Movies, Chinese - By Romanized Title : J-N

Movies, Chinese (Romanized title in alphabetical order) : 0-9 A-D E-I J-N O-T U-Z
Movies, Non-Chinese (Title in alphabetical order) : 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P-Q R S T U V W X-Z
Call Number Title Medium
PZ3 .J388 1990z 極道追踪 = Zodiac killers. DVD
PZ3 .J3885 2010 記得我們愛過. DVD
PZ3 .J3889 2009 機動部隊. 伙伴 = Tactical unit. Partners. DVD
PZ3 .J3893 2009 機動部隊. 絶路 = Tactical Unit. No way out. DVD
PZ3 .J3894 2009 機動部隊. 人性 = Tactical Unit. Human nature. DVD
PZ3 .J3895 2009 機動部隊. 同袍 = Tactical unit. Comrades in arms. DVD
PZ3 .J544 2008 集結號 = Assembly. DVD
PZ3 .J39 2004 雞毛信. VCD
PZ3 .J42 1990z 機密檔案實錄羔羊醫生 = Dr. Lamb. VCD
PZ3 .J425 1990z 寂寞的十七歲 = Lonely seventeen. VCD
PZ3 .J426 2007 寂寞芳心俱樂部.
Lonely hearts club
PZ3 .J43 1998 濟南戰役. VCD
PZ3 .J4325 2011 雞排英雄 = Night market hero. DVD
PZ3 .J4326 2009 机器俠 = Kungfu cyborg : metallic attraction. DVD
PZ3 .J4328 2006 鸡犬不宁 = One foot off the ground. DVD
PZ3 .J4329 2007 寄生人 = Sweet revenge. DVD
PZ3 .J434 2008 基因決定我愛你 = My DNA says I love you!DVD
PZ3 .J4348 2013 激戰 = Unbeatable. DVD
PZ3 .J52 家.Video
PZ3 .J435 2000z 家. VCD
PZ3 .J4352 2004 家. DVD
PZ3 .J44 1990z 家醜. VCD
PZ3 .J45 2002 家春秋. VCD
PZ3 .J452 2005 家春秋. DVD
PZ3 .J524 1999 甲方乙方. VCD
PZ3 .J5 假如我是眞的.LD
PZ3 .J525 甲午風雲.Video
PZ3 .J5252 1997 甲午風雲. VCD
PZ3 .J5273 2009 家有囍事 2009 = All's well end's well 2009. DVD
PZ3 .J527 1992 家有囍事 = All's well end's well. LD
PZ3 .J528 1990z 家在台北 = Home sweet home. VCD
PZ3 .J5284 2011 建黨偉業 = Beginning of the great revival. DVD
PZ3 .J5285 2002 見鬼 = The Eye. DVD
PZ3 .J52873 2009 建国大业 = The founding of a republic. DVD
PZ3 .J52875 2002 賤精先生 = If u care ..DVD
PZ3 .J5288 2008 見龍卸甲 = Resurrection of the dragon. DVD
PZ3 .J529 2004 煎釀叁寶 = Three of a kind. VCD
PZ3 .J5294 2011 肩上蝶 = Rest on your shoulder. DVD
PZ3 .J53 1991 監獄風雲 II : 逃犯 = Prison on fire II. LD
PZ3 .J532 1999 監獄風雲 II : 逃犯 = Prison on fire II. DVD
PZ3 .J5296 2010 劍雨 = Reign of assassins. DVD
PZ3 .J5326 2011 将爱情进行到底 = Eternal moment. DVD
PZ3 .J534 2004 江湖. DVD
PZ3 .J5354 2003 江湖奇俠 = Temple of the red lotus. DVD
PZ3 .J5355 2002 江山美人. DVD
PZ3 .J5356 2008 江山美人 = An empress and the warriors. DVD
PZ3 .J53563 2014 殭屍 = Rigor mortis. DVD
PZ3 .J53564 2004 殭屍先生.
Mr. Vampire
PZ3 .J5357 2010 殭屍新戰士 = Vampire warriors. DVD
PZ3 .J5358 1990z 蔣築英 = Jiang Zhu Ying. VCD
PZ3 .J5362 2004 餃子 = Dumplings.
