Celebration of Physics - PHY Annual Symposium 2021 (Online)

PHY Annual Symposium 2021 – Celebration of Physics was held via Zoom on 2 June 2021. This annual event has become an essential and integral part of our department’s tradition.  

Professor Christian Wagner (Provost, CityU) kicked off the online symposium with welcoming remarks to all students and faculties. Three invited speakers, along with three of our own faculty members, shared their latest discoveries with the audience.  The talks culminated with a remarkable lecture by Professor Hong Ding (Professor, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), who introduced the iron-based superconductors, a promising platform for the search of Majorana fermions, which were regarded as essential building blocks for quantum computers.

Apart from the enlightening talks, there was a virtual poster session again this year. We had received a total of 28 posters submissions across three categories: 5 posters from UG students (the UG category), 5 posters from MSc students (the MSc category), and 18 posters from PhD students (the PhD category). 7 students were selected for the Best Poster Awards as a recognition of their excellent efforts in their research discoveries. Besides it, 7 students were presented with the Undergraduate Final Year Project Awards.

The Faculty Service Award 2020 was also announced at the symposium. Dr Shubo Wang is honored for his leadership in recruiting top-quality postgraduate students, especially under the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. 

The Annual PHY Symposium “Celebration of Physics” is an annual signature event of the Department of Physics, CityU, since 2019. It not only provides a platform to showcase the research achievements of PHY students, but also promotes the collaborative research culture across the department. The Organizing Committee of this year was headed by Dr Xiao Li.

03 Aug 2021