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BBA Marketing

programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

85 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries)* and  
83 (For Senior Year Entry)

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 300

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry);
2 Years (For Senior Year Entry)
Programme/Major Leader
Dr Vincent FOK

DBA (University of South Australia)
+852 3442 7973 (Phone)
+852 3442 0346 (Fax)

Admissions Tutor
Mr Alex THAM

MBA (University of Exeter)
+852 3442 7851 (Phone)
+852 3442 0346 (Fax)


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BBA Marketing?

CityU BBA Marketing stands out from other BBA and Marketing programmes by providing a pioneering approach that consists of:

i-Marketing +

The “i” element of our programme refers to INTERACTIVE, INTERNATIONAL and INTELLIGENCE. With its discovery-enriched curriculum design, students in CityU Marketing interact and connect with world-class professors, top business leaders, experienced alumni, and executives from partner companies. They are strong in teamwork, presentation, problem solving, and communication with people of different backgrounds and cultures. As key technologies and trends will drive changes in the marketing industry, our various digital marketing courses are set to prepare students for facing the challenges of the digital marketing environment.

Global Marketing Stream

The stream aims to equip students with marketing knowledge in a global context. Students are expected to be outgoing and culture-sensitive, and prepared to be exposed to marketing strategies and institutions in various regions and countries. They have to complete a foreign language course and may have a chance to join more than one exchange program during their study period. All of these efforts ensure students are well-equipped and possess a strong foundation to succeed in the future world of work.

Marketing Analytics Stream

The stream aims to prepare students to be big data marketing experts with advanced data analysis skills. They are capable of interpreting and utilizing data to develop effective marketing strategies. Students are expected to be strong in numeric skills and statistical knowledge and be proficient in social media and digital marketing. Students may participate analytics-related internships and professional certification courses outside the program to become certified professionals in the field.  

Joint Degree Programmes with ESSEC Business School (ESSEC) and National Taiwan University (NTU)

The Department of Marketing distinctly encourages students to broaden their horizons and to actively engage in exchange and overseas internship programmes. In line with its aspirations, the Department organises joint degree programmes with top universities - ESSEC Business School and National Taiwan University (NTU) - for elite students to obtain two internationally recognised degrees within 4 years. Through the programme, students can sharpen their awareness of culture while building all-rounded competitive strengths and developing a blueprint for their future career development.

  • ESSEC Business School (ESSEC) is one of the top Business Schools in Europe and one of the few Business Schools well-recognised by all EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB. It was ranked top for Bachelor Degrees in France by the French magazine "Le Point: in 2022. ESSEC provides internationalised education: one-third of its students are from 98 countries and it receives over 500 inbound exchange students from around the globe every year.
  • National University of Taiwan (NTU) is the top university in Taiwan and ranked 68th on the QS World University Ranking in 2022, being the only university ranked within the Top 100 Universities in the World. NTU is the alma mater of many eminent Taiwanese, including the Nobel Prize winner.
    市場營銷學系提出嶄新的「i-Marketing + Global Marketing & Marketing Analytics」培訓概念,致力於培育營銷專才及商業領袖:

i-Marketing +



  • INTERACTIVE: 課題活潑生動,強調學生、商界和導師三方交流
  • INTERNATIONAL: 學系特別鼓勵學生多參加交換生計劃及海外實習,擴闊國際視野。
  • INTERLLIGENCE: 在浩蕩的數據世界中,商界對專業的市場數據分析和應用有極大的需求。課程提升學生分析、辨別、和應用前瞻性數據的商業智慧。


旨在鼓勵學生積極面向世界,了解各地文化特色, 培養學生成為具環球視野的營銷精英,將來為企業靈活制定相關地區和國家的營銷策略。學生須修讀一門外語,並有機會參加多次海外交換生計劃,讓學生具備充分的能力和堅實的基礎,在未來職場環境中取得成功。




學系特別鼓勵學生擴闊國際視野,多參加交換生計劃及海外實習,學系更分別與頂尖的法國高等經濟商業學院(ESSEC)和國立台灣大學 (NTU)合辦雙學位課程,讓優秀的學生在四年內獲取兩個國際性的學位,培養多元文化觸覺,打造全方位的職場競爭力,開拓自己的事業版圖。

  • 法國高等經濟商業學院(ESSEC) 是歐洲最頂尖的商學院之一,被稱為「巴黎三大高商」,是少數獲得「商學院三重認證」的院校,更是法國雜誌 ‘Le Point’ 的 Bachelor Degree in France 2022 Ranking獲得第一名。ESSEC非常國際化,有1/3學生為來自98個國家的國際學生,每年有逾500位國際交流生。
  • 國立台灣大學 (NTU)是台灣排名第一的大學,於2022年QS世界大學排名是68,是全台灣唯一入選QS 排名前100名的大學,不少台灣名人都於台大出身,亦是台灣諾貝爾獎得主所在的學府。
Why BBA Marketing at CityU College of Business?

1. The CityU BBA Marketing programme not only provides students with an interactive Internet-related learning environment and international exposure, but also with practical opportunities through which they can address real business issues by working collaboratively with local and global companies and peers. Students can combine classroom learning with on-site internships by working in top companies. CityU BBA Marketing is your best choice, setting you apart from other marketing graduates in the industry.

2. The College of Business is among the top three business schools in Asia (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/About-the-College/Accreditation-and-Rankings/International-Rankings)

3. Entrance scholarships of up to HK$265,000 are available for elite students (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/apply/scholarships)

4. Overseas exchange and summer programmes are offered at over 200 partner universities around the globe! (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/exchange)

5. Over 80% of students secure local and global internship opportunities in areas including banking, accounting, IT and consulting.


Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements. Preference may be given to students with better English proficiency in Level 4 or above in HKDSE English Language OR IELTS overall band score of 6.5 or above.

For senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission, applicants are normally expected to have completed an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥3.0 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award. Preference may be given to students with better English proficiency in Level 4 or above in HKDSE English Language OR IELTS overall band score of 6.5 or above.

For further details of the admission and interview requirements, please contact the Department of Marketing.

Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Curriculum Structure

Major courses:

  • Advanced Marketing Seminar
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • E-Marketing
  • Marketing Research
  • Strategic Marketing
  • China Business Workshop

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the 'Undergraduate Catalogue'.

A Different Learning Experience

Company Consultancy Project

We emphasise current issues in Marketing and provide ample learning opportunities for students to gain professional competence and create their own success stories. Our students work as professional consultants and their tasks involve understanding consumer buying behaviour, analysing key competitors and formulating creative and cost-effective marketing strategies, to explore new business opportunities.

Our Company Partners

Company Consultancy Projects

The Company Consultancy Projects are well recognised in the industry and widely reported in the media. All of the participating companies highly commend the students for their creativity and presentation skills. Every year, many outstanding students have received Company Consultancy Project Awards for their innovative strategies and contributions.

Some of our Company Partners

Bank of Communications Trustee Ltd.BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited
Capture HKChiron Healthcare Group Limited
CLUB by HKTCooperVision Hong Kong Limited
Fotomax (F.E.) LimitedFutu Securities International (Hong Kong) Limited
Great Eagle Holdings LimitedGolden Resource Development Limited
HaysHeep Hong Society
Kabushikigaisha Ltd.Link REIT
Livi Bank LimitedMoment Health
Otsuka Pharmaceutical (H.K.) LimitedPrice.com.hk Limited
Property.hkQP Group
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd.Whealthfields (Hong Kong) Limited
Zkin Advanced BeautyZtore HK Limited










Internship Programme

Our students gain rich work experience through internship programmes, which include the Disney Cultural Exchange and Business Practice Internships organised by the College of Business. They enjoy the numerous opportunities offered to them in prominent advertising firms and in the marketing departments of global brands.