三更 2 之一
PZ3 .J54 1993 皆大歡喜 = Perfect couples. LD
PZ3 .J5443 2012 結婚那件事 = The wedding diary. DVD
PZ3 .J5444 2013 结婚那件事之后 = The wedding diary.DVD
PZ3 .J5445 2010 街角的小王子 = In case of love. DVD
PZ3 .J5447 2012 吉林的月光 = The moonlight in Jilin. DVD
PZ3 .J545 2000z 金婚 = Gold marriage. VCD
PZ3 .J546 2003 金雞 2 = Golden chicken 2. VCD
PZ3 .J5459 2002 金雞 = Golden chicken. DVD
PZ3. J547 2014 金雞 sss = Golden chicken sss. DVD
PZ3 .J548 2008 金瓶梅 = The forbidden legend : sex chopsticks. DVD
PZ3 .J549 2009 金錢帝國 = I corrupt all cops. DVD
PZ3 .J5494 2012 金孫.
Golden child
PZ3 .J566 1996 今天不回家 = Tonight nobody goes home. VCD
PZ3 .J564 1994 錦繡前程 = Long & winding road. LD
PZ3 .J5642 2004 錦繡前程 = Long & winding road. DVD
PZ3 .J5495 2010 錦衣衛 = 14 blades. DVD
PZ3 .J54958 2005 金玉良緣紅樓夢 = The dream of the red chamber. DVD
PZ3 .J563 1995 金玉滿堂 = The Chinese feast. LD
PZ3 .J5632 2002 金玉滿堂 = The Chinese feast. DVD
PZ3 .J5496 2011 近在咫尺 = Close to you. DVD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.6 金盞花 = The marigolds. VCD
PZ3 .J5497 2009 金大班的最後一夜 = The last night of Madam Chin. DVD
PZ3 .J57 1996 警察故事 4 : 簡單任務 = First strike. VCD
PZ3 .J5622 2014 警察故事 2013 = Police story 2013. DVD
PZ3 .J56 1992 警察故事. 超級警察 = Police story. III, Super cop. LD
PZ3 .J562 2004 警察故事. 超級警察 = Police story. III, Super cop. DVD
PZ3 .J55 2004 警察故事 = Police story. DVD
PZ3 .J554 1993 警察故事續集 = Police story. Part II. DVD
PZ3 .J554 2004 警察故事續集 = Police story. Part II. DVD
PZ3 .J5623 2011 勁抽福祿壽 = The fortune buddies. DVD
PZ3 .J5624 2000z 經過 = The passage. DVD
PZ3 .J5625 1999 荊軻刺秦王. VCD
PZ3 .J5648 1990z 靚妹仔. VCD
PZ3 .J5649 2010 精武風雲 : 陳真 = Legend of the fist : the return of Chen Zhen. DVD
PZ3 .J5735 2005 精武家庭 = House of fury. DVD
PZ3 .J565 1988 精武門 = Fist of fury. LD
PZ3 .J5652 2000z 精武門 = Fist of fury. DVD
PZ3 .J5739 1990z 精武英雄 = Fist of Legend. LD
PZ3 .J57395 2011 競雄女俠秋瑾 = The woman knight of Mirror Lake. DVD
PZ3 .J574 1997 精裝難兄難弟 = Those were the days. VCD
PZ3 .J575 2003 精裝追女仔. VCD
PZ3 .J5756 2014 金剛王 : 死亡救贖 = the wrath of Vajra. DVD
PZ3 .J576 2012 金陵十三釵 = The flowers of war. DVD
PZ3 .J5766 2006 金山大少. DVD
PZ3 .J5768 2004 金燕子 = Golden swallow. VCD
PZ3 .J57682 2004 金燕子 = Golden swallow. DVD
PZ3 .J577 2009 囧男孩 = Orz boyz. DVD
PZ3 .J58 1993 九二神鵰 : 痴心情長劍 = Saviour of the soul II. LD
PZ3 .J5824 2014 救火英雄 = As the light goes out. DVD
PZ3 .J5838 2009 九降風 = Winds of September. DVD
PZ3 .J5829 2004 救命 = Koma. DVD
PZ3 .J583 1994 九品芝麻官 : 白面包靑天 = Hail the judge. LD
PZ3 .J5832 2000z 九品芝麻官 : 白面包青天 = Hail the judge. DVD
PZ3 .J5835 1990z 救世神棍 = Heaven can't wait. VCD
PZ3 .J5839 2011 酒徒 = The drunkard. DVD
PZ3 .J584 1991 九一神鵰俠侶 = Saviour of the soul. DVD
PZ3 .J59 2000 九龍皇后 = Queen of Kowloon. VCD
PZ3 .J8 1990 菊豆 = Judou. LD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.8 聚散兩依依 = Errant love. VCD
PZ3 .J832 1990z 絶代雙驕.
