Rebecca Lo Artwork Exhibition

You are cordially invited to attend the Opening Ceremony & Impromptu Painting Demonstration of the Rebecca Lo Artwork Exhibition (Please register in advance). Details are as follows:


Date: 11 April 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 3:00 pm
Venue: Wofoo Foundation Gallery, Run Sun Shaw Library, CityU
日期: 2023年4月11日 (星期二)
時間: 下午3時
地點: 香港城市大學邵逸夫圖書館和富基金廊

Artist Introduction

Lo Rebecca Ling Kit, signature XiZhi, was born in Hong Kong in the 1980s. Her father, Lo Chi Keung, has become a protégé of Prof. Chao Shao-an (master of the Lingnan School of Chinese Painting) since 1973. Influenced by her father, she developed a natural enthusiasm for painting at a very young age. She has a particular interest in animals and flowers. She acquired her painting skills through sketching, studying nature and occasional supervision from her father.

In 2009, she started practising Chinese painting under the supervision of her father. In 2010, she held a duet exhibition with her father, "Southern Rhyme: The paintings of Lo Chi Keung and Lo Rebecca Ling Kit", in Hong Kong. Since then, her works have been regularly exhibited. Early this year, her solo exhibition, "In Search of Beauty: The Paintings of Lo Ling Kit", was held at the Hong Kong Central Library.


羅令潔,別字晰之,廣東鶴山人,香港大學生化系哲學碩士畢業。 自幼鍾情藝術,見父親於畫室作畫,耳濡目染下深受薰陶,惟其父主張要「以自然為師, 將來始成新格調」,不欲以陳法相規。謹以指定素材囑寫生自學,旁加誘導。少之時,曾習西洋繪畫及人物素描,忠實地用畫筆表現自然界物象的形態、質感、肌理等。受西洋畫巨匠的技法和理論影響深遠,喜歡用色彩和渲染技巧表現色光效果。

為《今畫會》會員和《香港女中國書畫家協會》副會長。曾於香港、廣州 、中山等地参加多次聯展。其中, 2010年和2019年分別於香港和廣州與父親合辦《南天濡韻 ー 羅志強羅令潔藝展》。2021年入選《全球水墨畫大展2021》; 2023年初於香港中央圖書館舉辦個人展覽《晰之研藝 — 羅令潔作品展》。

CityU Student Registration 城大學生報名方法:

AIMS > Student Services > CRESDA System > Search:Rebecca Lo Artwork Exhibition

Visitor Registration 校外人士報名方法:

Click here

*Each participant will have a chance to win the artwork created by Rebecca Lo.