Business Leader Forum

To provide students with a more concrete and in-depth understanding of the real business environment, we regularly invite marketing professionals and business leaders from different sectors to share their unique work experiences and success stories with students. Dinner events with the speakers are arranged, to provide students with valuable opportunities to interact with business leaders. Past guest speakers include Mr Wing-Ching Shih (Founder of Centraline Property Agency Limited), Ms Ming Chan (General Manager of Hong Kong Airlines) and Ms Lily Au (Managing Director of General Mills Hong Kong and Taiwan).

Alumni Sharing

Mr Kunal Parwani

Head or Risk, Asia-Pacific (Regulated Businesses)

“The Marketing Programme has equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary to embark on an illustrious career. The many academic and co-curricular opportunities, combined with the unfailing support and guidance from the Department’s renowned academics, provide a platform enabling ambitious students to excel and to realise their dreams”.

Mr Vincent Ha

Co-founder & CEO
VeTrackr Limited

“I really enjoyed the courses in CityU Marketing, and the lecturers were very good at both equipping us with the necessary knowledge in business and marketing and helping us to plan our careers. The most impressive thing about this programme is that all students have the chance to practise their marketing skills in the real business world during the final year projects. It was a valuable experience, and we worked with senior executives from multinational corporations. I am proud to be an alumnus of CityU Marketing”.

Ms Sherry Cheung

Managing Director
Ad Hoc Marketing Communication Limited

“Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone in the Department of Marketing. The professors and lecturers in the programme inspired me in terms of entrepreneurship, creativity and business ethics. Equipped with this valuable knowledge, I started my second business in sustainable education and kids’ soccer training, and now I am the Principal of the school. My first business was a marketing agency that I ran for 13 years”.

Co-curricular Activities

Overseas Summer Programmes 



It is Derek Fung’s exchange story at the University of Bath in UK. He celebrated Holi Festival with his friends!    
“No matter where you are, led your colorful life!”


It is Chelsi Chan’s exchange story at the University of New Hampshire in US. She spent a relaxing afternoon on the Brooklyn Bridge.    
“Endeavor something remarkable when you are young.”


Orientation Camp 

Strategic Marketing Committee

More can be found here.

Programme Video
Contact Type
Contact Value
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY

On a selective basis
- November 2023 to March 2024
   Final round: July 2024
- Group and individual interviews
- English and/or Chinese

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Historical Data Display
Table (For sorting)

BBA Business Decision Analytics

programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

24 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries)* and  
40 (For Senior Year Entry)

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 300

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry);
2 Years (For Senior Year Entry)
Programme/Major Leader
Prof. LIU Guangwu

+852 3442 8304 (Phone)
+852 3442 0189 (Fax)


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BBA Business Decision Analytics?

The BBA Business Decision Analytics (BDAN) programme aims to develop students’ qualitative and quantitative ability to solve business problems and make decisions through DEEP data analysis. We consist of two study streams:

Decision Analytics Stream

  • Provide professional training in business analytics, statistics, business intelligence (big data analysis), risk management, business knowledge and communication skills
  • Develop students’ ability to manage and to analyze huge volume of business data using modern computer software which are popularly used in global business world
  • Enable students to solve business problems by a judicious application of technical and practical skills
  • Enable students to obtain internationally recognized professional qualifications such as SAS certification and Financial Risk Manager (FRM) Examinations
  • Prepare students for a statistical and analyst position in the financial, commercial, and government sector

Data Informatics Stream

  • Provide professional training in data analytics, information management, business knowledge and communication skills
  • Enable students to acquire knowledge in two different industries: Management Sciences and Information Systems
  • Enable students to obtain international professional qualifications (Base SAS)
  • Prepare students to work in the areas which require both data analytics and information management knowledge
Why BBA Business Decision Analytics at CityU College of Business?

i. BBA Business Decision Analytics programme offers you:

  • Learn business analytics, statistics, business intelligence, risk management, information management skills
  • Learn how to manage and analyse huge volume of business data using SAS, SPSS, Excel VBA and Python
  • Flexibilities of choosing streams from Decision Analytics (DAN), and Data Informatics (DI)
  • Flexibilities to take a double major in BBA Business Economics, BBA Finance, BBA Information Management (Business Intelligence), BBA Management (Human Resource Management), and BBA Marketing
  • Opportunity to apply for admission to the Joint Bachelor's Degree Program between City University of Hong Kong and Columbia University (http://gs.columbia.edu/cityu-hk/)

 ii. College of Business is among the top four business schools in Asia (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/About-the-College/Accreditation-and-Rankings/International-Rankings)

iii. Entrance scholarships up to HK$265,000 are available for elite students (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/Programmes/Undergraduate-Programmes/Scholarships)

iv. Overseas exchange and summer programmes are available in over 200 partner universities around the globe! (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/exchange)

v. Over 80% of students secure local and global internship opportunities in areas including banking, accounting, IT and consulting.

Career Prospects

Our graduates are prepared to work in the areas which require data analytics, statistics and information management knowledge.

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

For senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission, applicants are normally expected to have completed an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥3.0 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award. Preference may be given to applicants who have attained Level 4 or above in HKDSE English Language OR IELTS overall band score of 6.5 or above.

Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Curriculum Structure

Please visit the following website for the detailed curriculum:


Career Prospects

Our graduates are prepared to work in the areas which require data analytics, statistics and information management knowledge.

1186A_Career Prospects

Summer Internship Programme

Many of our students are able to find internship, either by themselves or through our referral, in various industries. Below are some sharing from the students:

Janice Fung (Intern in PricewaterhouseCoopers)

Hi, I am Janice who took a gap year in 2019-2020 to work in PwC as a technology consulting intern.

Job Duties

I was assigned to several large-scale system implementation projects. As a member of Business Analyst team, I was responsible for consolidating business requirements, developing business process flows, and preparing presentation deck. I was also assigned to write functional specification as well as prepare test cases as deliverables to clients.

Skills that I applied

The most valuable asset that I gain from Business Decision Analytics Programme (formerly named Business Analysis) is the strict logic which is demanded in every job. What seniors appreciate is not only the ability to execute tasks within tight deadlines but also to bring useful insights to the team using a logical mindset.

Edmond Lau (Intern in TransUnion)

I am Edmond. I was the Human Resources Intern at TransUnion in 2019, I applied the position through our department – Management Sciences. Human Resources is often misunderstood by merely acquiring labor along with managing payrolls and benefits. Indeed, it also plays a vital role in ensuring high organizational performance with different metrics. Apart from providing logistical support to Talent Acquisition, I was assigned to design and analyze surveys to assess the effectiveness on onboarding programmes so as to improve employee retention. Besides, the skills learnt in spreadsheet programming and VBA courses have also allowed me to facilitate smooth operations in the field of Compensation & Benefits.

Statistics can be used everywhere, and it plays a big role in long-term success. With the comprehensive statistical knowledge and programming skills offered in Business Analysis (the former of Business Decision Analytics), I am better prepared to excel across different disciplines in the age of data.

Venita Ho (Intern in Standard Chartered Bank and Hang Seng Bank)

Hello, I am Venita. In the past two years, I have completed two internships, at the Standard Chartered and Hang Seng Banks.

Intern in Standard Chartered Bank

I made the decision to apply for an internship at the Standard Chartered Bank, and although at first I was only responsible for data input, I soon got the opportunity to do data analysis using Excel.

Intern in Hang Seng Bank

I was offered an internship at Hang Seng Bank through our department in January this year. After learning SAS programming in the last semester, I wanted to gain more experience by working in banking companies. I have met new friends during my internship period, and it is interesting that most of them are also graduates from Department of Management Sciences. This proves that these banking companies are likely to offer jobs to students from our programme. I am certain that our courses provide us with practical skills that will help us in our future careers.