Handsome siblings
PZ3 .J83 1992 絶代雙驕 = Handsome siblings. LD
PZ3 .J835 2009 絶命派對 = Invitation only. DVD
PZ3 .J845 2002 絶世好 B = Mighty baby. VCD
PZ3 .J85 1980z 絶響 = Swansong. Video
PZ3 .J854 2011 決戰刹馬鎮 = Welcome to Shamatown. DVD
PZ3 .J855 2000 決戰紫禁之巔. DVD
PZ3 .J857 2003 絶種好男人 = Honesty. VCD
PZ3 .J86 2008 軍鷄 = Shamo. DVD
PZ3 .J88 1998 君子好逑. VCD
PZ3 .K35 1996 開國大典. VCD
PZ3 .K358 2004 開往春天的地鐵 = Spring subway. DVD
PZ3 .K359 2012 開心魔法 = Magic to win. DVD
PZ3 .K36 2003 卡拉是條狗 = Ca La, ma dog. VCD
PZ3 .K43 2002 可憐的媽媽. VCD
PZ3 .K44 2002 可憐天下父母心. VCD
PZ3 .K45 1990z 蚵女 = Oyster girl. VCD
PZ3 .K455 1990z 客途秋恨. VCD
PZ3 .K4552 2009 客途秋恨.
Song of the exile
PZ3 .K46 2004 可可西里 = Ke ke xi li. DVD
PZ3 .K56 1998 金田一少年の事件簿.VCD
PZ3 .K65 2000z 恐怖份子. DVD
PZ3 .K65 2010 恐怖份子.
PZ3 .K656 2000z 孔雀 = Peacock. DVD
PZ3 .K66 2003 空中小姐. VCD
PZ3 .K664 2012 孔夫子 = Confucius "Master Kung". DVD
PZ3 .K6649 2010 孔子 = Confucius.
PZ3 .K8 1990z 苦藏的戀情 = Love hurts. VCD
PZ3 .K824 2007 苦戀 = Portrait of a fanatic. DVD
PZ3 .K84 2000z 跨鳳乘龍. VCD
PZ3 .R45 2006 v.11 跨鳳乘龍. DVD
PZ3 .K825 2014 狂舞派 = The way we dance. DVD
PZ3 .K826 2010 酷馬 = Fantôme, oŭes-tu?
Ku Ma
PZ3 .L287 2003 辣手神探 = Hard-boiled. DVD
PZ3 .L364 1993 藍風箏. Video
PZ3 .L295 2014 爛滾夫鬥爛滾妻 = Mr. & Mrs. Player. DVD
PZ3 .L325 2003 藍色大門 = Blue gate crossing. DVD
PZ3 .L33 2002 藍與黑. DVD
PZ3 .L34 2003 藍與黑續集 = The blue and the black 2. DVD
PZ3 .L3664 2009 狼牙 = Legendary assassin. DVD
PZ3 .L345 1990z 蘭陵王 = Warrior Lanling. VCD
PZ3 .L3665 2005 爛頭何 = Dirty Ho. DVD
PZ3 .L35 1998 老店 = Peking duck restaurant. VCD
PZ3 .L3666 2004 老夫子大電影之反斗偵探 = Master Q : incredible pet detective. DVD
PZ3 .L37 2005 老井.
Old well
PZ3 .L374 2008 老貓 = The cat. DVD
PZ3 .L375 1990z 老娘土.
Kuo's story
PZ3 .L38 2003 老鼠愛上貓 = Cat and mouse. DVD
PZ3 .L3667 2007 老港正傳 = Mr. Cinema. DVD
PZ3 .L384 2009 老五的"奧斯卡" = Laowu's Oscar. DVD
PZ3 .L39 2009 Laughing gor 之變節 = Laughing gor. Turning point. DVD
PZ3 .L392 2012 Laughing gor 之潛罪犯 = Turning point.DVD
PZ3 .L435 2009 淚王子.
Prince of tears
PZ3 .L44 雷雨.Video
PZ3 .L48 2008 立春 = And the spring comes. DVD
PZ3 .L5 李慧娘.Video
PZ3 .L5185 1998 離婚 = Divorce. VCD
PZ3 .L5186 2003 麗人行. VCD
PZ3 .L5187 2010 李小龍 = Bruce Lee my brother. DVD
PZ3 .L5188 1990z 戀愛季節 = Kiss me goodbye. VCD
PZ3 .L51886 2010 戀愛通告 = Love in disguise. DVD
PZ3 .L519 1990z 戀戀風塵. VCD
PZ3 .L5192 2010 戀戀風塵.
