly received.
  2. Applications without the home institution's endorsement would not be processed.  Student will be informed of the application results by the home institution.
  3. Application for courses NOT on the above lists will NOT be accepted for processing.
  4. Students enrolling in a course are required to participate fully in the course, which includes completion of coursework and examinations, if applicable.  Students should observe the rules and regulations provided by CityUHK course registration.
  5. Courses listed above will be available to HKBU students for enrolment should there be any quota remained after CityUHK’s course registration period.

Application Form

Please visit the General Education Office (GEO) of HKBU for the e-application form

Course Registration

  1. Students will be officially registered for the course and are required to participate fully in the course by CityUHK.
  2. Successful applicants are advised to apply for a JULAC card from their home institution for access to CityUHK’s Library.
  3. Requests for withdrawal from a course should be submitted before 4:00 pm, 9 September 2024 directly to CityUHK with the completed Course Drop Form. Late applications will normally not be entertained. No replacement of courses is allowed after withdrawal of the original course.

Academic Calendar and Examination

  1. There are normally 13 teaching weeks in a semester and 7 teaching weeks in a summer term. The teaching weeks and examination periods of academic year 2024/25 are as follows:

    Semester/Term Period Date
    Semester A Teaching Period 2 September 2024 – 30 December 2024
    Examination Period 9 December 2024 – 21 December 2024
    Semester B Teaching Period 13 January 2025 – 17 April 2025
    Examination Period 28 April 2025 – 13 May 2025

  2. Students will be informed of the examination timetable and related details normally one month before the start of examination period by email.

  3. Study under this Scheme will not lead to a degree or other awards from CityUHK. Upon completion of courses in each semester, a transcript will be sent to the students via their home institution.
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