Professional Qualification

Students are able to obtain internationally recognised professional qualifications including:

  • SAS Base Programmer Certification
  • SAS Advanced Programmer Certification
  • SAS Predictive Modeler Certification
  • The Financial Risk Manager (FRM)
Co-curricular Activities and Learning Support

Overseas Summer Programmes

Students may participate in English immersion courses, which include components such as volunteer placements, homestays and cultural activities in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. Service Learning participants also provide voluntary services in less developed areas such as the Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Laos.

Young Scholars Programme

To nurture BBA students to become outstanding future leaders in the region/world, our Young Scholars Programme offers the following:

  • overseas exposure during semester breaks, including study trips to renowned companies and universities;
  • internship placements in multinational companies to be arranged locally or overseas;
  • networking with top business students admitted locally and overseas;
  • professional mentorships provided by professors and professional practitioners; and
  • cultivation of social responsibility through community services and voluntary work.

Programme Video
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 8644

Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 0189

Contact Type
Contact Value
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Business Decision Analytics
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY

On a selective basis
- December 2023 to August 2024
- Individual interview
  (15 to 20 minutes)
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Historical Data Display
Table (For sorting)

BBA Global Operations Management

programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

24 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries)* and  
21 (For Senior Year Entry)

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 300

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry);
2 Years (For Senior Year Entry)
Major Leader
Prof. SUN Zhankun Kevin

PhD - Statistics and Operations Research (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill)


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BBA Global Operations Management?

The BBA Global Operations Management (GOM) programme aims to enable students to develop student's analytical abilities, problem-solving skills, and technical competence in operations management, operations strategy, and supply chain management in a global context. Many companies are multi-national corporations and serve multiple global markets with products sourced and produced across many continents. In this increasingly interconnected and interdependent global economy, the process of delivering supplies and goods from one place to another is accomplished through technological innovation. The programme provides students with an integrated curriculum combining general business foundation and advanced management topics to prepare them for managerial positions in a global economy. Students will develop a critical appreciation of the roles and impact of operations and supply chain management on the success and growth of an organization. A strategic understanding of how global operations and supply chain, through planning, sourcing, making, delivering, and returning products and services to global businesses and their customers, can achieve competitive advantages. The programme enables students to diagnose operational and business problems, develop and implement solutions for various kinds of multi-national organizations in the financial, commercial, and service sectors.

  • 學習如何以卓越的營運方法提升商業效能。課程包括學習設計及優化企業業務流程等,讓同學能有效運用人力、資金、時間、科技等資源,以創造最大的可持續利潤價值,實現卓越營運
  • 透過實踐及學習一流企業所具備的成功因素及技術,令你對企業營運有更深入的了解
  • 涵蓋不同行業面對的營運難題,確保畢業生具備足夠的營運知識及技能,將來於本地甚至國際層面上,管理多元化的企業營運以協助企業有效地提升其競爭力
  • 提供實習機會,讓同學能學以致用,幫助你在管理培訓生、營運經理、營運分析師、項目經理的職業上作準備


Why BBA Global Operations Management at CityU College of Business?

i. BBA Global Operations Management offers you:

  • Develop your analytical abilities, problem-solving skills, and technical competence in operations management, operations strategy, and supply chain management in a global context
  • Develop a critical appreciation of the roles and impact of operations and supply chain management on the success and growth of an organization. A strategic understanding of how global operations and supply chain, through planning, sourcing, making, delivering, and returning products and services to global businesses and their customers, can achieve competitive advantages
  • Enables you to diagnose operational and business problems, develop and implement solutions for various kinds of multi-national organizations in the financial, commercial, and service sectors
  • Prepare you to start career as management trainee, operations manager, operations analyst, project manager, etc.

ii. College of Business is among the top four business schools in Asia (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/About-the-College/Accreditation-and-Rankings/International-Rankings)

iii. Entrance scholarships up to HK$265,000 are available for elite students (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/Programmes/Undergraduate-Programmes/Scholarships)

iv. Overseas exchange and summer programmes are available in over 200 partner universities around the globe! (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/exchange)

v. Over 80% of students secure local and global internship opportunities in areas including banking, accounting, IT and consulting.

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have studied one of the following subjects at a high school or post-secondary institution:

  • Additional Mathematics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics with Applications, Pure Mathematics or Statistics.


  • have an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma in a business-related discipline or an equivalent qualification.

For senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission, applicants are normally expected to have completed an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥3.0 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award. Preference may be given to applicants who have attained Level 4 or above in HKDSE English Language; OR IELTS overall band score of 6.5 or above; OR TOEFL iBT total score 79 or above (single test date)

Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Curriculum Structure

Please visit the following website for the detailed curriculum:

Career Prospects

BBA GOM graduates are prepared for careers as management trainees, operations managers, operations analysts, project managers, etc. They typically begin in areas such as consulting, financial operations, health care operations, procurement and sourcing, retail management and supply chain management.

Summer Internship Programme

Many of our students are able to find summer internship, either by themselves or through our referral, in various industries. Internship provides them an opportunity to gain practical experience and to enhance personal growth. We have received positive feedbacks from many large corporations regarding the performance of our students in the internships. Below are some of the companies or organizations in which our students worked under the internship programme:

Student sharing

Student sharing



Cheung Chiu Keung, Leo (Intern in Hang Seng Bank)

“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” – Michael Phelps

I worked at Hang Seng Bank as Chief Administrative Office (CAO) intern under Operations, Services and Technology department. This 5-month internship experience broadens my horizons a lot.

What I learned from Hang Seng Bank that can’t find in textbooks or lectures, so it is a valuable and unique opportunity for me. Although I had felt terrifying and challenging to the projects, luckily my colleagues assisted me with no doubt. I am so glad that this internship broadened my horizons.

Internship program acts as a bridge to connect our career paths, no matter seeking your paths or adapting work pace. How much you gain depends on how much you pay, so my advice to all of you is not to question your abilities and push your limits. If you can dream it, you can do it!

Ma Wing Sin, Eunice (Intern in Esquel Group)

With the vision of making a difference in the world, Esquel cares a lot about the harmonious of environment and people, as well as a sustainable future worthy of appreciation by generations to come.

During my summer internship in Esquel, I was with Technical Development Centre and assigned with a project to promote a new printing technology within the company, which was 3D printing. To be honest, I knew nothing about 3D printing beforehand but I was glad to take this challenge. On the way of organising the 3D printing workshop to colleagues, I did lots of researches and kept myself familiar with this technology by trial and errors. Though I encountered quite a lot of difficulties during the preparation time, I learnt far more than I expected, including AutoCAD and event management skills.

Apart from the departmental duties, Esquel also provided summer interns an opportunity to have a business trip to Gaoming, one of their major factory plants. It was a valuable experience to know how a complete textile manufacturing process was. We even got a chance to assemble a t-shirt using sewing machine by ourselves. The trip gave me a bigger picture of Esquel’s operation beyond my department.

As an innovative textile firm, Esquel does place value on developing new technologies; not only for operations, but also colleagues’ personal development. I appreciate the vision, work atmosphere and more importantly, the teammates’ love there. I would say my last summer has definitely well spent in Esquel.


Lu Chun Yu, Jonathan (Intern in Deloitte)

Greetings! I am Jonathan, one of the many GOM buddies and it is the third month since I have been an Audit intern with Deloitte under their 4-month Spring Internship Program.

Life at Deloitte is thrilling. Working on a project basis, as opposed to a hierarchy structure, we get to meet new colleagues and new clients very often. It is not unusual that we have to face the CFOs and Directors by ourselves alone. As an intern, this has given me an invaluable opportunity to grasp in-depth knowledge and understanding of the different clients’ companies and the  industries in which they operate.

