Adjustment of staff salaries
The Management Board approved at its meeting on 15 June a recommendation
to increase staff salary. The pay increase will be retroactive from 1
April 2007 and will apply to all staff serving in the University, irrespective
of whether they were employed before or after the de-linking of university
salaries from the Civil Service in July 2003. The Management Board's endorsement
is subject to the University Council's approval.
The latest pay rise proposal is in addition
to an across-the-board 3% pay increase offered in April 2007. The University
also boosted staff morale with a productivity award, equivalent to one-third
of a member of staff's monthly salary, to all staff in May 2007, and the
implementation of a one-off leave encashment scheme, with payment to be
made in September 2007.
Salary adjustment for staff serving
in the Community College of City University will need to be considered
separately by the College Board of Management and the Council.
CityU graduate
appointed Council member
The Chief Executive of the HKSAR Government has made Ms Dilys
Chau Suet-fung, a graduate of the BA (Hons) in Accountancy programme
at CityU, a member of the University Council. Effective 1 June 2007, Ms
Chau's appointment is for three years.
Professor (Chair) Wei Kwok-kee, currently Head of Department
of Information Systems, has been appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Business,
from 16 July 2007 to 31 July 2010. A Fellow and former President of the
Association for Information Systems, Professor Wei serves on the editorial
board of several international journals including the renowned IEEE
Transactions on Engineering Management.
The concurrent appointment of Professor James Moy
as Dean of School of Creative Media will be extended for one year from
1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008.
to Realization Programme
The University has launched the Innovation to Realization (I2R) Programme
which, with partial funding from industry, allows faculty members and
students to make their innovative ideas commercially viable products or
services. With a maximum funding of $200,000 for each approved project,
the I2R programme aims to accelerate the pre-commercialization development
of promising technologies and innovative ideas so as to export them from
the laboratory to the market. An assessment panel composed of representatives
from the Working Group on Applied R & D and prominent industrial leaders
will be responsible for vetting the proposals. The deadline for application
is 31 August 2007.
conference on Basic Law
To commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR,
CityU's School of Law is hosting an international conference from 22 June
to 23 June on the Basic Law in conjunction with the Hong Kong SAR Basic
Law Education Association. The conference is titled "Hong Kong's
Basic Law: The First Ten Years and Its Future" and it will examine
how the Basic Law has operated over the past decade and look at its future
challenges. Officiating guests at the opening ceremony include Mr
Xie Xiaoyan, Deputy Commissioner of the Commissioner's Office
of China's Foreign Ministry in the HKSAR; Professor Pan Yonghua,
Director General of the Education, Science and Technology Department of
the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR; Ms
Elsie Leung Oi-sie, Deputy Director of the Basic Law Committee
of the HKSAR; Mrs Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai, President of
the Legislative Council; Mr Stephen Lam Sui-lung, Secretary
for Constitutional Affairs of the HKSAR Government; Mr Dao Shulin,
Vice-Director of the Institute of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs, Development
Research Center of the State Council; and Professor Richard Ho
Yan-ki, CityU's Acting President. Leading local, regional and
international experts will share their views on the different aspects
of the Basic Law, including constitutional theory, the relationship between
the central and local authorities, nationality, and issues concerning
conflict of laws and international law.
Cheung Kong
Chair Professorships
Four CityU academics have been appointed Cheung Kong Chair Professorships
under the Cheung Kong Scholars Programme. They are Professor (Chair)
Zhang Longxi in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics;
Professor (Chair) Chiang Kin-seng in the Department of
Electronic Engineering; Dr Li Qiusheng, Associate Professor
in the Department of Building and Construction; and Professor
Jonathan Zhu Jianhua in the Department of English and Communication.
They will contribute their expertise to mainland universities for nine
months or more in the coming three years. The Cheung Kong Scholars Programme
was established by the Ministry of Education and Li Ka Shing Foundation
in 1998.
Art Show on campus
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) makes its debut ACM SIGGRAPH
travelling art show in Asia this year, which will be held on campus from
16 June to 20 June. Over 50 projects—including interactive installations,
3D installations, 3D photos, digital printed images, multi-media works
and animations—by 22 well-known graphic artists are being shown.
Students from the School of Creative Media will be applying their creativity
by organizing exhibition venues and designing posters for the show, which
will be held at six locations in Asia.
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