Dust in the wind
PZ3 .L519226 2014 戀戀海灣 = As the winds blow. DVD
PZ3 .L51923 2010 練・戀・舞 = Step by step. DVD
PZ3 .L51924 2009 戀人路上 = Lovers on the road. DVD
PZ3 .L519246 2011 戀人絮語.
Lover's discourse
PZ3 .L519252 2003 戀上你的床 = Good times, bed times. DVD
PZ3 .L519258 2009 練習曲 = Island etude. DVD
PZ3 .L523 1993 廉政第一擊 = The first shot. VCD
PZ3 .L5195 2004 戀之風景 = The Floating landscape. DVD
PZ3 .L524 2002 兩個女人的故事 = Two women's story. VCD
PZ3 .L52 梁山伯與祝英台.Video
PZ3 .L535 2000 梁祝恨史. DVD
PZ3 .L53 1994 梁祝 = The lovers. LD
PZ3 .L537 2011 聊齋之倩女幽魂 = A Chinese ghost story. DVD
PZ3 .L525 廖仲愷.Video
PZ3 .L544 1990z 烈火靑春. DVD
PZ3 .L54 1995 烈火戰車 = Full throttle. VCD
PZ3 .L548 2009 烈日當空 = High noon.
PZ3 .L56 林家鋪子.Video
PZ3 .L562 2002 林家鋪子. DVD
PZ3 .L563 1999 鄰居. VCD
PZ3 .L565 林則徐.Video
PZ3 .L5652 2004 林則徐. DVD
PZ3 .L5655 2014 临终囧事 = Mortician. DVD
PZ3 .L566 2014 六福喜事 = Hello babies. DVD
PZ3 .L5683 2009 流浪漢世界盃 = Team of miracle : we will rock you. DVD
PZ3 .L5684 2008 流浪神狗人 = God man dog. DVD
PZ3 .L5685 2003 榴槤飄飄 = Durian durian. DVD
PZ3 .L5687 2008 六樓後座. 家屬謝禮 = Happy funeral. DVD
PZ3 .L583 1995 流氓醫生 = Doctor Mark. LD
PZ3 .L57 1998 六盤山. VCD
PZ3 .L58 劉三姐.Video
PZ3 .L58155 2004 劉三姐 : 民间歌舞剧舞台艺术片. DVD
PZ3 .L584 1990z 留守女士 = The lady left behind. VCD
PZ3 .L58177 1999 流星語. VCD
PZ3 .L582 1989 六月雪 = Snow in June. LD
PZ3 .L59 2004 六壯士 = Six strong guys. VCD
PZ3 .L65 2005 龍刀奇緣 = Dragon blade. DVD
PZ3 .L66 1992 龍的傳人 = Legend of the dragon. LD
PZ3 .L66225 2010 龍鳳店 = Adventure of the king. DVD
PZ3 .L6623 2004 龍鳳鬥 = Yesterday once more. VCD
PZ3 .L663 1997 龍虎風雲 = City on fire. DVD
PZ3 .L665 2006 龍虎門 = Dragon tiger gate. DVD
PZ3 .L668 1990z 籠民 = Cageman. VCD
PZ3 .L67 1998 龍年警官. VCD
PZ3 .L674 2005 龍威父子 : 太極村 = Legend of the dragon. DVD
PZ3 .L676 2000 龍雲和蔣介石 = Lung Yun and Chiang Kai-Shek. VCD
PZ3 .L68 1998 龍在江湖. VCD
PZ3 .L685 2000z 龍爭虎鬥 = Enter the dragon. DVD
PZ3 .L6855 2005 龙江颂. DVD
PZ3 .L686 2012 龍門飛甲.
Flying swords of Dragon Gate 3D
PZ3 .L6865 2000z 龍門客棧 = Dragon Inn. VCD
PZ3 .L68652 2008 龍門客棧 = Dragon Inn. DVD
PZ3 .L688 1998 龍鬚溝. VCD
PZ3 .L688 2002 龍鬚溝. VCD
PZ3 .L69 2012 Love.
PZ3 .W6245 2004 Love is love.
PZ3 .B826 2013 Love me not.