“How does Audit relate to your studies?”, you may ask. You may have heard this many times, but operations is everywhere, in our client’s businesses and even in Deloitte itself. The Audit work that we perform everyday requires us to thoroughly understand the way our clients do businesses so that we are able to detect risk of fraud or error and other anomalies. Deloitte, having a project based organizational structure with over 225,400 employees worldwide, also has a unique and efficient operations management practice that is very much worth learning.

There is no doubt that the professional services industry is an intense and rapidly changing environment where you have to be versatile in order to excel. Fortitude is also essential to endure the long working hours. With that being said, this is a place where hard-work pays off and where you can take in and learn a lot like a pool for a sponge.


Co-curricular Activities and Learning Support

Overseas Summer Programmes 

Students may participate in English immersion courses, which include components such as volunteer placements, homestays and cultural activities in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. Service Learning participants also provide voluntary services in less developed areas such as the Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Laos.


Young Scholars Programme

 To nurture BBA students to become outstanding future leaders in the region/world, our Young Scholars Programme offers the following: 

  • overseas exposure during semester breaks, including study trips to renowned companies and universities;
  • internship placements in multinational companies to be arranged locally or overseas;
  • networking with top business students admitted locally and overseas;
  • professional mentorships provided by professors and professional practitioners; and
  • cultivation of social responsibility through community services and voluntary work.

Operations Management Project

Operations Management Project offers a unique opportunity for the Global Operations Management students to participate in real business projects and to apply what they have learned in other GOM courses in solving business problems. Student teams will work under faculty supervision to solve operations management related problems and identify improvement opportunities for both service and manufacturing businesses. They will also gain practical experience in planning and executing a real business project.

Programme Video
Graduate Sharing
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Global Operations Management
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY

When necessary
- December 2023 to April 2024
- Individual interview
  (15 to 20 minutes)
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Historical Data Display
Table (For sorting)

BBA Management

programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

60 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries)* and  
30 (For Senior Year Entry)

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 300

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry);
2 Years (For Senior Year Entry)

* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Department of Management

The Department aims at providing professional business knowledge and skills that are grounded in the latest research in Management. We are equipping students with the professional skills critical for job success, as well as the interpersonal and analytical skills necessary for developing a successful career locally and globally. 


Why BBA Management?

The BBA Management programme aims to equip students with the abilities and skills to successfully manage people and teams within an organisation and manage the organisation itself, in both local and international environments. Students of this programme will acquire the knowledge to meet management challenges including decision making, leading and motivating people, leading organisational change as well as strategising and implementing business decisions locally and internationally. The major offers a choice of two distinctive streams: Human Resources Management (HRM) and Strategy and International Management (SIM). Students can indicate their preferred stream at the beginning of Year 2.

HRM Stream:

The HRM stream is designed for students who wish to pursue a career as an in-house specialist or an outside consultant in the human resource management area.

SIM Stream:

This stream is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to develop effective strategies to manage in the international business environment, particularly in the Asia Pacific Region.


  • 人力資源管理:教授人力資源管理學的技能和知識,目標是培養人力資源管理界的優才。
  • 策略及國際管理:讓學生接觸多方面範疇,教授學生對國際商業環境的認知及組織管理策略知識之實踐,目標是培養在跨國公司工作之管理專才。
Why BBA Management at CityU College of Business?

i. The BBA Management programme offers you:  

  • the skills to manage people and teams successfully;
  • the skills to initiate and manage startup companies;
  • the knowledge to lead business and implement business decisions in different countries, e.g. the Greater Bay Area, Australia, Japan, Korea, the USA, Canada and the UK.  

ii. College of Business is one of the top three business schools in Asia (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/About-the-College/Accreditation-and-Rankings/International-Rankings)  

iii. Entrance scholarships up to HK$265,000 are available for elite students (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/apply/scholarships)  

iv. Overseas exchange and summer programmes are available in over 200 partner universities around the globe! (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/exchange)


  • 成功管理人才及團隊的知識,
  • 創業技巧,
  • 在大灣區、澳洲、日本、韓國、美國、加拿大及英國等地區或國家為企業制定策略及領導企業的知識。
Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

For senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission, applicants are normally expected to have completed an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥3.2 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award. Preference may be given to applicants who have attained Level 4 or above in HKDSE English Language OR Grade D or above in HKALE Use of English OR IELTS overall band score of 6.5 or above.

Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Curriculum Structure

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the 'Undergraduate Catalogue'.

Career Prospects

Employers of our graduates in recent years include well known organisations such as Bank of China, EY, HK Jockey Club, Hospital Authority, HSBC, KPMG, Morgan Stanley and PwC. Graduates are working in highly sought after positions including management trainee, graduate trainee, business analyst, HR business partner, and HR executive.

Departmental Internship Programme

Participation in the internship programme helps our students to develop and strengthen their business and work skills through practical work experience with organisations in Hong Kong. These experiences could help enhance our students' competitiveness in the job market. The MGT Summer Internship programme could meet a major elective course requirement.

EY – LAW Sha Lee

I have learnt a lot about campus recruitment process- from organizational-fit candidate screening to the appropriate manner in answering enquires from candidates, to the selection of the final candidates. Now, I have a more comprehensive understanding on the work of HR professional.


Sino Group - PANG Chui Ying

During the internship, I realized collaboration and communication skills are very important, especially when a project involves many parties. A minor error of relaying message would cause project delay or misunderstanding of the work.


L'Oréal Group – LEUNG Kit Man

In helping with the recruitment process, I gained real business recruitment process’ insights and some crucial interview skills.


Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong – CHAN Kwan Lok, Gordon

EFHK is a Federation acts as an intermediate between employers and government and provides policy and governance services. The insights from the professionals has helped me to better prepare myself for the rapidly changing business environment in Hong Kong.


New Zealand Trade and Enterprise – WONG Pak Long Anson

Grow Stronger, Grow Better. This internship allowed me to understand how a business promotion campaign is made feasible commercially. By interacting with the New Zealand government officials, chambers, and suppliers, I now have a better idea on behaving professionally when offering managerial advices.

Professional Recognition

Our HRM stream graduates are qualified to apply for Associate Membership of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM). 

Alumni Sharing

Embarking on the BBA journey at the esteemed Department of Management was a strategic choice, one that has been instrumental in shaping my professional trajectory. This program, distinguished as one of the select few in Hong Kong known for cultivating proficient human resources professionals, boasts an exceptional reputation amongst industry employers.

The Department's commitment to delivering high-caliber education allowed me to establish a robust academic groundwork that became a cornerstone of my success. It didn't merely end with theoretical knowledge; the program's comprehensive career support, encompassing internships and a robust mentoring initiative, equipped me with the necessary skills to navigate the dynamic landscape of the workplace and tackle challenges head-on.

In retrospect, I am immensely grateful for this enriching educational journey. It was not just a stepping stone to my career but a catalyst that propelled me towards significant career advancement post-graduation. Today, as a senior HR leader, I reflect back on these experiences with a sense of pride and acknowledge the pivotal role the BBA program played in my professional ascent.

Vincent Wu | People Leader, Marsh McLennan Hong Kong & Macau

Human resources personnel are a change agent in an organisation. We work in collaboration with business leaders and propose recommendations on business effectiveness based on our professional HR knowledge and understanding of the changing external market. The BBA (HRM) programme has not only provided me with comprehensive foundation in various business disciplines but has also equipped me with the crucial skills and social awareness in dealing with people from different levels and nationalities. My study here has been a valuable starting point for my career and personal growth.

Kalinda Wong | Associate, People, National Australia Bank

If I had to do it again, I would definitely make the same decision and study in the Human Resources Management Programme at City University of Hong Kong. It is not only the place where I learned to be an HR professional but also where I grew up. The Department of Management provides a dynamic undergraduate curriculum grounded in human resources management that is complemented by distinctive personal and career development programmes. We learned how to be effective and efficient managers. In addition, I felt that there was always a friendly relationship among students and professors. I am thankful for the support and encouragement from our professors, lectures and other graduate students.

