Visits by
UGC and RGC representatives
The Chairman of the University Grants Committee (UGC), the Hon
Mrs Laura Cha, joined by Mr Michael Stone, UGC
Secretary General, will pay a familiarization visit to the University
on 6 June. Professor Richard Ho Yan-ki, Acting President,
will talk about CityU's challenges during the visit. Other members of
the University's senior management will introduce the University's teaching,
learning and research strategies, practices and facilities.
A delegation from the Research Grants Council (RGC) will
pay a visit to CityU on 14 June. The aim is to understand the overall
research activities, strategies and major achievements. During the one-day
visit, the delegation, comprising of both RGC members and members of its
four panels, will discuss research activities with the University's academic
staff and students.
Education courses
At its meeting on 22 May, the Senate approved, in principle, six general
education courses for further development and implementation. These courses,
starting from Semester B 2007-08, include the study of different societies,
social and business organizations, arts and humanities, and science and
technology. Course details will be worked out by the respective academic
units and the General Education Committee. Final approval will be subject
to the Academic Policy Committee and Senate.
Update Course 2007
CityU will be running the annual Teachers Update Course (TUC) from 11
June to 7 July. The TUC is part of CityU's on-going efforts to help school
principals and secondary school teachers to update their subject knowledge
and familiarize themselves with the latest pedagogical developments in
their fields. The 40 sessions offered this year have attracted more than
2,500 applicants. A total of 49 voluntary speakers from 16 academic and
administrative departments at CityU, as well as representatives from the
Education and Manpower Bureau, will facilitate the TUC sessions.
conference on marine pollution
CityU's Centre for Coastal Pollution and Conservation and the Department
of Biology and Chemistry are organizing the 5th International Conference
on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, from 3 June to 6 June. The conference,
which is held once every three years, aims to advance the participants'
understanding of local, regional and global
marine pollution problems, with the hope that such problems may be more
easily solved in the future. The conference provides a forum for local
and overseas experts, including keynote speakers from universities in
Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Norway, the UK and the US, to discuss
their research findings and look at the latest relevant scientific advancements
and technologies. Dr Sarah Liao Sau-tung, Secretary for
the Environment, Transport and Works of the HKSAR Government, officiates
at the opening ceremony on 4 June.
views on cultural relics and collective memory
Issues concerning the conservation of historical sites have recently generated
public awareness and controversy. To provide a platform for sharing experience
and thoughts in this field, CityU's Chinese Civilisation Centre (CCIV)
is collaborating with the Home Affairs Bureau of the HKSAR Government
to organize a symposium on campus from 4 June to 5 June.
The focus will be on cultural relics and collective memory. Experts and
government officials from the mainland, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong will
discuss the issues over six sessions. Professor Cheng Pei-kai,
Director of CCIV, officiates at the opening ceremony on 4 June.
SCM student
honoured with Asia Photo Awards
Zhu Yi-yun, a final-year student from the School of Creative Media, has
received the Silver Award in the Student Division, Photojournalism (single),
with her work entitled "Old barber shop" in the Asia Photo Awards
2007. The Awards, which are organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Professional
Photographers, aim to promote the Asian photography industry, art, design
and advertising. The Presentation Ceremony cum Exhibition will be held
on 5 June at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
Art exhibitions
and lecture
To provide opportunities for students to enhance whole-person development
through art appreciation, the University will bring to campus prominent
artists and exhibits. From 6 June to 2 July, ceramics and calligraphy
by Mr Chan Chung-kong, a renowned local artist, will
be on display at the CityU Gallery.
Another exhibition, "走 進 「 國 之 重 寶 」 —— 認 識 中 國 書
畫 ", will be held on campus from 12 to 23 June. Organized by the
Chinese Civilisation Centre (CCIV), it provides an introductory glimpse
into "The Pride of China" exhibition, which is to be held from
29 June to 11 August at the Hong Kong Museum of Art. "The Pride of
China" exhibition is one of the celebration activities in the 10th
Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR, jointly presented by the
Leisure and Cultural Services Department in the HKSAR Government and the
Palace Museum in Beijing. The Curator of Xubaizhai at the Hong Kong Museum
of Art, Mr Szeto Yuen-kit, will introduce the highlights
of the exhibition at an art appreciation lecture on 18 June at CCIV.
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