PZ3 .L823 1992 魯冰花 = The dull-ice flower.LD
PZ3 .L8 廬山戀.Video
PZ3 .L826 1994 六指琴魔 = Deadful melody. LD
PZ3 .L83 1990z 戀愛假期 = Tora-San takes a vacation. LD
PZ3 .L833 1990z 戀愛宣言 = Tora-San confesses. LD
PZ3 .L835 2010 亂青春 = Beautiful crazy. DVD
PZ3 .L855 1998 落山風. VCD
PZ3 .L857 2000 洛神. DVD
PZ3 .L86 駱駝祥子.Video
PZ3 .L862 1997 駱駝祥子. VCD
PZ3 .L8622 2005 骆驼祥子.
Rickshaw boy
PZ3 .L866 2007 落葉歸根 = Getting home. DVD
PZ3 .L87 1990z 落鷹峽 = The ammunition hunter. VCD
PZ3 .M355 1997 麻將. VCD
PZ3 .M3 馬路天使.Video
PZ3 .M32 2003 馬路天使. VCD
PZ3 .M36 1996 麻麻・帆帆 = The age of miracles. VCD
PZ3 .M37 1996 麻雀飛龍 = Mahjong dragon. VCD
PZ3 .M3475 2012 麥兜噹噹伴我心 : 腰花伴菜心 = The pork of music. DVD
PZ3 .M346 2002 麥兜故事 = My life as Mcdull. VCD
PZ3 .M348 2009 麥兜响噹噹 = Mcdull. Kungfu ding ding dong. DVD
PZ3 .M38 1997 賣身契= The contract. DVD
PZ3 .M385 2010 麥田 = Wheat. DVD
PZ3 .M39 2005 買兇拍人 = You shoot, I shoot. DVD
PZ3 .M395 2009 馬己仙峽道 = Magazine Gap Road ; 太太 / written and directed by Nicholas Chin.DVD
PZ3 .M425 2003 曼波女郎 = Mambo girl. DVD
PZ3 .M4256 2007 滿城盡帶黃金甲 = Curse of the golden flower. DVD
PZ3 .M4258 2009 慢性中毒 = Dead slowly. DVD
PZ3 .M426 2004 盲井 = Blind shaft. DVD
PZ3 .M427 2007 盲山 = Blind mountain. DVD
PZ3 .M4276 2013 盲探 = Blind detective. DVD
PZ3 .M428 2003 茅山殭屍拳 = The shadow boxing. DVD
PZ3 .M429 1996 冒險王 = Dr. Wai in the scripture with no words. VCD
PZ3 .M43 1990z 毛澤東的故事. VCD
PZ3 .M435 1990z 毛澤東和他的兒子. VCD
PZ3 .M439 2007 每當變幻時 = Hooked on you. DVD
PZ3 .M44 1993 玫瑰玫瑰我愛你 = Rose Rose I love you. LD
PZ3 .M443 2009 美好時光 = Wonderful times. DVD
PZ3 .M445 2005 梅花 = Victory. DVD
PZ3 .M446 2009 梅蘭芳 = Forever enthralled. DVD
PZ3 .M4464 2010 美麗密令.
Beauty on duty
PZ3 .M4465 2005 美麗時光 = The best of times. DVD
PZ3 .M447 2000z 美丽新世界 = A beautiful new world. DVD
PZ3 .M448 2003 美少年の恋 = Bishonen. DVD
PZ3 .M45 1998 沒有原告的殺人事件. VCD
PZ3 .M454 1990z 梅珍. VCD
PZ3 .M4545 2008 玫瑰的故事 = Rose. DVD
PZ3 .M455 2000z 美國心 = Just like weather. VCD
PZ3 .M4555 2007 門徒 = Protégé. DVD
PZ3 .Q575 1990z v.7 夢的衣裳 = My cape of many dreams. VCD
PZ3 .M456 1997 猛龍過江 = The way of the dragon. DVD
PZ3 .M456 2000z 猛龍過江 = The way of the dragon. DVD
PZ3 .M4565 2011 猛男滾死隊 = Men suddenly in love. DVD
PZ3 .M46 1993 夢醒時分 = Mary from Beijing. LD
PZ3 .M475 2006 夢影童年 = Electric shadows. DVD
PZ3 .M4756 2011 夢遊 = Sleepwalker in 3D. DVD
PZ3 .M476 2006 夢遊夏威夷 = Holiday dreaming. DVD
PZ3 .M477 2010 艋舺 = Monga. DVD
PZ3 .M49 2008 秘岸 = Lost indulgence. DVD
PZ3 .M496 2013 迷離夜 = Tales from the dark.DVD