Kathy Ko | Human Resources Manager | Hospital Authority

Co-curricular Activities

Career Mentoring Programme

Developing and equipping undergraduates for their career is an important goal of Department of Management. In this career mentoring program, we will invite business practitioners who are also our alumni to be the career mentors of our undergraduates. The mentors are expected to share practical advice on job search, career planning, and professional development with the students throughout the academic year.

Student Entrepreneurship Project (SEP)

The Student Entrepreneurship Project is specially designed for year two and three students, to help them develop their managerial competencies through experiential training. The core of the project involves students running a small business. The experience provides management students with the opportunity to apply what they learned in the real world, and develop their entrepreneurial spirit and abilities for future career and business ventures.

Young Scholars Programme

To nurture BBA students to become outstanding future leaders in the region/world, our Young Scholars Programme offers the following:

  • overseas exposure during semester breaks, including study trips to renowned companies and universities;
  • internship placements in multinational companies to be arranged locally or overseas;
  • networking with top business students admitted locally and overseas;
  • professional mentorships provided by professors and professional practitioners; and
  • cultivation of social responsibility through community services and voluntary work.

Programme Introduction
Human Resources Management (HRM) Stream
Strategy and International Management (SIM) Stream
Exchange Programme
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY

On a selective basis
- Mid-February 2024 
- Group interview (1 hour)
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Historical Data Display
Table (For sorting)

BBA Global Business Systems Management

programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

10 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries)*

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry)
Admissions Tutor and Major Leader
Ms Tania Yuenkei LAU

MBusSys, BBusSys


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why Study BBA Global Business Systems Management?

Business made Smart with Information Systems (IS)

BA Global Business Systems Management (GBSM) aims to nurture students to become smart business managers.

GBSM IS Smart Global

The best way to learn about the world is to experience it. Two semester-long exchanges to recognised universities in the US, Europe and/or Asia encourage our students to develop a global mindset. Enjoy a flexible curriculum and choose courses during your exchange that match your own interests and needs.

GBSM IS Smart Tech

Our students develop a technology mindset as they learn how modern information systems such as AI, big data and cloud services are transforming the business world. They can participate in a week-long Smart Business Study Tour to Stanford University and visit AAAF (Apple, Amazon, Alphabet and Facebook) companies in Silicon Valley, or join a one-month Smart Business Project Tour for visits and work experience in FinTech and/or BAT (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent) companies closer to home.

GBSM IS Smart Business

Our students also develop a business mindset as they learn about new IS business strategies and Internet business models. Students gain the knowledge and skills to analyse high-growth technology companies and make wise investment decisions. They also develop good communication and project management skills, which prepare them for management trainee jobs in multinational companies.

GBSM IS Smart Choice

Our students have opportunities to conduct undergraduate research or consulting projects with faculty members in the largest IS department in Hong Kong and one of the best IS department in research productivity in the world [1]. The Department provides Smart Business scholarships to support our undergraduate students in regional and international business competitions. Our students make business smart with information systems.

GBSM IS Smart Future

Our graduates begin their careers as management trainees and business analysts in global banks, consulting and technology firms, such as HSBC, BOC, PWC, Apple, Alibaba, Facebook, Google and IBM.

In 2018, 94% of our graduates were hired immediately after graduation and 6% of our graduates went overseas for further studies. The highest and average monthly salaries of our graduates from BBA Global Business Systems Management were approximately HK$60K and HK$24K, respectively. Their average salaries were 36% higher than those of BBA graduates of the Business College.

[1] Research Ranking of the Association for Information Systems (https://www.aisnet.org)

Why BBA Global Business Systems Management at CityU College of Business?

i. BBA Global Business Systems Management programme offers you: 

  • Global Business + Internet Technologies = Smart Technology Business Investors and Global Business Managers
  • Two exchange studies (in Europe/America/ Asia-Pacific region)
  • Learn from and join Internet giants like AAAF (Alphabet/Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook) and BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent) 

ii. The Department of Information Systems is committed to nurture smart people for smart business, with careers of the future.  We support our students to choose a second major in the College of Business. 

iii. College of Business is among the top four business schools in Asia (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/About-the-College/Accreditation-and-Rankings/International-Rankings)

iv. Entrance scholarships up to HK$265,000 are available for elite students (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/apply/scholarships)

v. Overseas exchange and summer programmes are available in over 200 partner universities around the globe! (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/exchange)

vi. Over 80% of students secure local and global internship opportunities in areas including banking, accounting, IT and consulting. 

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have studied one of the following subjects at a high school or post-secondary institution:

  • Additional Mathematics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics with Applications, Pure Mathematics or Statistics


  • have an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma in a business-related discipline or an equivalent qualification.

Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Curriculum Structure

Please visit the following website for the detailed curriculum:

Co-curricular Activities and Learning Support

Regularly, we organize “Internet+” study tours to visit new economic companies like AAAF (Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, Facebook) in USA and BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent) in China.  We are committed to nurture smart people for smart business, with great careers of the future.

Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 8521

Contact Type
Contact Value
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Global Business Systems Management
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY

On a selective basis
- December 2023 to August 2024
- Group and/or individual interviews
- English and/or Chinese

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Historical Data Display

BBA Information Management

programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

10 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries)* and  
45 (For Senior Year Entry)

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 300

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry);
2 Years (For Senior Year Entry)
Admissions Tutor
Ms Tania Yuenkei LAU

MBusSys, BBusSys

Major Leader
Prof. David XU


Stream Advisor (Business Intelligence stream)


Stream Advisor (Information Systems Auditing stream)
Ms Janet K M YU

MSc, BSc

Stream Advisor (Internet Services and Social Networks stream)
Mr Albert Y K CHUNG

MSc, BSc

Stream Advisor (Data Informatics stream)
Prof. David XU



* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why Study BBA Information Management?

Business made Smart with Information Systems (IS)

BBA Information Management (IFMG) nurtures students to become smart business professionals.

IFMG IS Smart Double Major  

Our students have great flexibilities to complete a double major degree in Information Management and in Accounting, Finance or Marketing. Local core industries, such as financial services, professional services, logistics and trading services, are being transformed by big data and artificial intelligence (AI). Our graduates have outstanding opportunities to play a major role in this digital transformation process.

IFMG IS Smart Innovation

Our students gain the knowledge and skills to apply modern information systems (e.g., AI, big data and cloud services) to business innovations. They can participate in a one-week Smart Business Study Tour to Stanford University and visit AAAF companies (Apple, Amazon, Alphabet and Facebook) in Silicon Valley, or join a one-month Smart Business Project Tour for visits and work experience in FinTech and/or BAT companies (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent) closer to home.

IFMG IS Smart Business

Our students gain a business mindset from exposure to new IS business strategies and Internet business models. They will gain the knowledge and skills to analyse high-growth technology companies and make wise investment decisions. They will also gain good communication and project management skills that will qualify them for project management jobs in multinational companies.

IFMG IS Smart Choice  

Our students have opportunities to conduct undergraduate research or consulting projects with faculty members in the largest IS department in Hong Kong and one of the best IS department in the world for research productivity [1]. The Department provides Smart Business scholarships to support our undergraduate students in regional and international business competitions. Our students make business smart with information systems.

IFMG IS Smart Future

Our graduates begin their careers as business analysts, data scientists, IT auditors, systems analysts and programmers in global banks, consulting and technology firms, such as HSBC, BOC, PWC, Apple, Alibaba, Facebook, Google and IBM.

In 2018, 99% of our graduates were hired immediately after graduation and 1% went overseas for further studies. The highest, average and lowest monthly salaries of BBA Information Management graduates were HK$24K, HK$18K and HK$13K, respectively.

