AC8900 - Seminar in Financial Accounting Issues

Offering Academic Unit
Department of Accountancy
Credit Units
Course Duration
One Semester
Course Offering Term*:
Not offering in current academic year

* The offering term is subject to change without prior notice
Course Aims

This course aims to

1. Provide a critical forum for discussions of contemporary issues in financial reporting and capital markets, including capital market consequences of financial reporting, disclosure quality/policies, earnings management, and external monitoring by capital market participants.

2. Provide students with an opportunity to nurture their ability to conduct independent thesis research by applying up-to-date methodology to contemporary issues of their interests.

3. Provide students with in-depth training about how to get access to and make use of research databases available at CityU, including the Wharton research Databases. 

Assessment (Indicative only, please check the detailed course information)

Continuous Assessment: 70%
Examination: 30%
Examination Duration: 3 hours
Detailed Course Information


Useful Links

Department of Accountancy