PZ3 .M528 2009 渺渺 = Miao Miao. DVD
PZ3 .M544 2010 滅門 = Bad blood. DVD
PZ3 .M56 1998 耳をすませば = 夢幻街少女. VCD
PZ3 .M5652 1990z 民警故事. Video
PZ3 .M565 1990z 民警故事 = On the beat. VCD
PZ3 .M566 2002 名劍 = The sword. DVD
PZ3 .M567 2010 明媚時光 = Happily ever after. DVD
PZ3 .M568 2010 明日天涯 = All tomorrow's parties. DVD
PZ3 .M5684 2011 命運化妝師 = Make up. DVD
PZ3 .M569 2007 明明 = Ming Ming. DVD
PZ3 .M576 2005 抹茶之戀味 = A West Lake moment. DVD
PZ3 .M586 2007 墨攻 = A battle of wits. DVD
PZ3 .M59 2004 魔幻廚房 = Magic kitchen. VCD
PZ3 .M594 2014 魔警 = That demon within. DVD
PZ3 .M596 2006 茉莉花開 = Jasmine women. DVD
PZ3 .M598 2014 末日派對 = Doomsday party. DVD
PZ3 .M6 陌生的朋友.Video
PZ3 .M62 2005 陌生的朋友. DVD
PZ3 .M627 2008 魔術男 = Magic boy. DVD
PZ3 .M66 2011 魔俠傳 : 唐吉可德 = Don Quixote. DVD
PZ3 .M79 2000 目露凶光 = Victim. DVD
PZ3 .M8 牧馬人.Video
PZ3 .M86 2006 木蘭從軍 = Hua Mu Lan.
Hua Mu Lan joins the army
PZ3 .N28 2000z 那山那人那狗 = Postmen in the mountains. VCD
PZ3 .N282 2003 那山, 那人, 那狗 = Postmen in the mountains. DVD
PZ3 .N29 2012 那些年, 我們一起追的女孩 = You are the apple of my eye. DVD
PZ3 .N328 2014 那夜凌晨, 我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅 van = The midnight after. DVD
PZ3 .N343 2004 南北少林 = Martial arts of Shaolin. VCD
PZ3 .N345 2003 南北一家親. DVD
PZ3 .N35 1997 南島風雲. VCD
PZ3 .N35 2004 南島風云. VCD
PZ3 .N354 2007 男兒本色 = Invisible target. DVD
PZ3 .N3545 2013 南方小羊牧場. DVD
PZ3 .N355 2001 南國再見, 南國.
"Goodbye south, goodbye"
PZ3 .N357 2006 男男女女 = Men and women. DVD
PZ3 .N364 2002 男人四十 = July rhapsody. DVD
PZ3 .N3645 2003 難為了家嫂. VCD
PZ3 .N365 1990z 南行記 = Heading south. VCD
PZ3 .N37 1993 難兄難弟 = It takes two. VCD
PZ3 .N39 2004 南征北戰. DVD
PZ3 .N363 1990z 南京 1937 = Don't cry, Nanking. VCD
PZ3 .N395 2009 南京!南京! = City of life and death. DVD
PZ3 .N45 2008 內衣少女 = La lingerie. DVD
PZ3 .N34 1990z 哪吒救母. VCD
PZ3 .N483 2013 逆光飛翔 = Touch of the light. DVD
PZ3 .N485 2002 你那邊幾點 = What time is it there?DVD
PZ3 .N5 泥人常傳奇.Video
PZ3 .N53 2012 逆戰 = The viral factor. DVD
PZ3 .N58 2009 鈕扣人 = Buttonman. DVD
PZ3 .N6 1990z 農奴. VCD
PZ3 .N62 2005 农奴.
PZ3 .N76 2000z 女兒紅 = Maiden rose. VCD
PZ3 .N764 2006 女儿经. DVD
PZ3 .N766 1990z 女兒樓. Video
PZ3 .N77 1999 女籃五號 : 一個女子籃球隊的故事. VCD
PZ3 .N774 2012 女朋友・男朋友 = Gf*Bf. DVD
PZ3 .N775 2007 女人本色 = Wonder women. DVD
PZ3 .N776 2008 女人不壞 = All about women. DVD
PZ3 .N78 1992 女人的故事 = A women's story. Video
PZ3 .N8 1995 女人四十 = Summer snow. LD
PZ3 .S5253 2008 女人有毒 = Deadly delicious. DVD
PZ3 .N827 2013 女蛹 = The chrysalis. DVD
PZ3 .N835 2004 暖春 = Warm spring. DVD