[1] Research Ranking of the Association for Information Systems (https://www.aisnet.org)

Why BBA Information Management at CityU College of Business?

i. BBA Information Management offers you: 

  • Smart Financial Services, Auditing and Internet Services
  • Social media, mobile apps, big data/artificial intelligence and cloud services for business innovations
  • Flexibilities of choosing streams from Business Intelligence (BI), Information Systems Auditing (ISA), Internet Services and Social Networks (ISSN), and Data Informatics (DI).
  • Flexibility to take a double major in BBA Information Management and Accounting, BBA Information Management and Finance, BBA Information Management and Marketing or BBA Information Management and Business Analysis.

ii. To support the Government’s Smart City Blueprint for the better future of Hong Kong, the BBA Information Management aims to equip students with competent knowledge and skills of applying innovative technologies for business innovation, our students change the way of doing business in Hong Kong and the region.

iii. The Department of Information Systems is committed to nurture smart people for smart business, with careers of the future.  We support our students to choose a second major in the College of Business. 

iv. College of Business is among the top four business schools in Asia (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/About-the-College/Accreditation-and-Rankings/International-Rankings)

v. Entrance scholarships up to HK$265,000 are available for elite students (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/apply/scholarships

vi. Overseas exchange and summer programmes are available in over 200 partner universities around the globe! (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/exchange

vii. Over 80% of students secure local and global internship opportunities in areas including banking, accounting, IT and consulting.

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have studied one of the following subjects at a high school or post-secondary institution:

  • Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematics with Applications, Pure Mathematics or Statistics


  • have an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma in a business-related discipline or an equivalent qualification.

For senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission, applicants are normally expected to have completed an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥3.0 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award. Preference may be given to applicants who have attained Level 4 or above in HKDSE English Language OR IELTS overall band score of 6.5 or above.

Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Curriculum Structure
Co-curricular Activities and Learning Support

Regularly, we organize “Internet+” study tours to visit new economic companies like AAAF (Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, Facebook) in USA and BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent) in China.  We are committed to nurture smart people for smart business, with great careers of the future.

Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 8521

Contact Type
Contact Value
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Information Management
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY

On a selective basis
- December 2023 to August 2024
- Group and/or individual interviews
- English and/or Chinese

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Historical Data Display
Table (For sorting)

BBA Finance

programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

109 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries)* and  
35 (For Senior Year Entry)

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 300

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry);
2 Years (For Senior Year Entry)
Programme/ Major Leader
Prof. ZHANG Lei

PhD - Finance (INSEAD) MSc - Operations Research and Control Science (Fudan University) BSc - Mathematics (Fudan University)


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BBA Finance?

BBA Finance provides rigorous training in asset valuation, portfolio and risk management, derivative securities, global investment and quantitative methods. The programme prepares you for key financial management positions in business and government sectors.


Why BBA Finance at CityU College of Business?

i. BBA Finance programme offers you:

  • Prepare you for key financial management positions in business and government sectors (e.g. JP Morgan Chase, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, UBS)
  • Learn qualitative and quantitative skills and tools (e.g. Bloomberg, asset valuation, portfolio and risk management) for making financial and investment decisions

ii. College of Business is among the top three business schools in Asia (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/aboutus/recognition/rankings/)

iii. Entrance scholarships up to HK$265,000 are available for elite students (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/apply/scholarships)

iv. Overseas exchange and summer programmes are available in over 200 partner universities around the globe! (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/exchange)  

v. Over 80% of students secured local and global internship opportunities in areas including banking, accounting, IT and consulting.

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

For senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission, applicants are normally expected to have completed an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥3.0 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award. Preference may be given to applicants who have attained Level 4 above in HKDSE English Language OR IELTS overall band score of 6.5 or above.

Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Curriculum Structure

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the 'Undergraduate Catalogue'.

Career Prospects

Graduates are ready to develop career as corporate strategist, management consultant, economist, private banker, investment advisor and key financial management positions in business and government sectors.



Graduate Profile



Financial / Insurance : 50% 

Business Service / Real Estate : 30% 

Transport, Storage and Communications : 4%

Co-curricular Activities and Learning Support

Rotman International Trading Competition

The Rotman International Trading Competition (RITC) is an annual event that brings teams of students and their faculty advisors from universities worldwide to participate in a unique 3-day simulated market challenge at University of Toronto in Canada. Teams are invited to participate in various activities including electronic and outcry trading cases, seminars with industry practitioners, and social events with their fellow competitors from around the world. For more details, please visit http://ritc.rotman.utoronto.ca/

Inter-University Algo Trading Contest

The contest invites students from renowned universities in Hong Kong and Mainland China to create and test the algo trading strategies. It serves as an ideal platform to transfer industry knowledge and skills to university students. It was initiated with the vision to identify and nurture algo trading talents at top universities; create a platform to access real life trading; and provide top performers with potential career opportunities / startup capital. For more details, please visit http://algocontest.cashalgo.com/

Overseas Summer Programmes

Students may participate in English immersion courses, which include components such as volunteer placements, homestays and cultural activities in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. Service Learning participants also provide voluntary services in less developed areas such as the Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Laos.

Young Scholars Programme

To nurture BBA students to become outstanding future leaders in the region/world, our Young Scholars Programme offers the following:

  • overseas exposure during semester breaks, including study trips to renowned companies and universities;
  • internship placements in multinational companies to be arranged locally or overseas;
  • networking with top business students admitted locally and overseas;
  • professional mentorships provided by professors and professional practitioners; and
  • cultivation of social responsibility through community services and voluntary work.

Programme Video
Contact Type
Contact Value
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY


Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Historical Data Display

BBA Business Economics

programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

36 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries)* and  
10 (For Senior Year Entry)

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 300

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry);
2 Years (For Senior Year Entry)
Programme/Major Leader
Prof. HAN Xu

BA, BS (Renmin University of China); MA, PhD (North Carolina State University)


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BBA Business Economics?

BBA Business Economics provides solid training in economic strategies for improving business operations, government policies and economic forecasting. Students are open for a wide range of career options, e.g. corporate strategist, management consultant, economist, private banker, investment advisor.

職業選擇廣泛 :企業策略師、管理顧問、經濟學家、私人銀行家、投資顧問

Why BBA Business Economics at CityU College of Business?

1. BBA Business Economics programme offers you:

  • Learn economic strategies for improving business operations, government policies and economic forecasting.
  • Wide range of career options: corporate strategist, management consultant, economist, private banker, investment advisor
  • Joint degree program arrangement with Columbia University and National Taiwan University

2. College of Business is among the top four business schools in Asia (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/About-the-College/Accreditation-and-Rankings/International-Rankings)

3. Entrance scholarships up to HK$265,000 are available for elite students (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/apply/scholarships)

4. Overseas exchange and summer programmes are available in over 200 partner universities around the globe! (https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ug/admissions/exchange)

5. Over 80% of students secured local and global internship opportunities in areas including banking, accounting, IT and consulting.

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

For senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission, applicants are normally expected to have completed an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥3.0 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award. Preference may be given to applicants who have attained Level 4 or above in HKDSE English Language OR IELTS overall band score of 6.5 or above.

Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Curriculum Structure

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the 'Undergraduate Catalogue'.

Career Prospects

Graduates are ready to develop career as corporate strategist, management consultant, economist, private banker, investment advisor and key financial management positions in business and government sectors.


