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Holding a haunted house on October 1? Isn’t it too early for the exhilaration of Halloween? Bear, Loso and Hang, members of Residents’ Association Cabinet of Lee Shau Kee Hall, will tell you the reasons behind this and present you with the “unmasked underworld fantasy”.

Angel:  Why was the haunted house held on October 1?
Bear:  The existing RA and Residence Tutors wanted to take this opportunity to train up our organisation skills before we really take our term of office as the new Executive Committee of RA.

Angel:  Have you ever run into any difficulty in the course of preparation?
Loso:  As switching off all the lights was not allowed during the event because of the safety issue, we came up with the idea of masking the light bulbs with black paper to create a sense of dimness. Angel: Is there a theme for the haunted house?
Loso: The haunted house comprises 5 sections: the male and female toilets, the WC, the piano room and the common room as well. They were not themed but each contained a typical character like a Chinese vampire, the killer in the movie “Scream” and ghost ladies in traditional Chinese costume.

Angel: Who did the make-up and where did you get the costumes?
Hang:  One of our hall-mates volunteered to do the special make-up for us as he was professional in that.  We borrowed costumes and amended our wear to fit the designated characters.

Angel: Was there any unforgettable moment during the game?
Bear: Sure. Every visitor vowed that he was not frightened, but it turned out that most of them, even the boys, wowed really hard, in great panic.

Angel: What have you learnt in the whole course of the event?
Loso :  As organisers we acquired team building skills and efficient distribution of workload among team members.

Angel : How do you feel about the Halloween culture in the halls?
Loso:  In fact Halloween celebration is quite popular in hall. During Halloween, many hall-mates go outside to have fun and join Halloween parties. We are very happy to see that our event has been a great success.