Graduate Profile



Financial / Insurance : 50% 

Business Service / Real Estate : 30% 

Transport, Storage and Communications : 4%

Co-curricular Activities and Learning Support

Rotman International Trading Competition

The Rotman International Trading Competition (RITC) is an annual event that brings teams of students and their faculty advisors from universities worldwide to participate in a unique 3-day simulated market challenge at University of Toronto in Canada. Teams are invited to participate in various activities including electronic and outcry trading cases, seminars with industry practitioners, and social events with their fellow competitors from around the world. For more details, please visit http://ritc.rotman.utoronto.ca/

Inter-University Algo Trading Contest

The contest invites students from renowned universities in Hong Kong and Mainland China to create and test the algo trading strategies. It serves as an ideal platform to transfer industry knowledge and skills to university students. It was initiated with the vision to identify and nurture algo trading talents at top universities; create a platform to access real life trading; and provide top performers with potential career opportunities / startup capital. For more details, please visit http://algocontest.cashalgo.com/

Overseas Summer Programmes

Students may participate in English immersion courses, which include components such as volunteer placements, homestays and cultural activities in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. Service Learning participants also provide voluntary services in less developed areas such as the Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Laos.

Young Scholars Programme

To nurture BBA students to become outstanding future leaders in the region/world, our Young Scholars Programme offers the following:

  • overseas exposure during semester breaks, including study trips to renowned companies and universities;
  • internship placements in multinational companies to be arranged locally or overseas;
  • networking with top business students admitted locally and overseas;
  • professional mentorships provided by professors and professional practitioners; and
  • cultivation of social responsibility through community services and voluntary work.

Programme Video
Contact Type
Contact Value
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Business Economics
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY


Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Historical Data Display

BBA Accountancy

Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

150 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries)* and

43 (For Senior Year Entry)

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 300

Normal Duration of Programme
3 Years (For Advanced Standing I Entry)
2 Years (For Senior Year Entry)
Major Leader
Prof. XIN Xiangang


+852 3442 7919 (Phone)

Associate Major Leader
Prof. CHEN Wen


+852 3442 7902 (Phone)

Associate Major Leader
Prof CHEN Yi Chun


+852 3442 5676(Phone)


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BBA Accountancy?

Known as the “language of business,” accounting is certainly vital knowledge in our quest for business excellence and fundamental to success in the business world. Studying accounting provides you with great employment potential and numerous educational opportunities. Aside from becoming an accounting professional, an accounting degree offers a doorway to almost every business opportunity you can dream of, from financial auditing to business consulting. If you want to pursue further studies in business, accounting is also definitely a perfect place to start.

Our BBA Accountancy program offers two streams. The Professional Accounting stream is designed to equip students with accounting knowledge and professional skills for the profession. The ESG and Tech stream is designed to equip students with digital technology, risk management, and data analytical skills, in addition to the fundamental accounting knowledge.

會計是公認的"商業語言",是各行各業取得商業成功以及追求卓越表現不可或缺的基石。 會計學專業為您提供了巨大的就業前景和廣闊的教育機會。會計學不僅有助於學生成為會計專業人士,還可以幫助學生進入自己理想的行業,無論是從事財務審計工作還是進入管理諮詢行業。同時,如果希望將來在商科繼續深造,會計學也會是您的絕佳選擇。


Why BBA Accountancy at CityU College of Business?

Our programme offers valuable resources to maximize your potential and lead you to success. It provides you with:

Professional Recognition

  • Professional Recognition – Our dedicated academic staff deliver solid professional knowledge. The programme is recognized by major professional associations, including HKICPA, ACCA, CIMA, and CPA Australia.

Whole Person Development Training

  • Internship -  An average of about 70% of students secure local and global internship opportunities in areas including banking, accounting, IT and consulting
  • Exchange - Overseas exchange and summer programmes are available in over 200 partner universities around the globe! 
  • Competition -  We support students to participate in open competitions. These opportunities allow students to explore contemporary business issues in great depth, via collaborating with peers and obtaining advice from senior management consultants and academic staff
  • Study tours - We also organize study tours during study breaks, including tours to Korea, Taiwan, Guangzhou, and Europe. On these tours you will attend credit-bearing courses, visit renowned international corporations, and join in cultural discovery activities

Flexible curriculum and 2nd major/minor choices

  • Two streams: "Professional Accounting" stream and "ESG and Tech" stream
  • "Double Degree in Accountancy and Law" to gain Inter-disciplinary professional knowledge and enhances students' employability in the two sectors
  • Joint degree programme is organised with the National Taiwan University
  • 2nd BBA major and Minor 

World-class faculty and department

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements. Preference may be given to students with better English proficiency and have studied a course in Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics or Statistics at a high school or post-secondary institution.

For senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission, applicants are normally expected to have completed an Associate Degree/Higher Diploma with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of ≥3.0 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award. Preference may be given to applicants who have attained Level 4 or above in HKDSE English Language or IELTS overall band score of 6.5 or above.

Curriculum Structure

Degree Requirements

RequirementsNormative 4-year 
Advanced Standing IAdvanced Standing II
Gateway Education requirement30 credit units21 credit units12 credit units
College requirement42 credit units42 credit units21 credit units
Major requirement

30 credit units

30 credit units30 credit units
Free electives / Minor (if applicable)18 credit units0 credit unit0 credit unit
Minimum Graduation Requirement:120 credit units93 credit units63 credit units
Maximum Credit Units Permitted:144 credit units114 credit units84 credit units

Please visit the website https://www.cityu.edu.hk/catalogue/ug/current/Major/BBA1_AC-0.htm for the detailed degree requirements.

The New BBA Accountancy Curriculum - In response to the changing needs of the industry

Please visit the website https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ac/programmes/undergraduate/NEWProgrammeAndStream/NewStreamInBBAAccountancy/ for the detailed curriculum.

Career Prospects

Career Prospects

The Department of Accountancy facilitate students' acquisition of the qualifications and skills you need for career advancement in prominent multinational certified public accounting firms, government departments, commercial, industrial and public organisations. 

Our graduates have secured their positions in Alibaba, Bloomberg, Citi Group, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Goldman Sachs, Hang Sang Bank, HSBC, Inland Revenue Department, JPMorgan, KPMG, Moody’s, Morgan Stanley, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Swire Group and The Hong Kong Jockey Club, etc. In addition, the Department has built up a strong alumni network for students’ life-long career development with outstanding graduates reaching management and executive level in various organizations.

See a career development story of our accountancy graduate at https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ac/e-circular/10/Resource/Student_related/Challenge%20Your%20Limit-Edmund%20Ho/Article_Challenge_Your_Limits_Edmund_Ho.pdf 

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

The University identifies high calibre students with outstanding academic and/or non-academic achievement for the entrance scholarships upon successful admission. Click here for details.

Professional Recognition

Professional Recognition

Accreditation is obtained from the following professional bodies:

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

CPA Australia

Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)

Upon successful completion of the required courses, our graduates will be granted exemptions from certain courses/ papers/ modules. For more details, please refer to https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ac/programmes/prof_accred/

Note: Professional accreditation is subject to periodic review by the respective professional bodies.

Student Exchange/Internship

Student Exchange

In coordination with the College of Business, the Department organizes regular semester and year-long exchange programmes with over 200 prestigious institutions around the world. Each year, over 40% of our students take part in these experience-enriching programmes. To learn more, please visit https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ac/activities/exchange 


Each year, we have an average of about 70% of our penultimate year students successfully completed professional attachment in major accounting firms, reputable commercial organisations or government bodies. Please visit https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ac/internship/internship for more details.


Student Achievements

Student Achievements

Students are encouraged to participate in various open competitions to gain presentation experience and boost their confidence in making business presentations. Our students have achieved excellent results in reputable competitions in both Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region, as demonstrated below.

ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition2021Merits Award
Best Budgeting Award
2020Top Achievers (SBL – Strategic Business Leader)
Top Achievers (Top Affiliate)
ACCA & CFA Institute Business Competition 2019-202019Top 8 Teams
CGMA Global University and Academic Centre of Excellence2021Global Silver (CIMA Prize-Winner Award) - Top Student in Strategic Case Study Exam February 2021 (joint)
CGMA Global Business Challenge 20202020Champion in Hong Kong
2nd Runner-up in North Asia Final
CIMA Global Case Challenge (HK region)2020Champion Team
CIMA Global Case Challenge (North Asia Final)2020Second runner-up
Hong Kong Economic Policy Challenge2021Top 6 Teams out of over 120 Teams
Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) Business Case Competition2020Champion – GreenBridge Consulting
1st Runner-up – Innovators
Champion - Morph
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)2021QP Top Student Award
Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute (HKCGS) Corporate Governance Paper Competition2021Best Paper Award
2020Merit Award
Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute (HKSI)2022Top Performer Award (Semi-final Round); Semi-finalist of HKSI Institute Case Competition 2022
2020Member of one of the eight finalist teams & Team Award for Scholarship Programme
Project Management Case Competition 2021-2022 by the Project Management Institute of Hong Kong2022Best Project Award
UAiTED Innovation Competition by the University Alliance in Talent Education Development2021Second-runner up (Bronze award) for mobile app “aiiiii.care”
Gold award for e-waste recycling programme, “G.M.E.” (Green Metropolis Enthusiast)
Study Tours

Study Tours

The Department organises study tours that provide our students with the opportunity to learn about and immerse themselves in other cultural environments. These tours can be either credit bearing and non-credit-bearing. The former requires students to complete a course led by teaching staff at the partner university. Please visit https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/ac/activities/study-tours/ for more details.

Co-curricular Activities and Learning Support

Student Mentorship Scheme

Under this scheme, each freshmen will be paired with one senior mentor throughout the Year 1 undergraduate study. This scheme prepares our students, both mentors and mentees, to be responsible citizens at City University and in Hong Kong, and to become future business leaders. It aims to cultivate a strong sense of belonging to the Department of Accountancy and City University by facilitating the establishment of a network for senior students to interact with junior students, to learn from each other and to share experiences.

Overseas Summer Programmes

Students may participate in English immersion courses, which include components such as volunteer placements, homestays and cultural activities in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. Service Learning participants also provide voluntary services in less developed areas such as the Philippines, Thailand, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Laos.

Contact Type
Contact Value
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Interview Arrangement - Direct SY

When necessary
- February to March 2024 
- Group and individual interviews
- English and Chinese

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Historical Data Display
Table (For sorting)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Computational Finance and Financial Technology

programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code


Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

10 (For First Year Entry)

Normal Duration of Programme
5 years
Programme Leader
Prof .Howard LEUNG (Department of Computer Science)

BEng McGill, MSc PhD Carnegie Mellon

Admission Scheme
Why Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Computational Finance and Financial Technology?

Leveraging Technology in Finance to Transform and Go Beyond

Jointly offered by the Department of Computer Science and the College of Business, the programme aims to educate a new generation of professionals with a unique combination of expertise from the important areas of computer science, computational finance, and financial technology. Finance is one of the pillars supporting the economy of Hong Kong, and the use of computational technologies has become pervasive in different business sectors. With recent significant advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technologies and their increasing applications in every aspect of the financial industry, the new programme, which comprises a broad set of courses from the Department of Computer Science and College of Business, will train students with a distinctive and interdisciplinary blend of knowledge across the complete spectrum of computer science/computational finance/financial technology areas, from AI, big data analytics, derivatives pricing, financial econometrics, portfolio management to software engineering.


Career Prospects

The interdisciplinary nature of the programme allows students to enter traditional financial careers, and simultaneously equip students with finance domain knowledge and technology background for opportunities in the emerging fintech industry. Employment opportunities available for graduates include:

  • Quantitative/Finance/Business Analyst
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Specialist
  • Data Scientist
  • Risk & Compliance Specialist
  • Blockchain Developer

After a few years in the field, graduates can take up a specialist role in any one of the above careers or switch among them. Management role, product/service director and entrepreneurship are advanced available options.


Entrance Requirements

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1221 BSc Computer Science and BSc Computational Finance and Financial Technology 
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 4
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3 in one elective subject from: 
- Biology 
- Chemistry 
- Information and Communication Technology 
- M1/M2 
- Physics
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” (at grade E or above) can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Curriculum Structure

Curriculum Structure for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Computational Finance and Financial Technology

(applicable to students admitted from the 2022 entry)

Degree RequirementsCredit       
BSc in Computer ScienceBSc in Computational Finance and Financial Technology
University Requirements  and Distributional Requirements21
  • GE1401 University English (3 credit units)
  • Discipline-specific GE English (3 credit units)

GE2410 English for Engineering or GE2402 English for Business Communication

  • GE1501 Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy  (3 credit units)
  • Distributional areas (12 credit units)
College-specified courses18College-specified courses of CENG          
(9 credit units):          
(MA1200/ MA1300) + (MA1201/ MA1301) + JC2066
College-specified courses of CB          
(9 credit units):          
CS2204 (in lieu of CB2240) + CS3334 + MA3525
College/School Requirement12
  • CS1302         
    (3 credit units)
  • Take CB2400 to fulfill the 3 credit units of CENG College Requirement
  • CB2100         
    (3 credit units)
  • CB2400         
    (3 credit units)
  • CB3410         
    (3 credit units)
Major Required Courses9936 credit units 
(From CS core courses)
30 credit units 
(From CFFT core courses)
33 credit units         
(To serve as Core or Electives for both Majors)
Minimum number of credit units for the Double Degree award150



College of Business

The College of Business is one of the premier business schools in Asia, offering a full suite of programmes from BBA, BSc, MBA, MSc, EMBA, DBA to PhD level, as well as specialist executive education courses. We are a culturally diverse faculty with over 200 core members of some 17 nationalities, and teach over 5,000 students each year. We are passionate about teaching and research and are currently ranked #39 worldwide for research. We are continuously expanding our work horizons.

Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science has received worldwide recognition for its outstanding research and pedagogical development.

On the education front, our programmes are designed to meet the most pressing information and communication technology needs of business and industry in Hong Kong. The programme provides a solid foundation in computer science knowledge and introduces students to a wide range of modern technologies, design and development processes, and IT professionalism. Students have the opportunity to undertake a major design and development project in an area such as data science, virtual reality, multimedia, computer vision, cloud computing and information security.

Along with exposure to cutting-edge teaching and learning practices, these experiences are shaping a new generation of professionals capable of developing innovative solutions to challenges in new fields in computer science.

To strive for research excellence, the Department conducts world-class fundamental and applied research. With more than 200 projects in progress, the vital areas covered include artificial intelligence, big data analytics, cloud computing, multimedia computing, computer systems, cyber security, and bioinformatics. Two applied research centres of note are the Centre for Decentralized Trust Computing, and the TFI Applied Research Centre for Advanced Digital Media Technology.  A number of laboratories also conduct a wide range of research projects.

The Department maintains state-of-the-art computing facilities, including a private cloud infrastructure to support teaching activities and a high-throughput computing cluster for computationally intensive tasks involved in various research activities.

The Department’s research foci include artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, cloud computing, data science, evolutionary computation and metaheuristics, information security, machine learning, mobile computing, multimedia computing, software engineering, computer vision and graphics. Our staff members have contributed intellectually and professionally to the advancement of these fields.

Our Target

The programme aims to educate a new generation of professionals with a unique combination of expertise from the important areas of computer science, computational finance, and financial technology.  Finance is one of the pillars supporting the economy of Hong Kong, and the use of computational technologies has become pervasive in different business sectors.  With recent significant advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technologies and their increasing applications in every aspect of the financial industry, the programme, which comprises a broad set of courses from the Department of Computer Science and College of Business, will train students with a distinctive and interdisciplinary blend of knowledge across the complete spectrum of computer science/computational finance/financial technology areas, from AI, big data analytics, derivatives pricing, financial econometrics, portfolio management to software engineering.

Programme Video
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 8580

Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 0503

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Programme Calculation Method
Best 5 Subjects
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

When necessary

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display