Convocation of alumni
CityU places great pride in its former students, and
in order to facilitate greater input from alumni, the Council has approved
the setting up of the University Convocation. This Convocation, which
will be established with effect from 1 January 2007, will comprise representatives
from the CityU alumni associations. The Chair of the Convocation will
serve as a member of the Council, thus giving alumni a stronger voice
in University affairs.
New measures to ease
space shortage
Between now and the end of 2009, when the first of
the three new buildings is due for completion, the University will need
extra space to cope with the anticipated increase in the student and staff
population. Professor Richard Ho Yan-ki, Vice-President
(Undergraduate Education) and Chairman of the Accommodation Committee,
and Dr Jerry Yu Jer-tsang, Chief Information Officer
and the Convener of the Campus Facilities Improvement Working Group, addressed
the issue in a meeting with deans and heads of departments at an information
session on 1 December. New measures being considered include leasing off-campus
sites in nearby public housing estates, Hong Kong Science Park, InnoCentre,
other commercial buildings, and disused schools in Shek Kip Mei. During
the session, departments were invited to propose how to capitalize on
the extra space to enhance the University's core activities in teaching,
learning and applied research.
Library 24-hour trial
The University is constantly seeking ways to improve
the learning facilities for students on campus, especially access to resources.
In light of the recent increase in the size of the student population
and the greater need for access to learning and research materials, the
Library is collaborating with the Facilities Management Office to open
24-hours a day on an experimental basis from 4 to 20 December. During
this trial, which falls during the forthcoming revision and examination
periods, the University will conduct a needs analysis for future planning.
The arrangement is strictly for CityU staff and students (including SCOPE
smartcard holders).
Applied research at ITU
Telecom World
Telecom-related technology is one of the University's
great strengths and several related applied research projects will feature
prominently at ITU Telecom World 2006, a major international exhibition.
Two CityU academics have been invited to give major presentations during
the exhibition, which is themed "Living the digital world",
at the Stage for Excellence, a forum organized by the Hong Kong, China
Pavilion for local experts to showcase their research. Professor
(Chair) Yan Hong of the Department of Electronic Engineering
will discuss a project entitled "Automated avatar system for e-learning
and entertainment", and Professor Deng Xiaotie of
the Department of Computer Science will present on "Internet identity
frauds and counter measures". There will be five other CityU researchers
presenting their work at the exhibition, which is being held for the first
time outside of Switzerland. The exhibition will be held from 4 to 8 December
at the AsiaWorld Expo.
Staff lounge and staff
CityU encourages colleagues to strike a balance between
work and free time in order to create a more comfortable working environment.
The staff lounge at City Top on the 9/F, Amenities Building, is ideal
for informal get-togethers, anytime from 11:30am to 10:30pm daily. Colleagues
can enjoy snacks, meals and a full range of beverages. There is room enough
for large-scale University events by combining with the existing City
Top area, and two adjacent staff rooms can be reserved for special occasions
for up to 16 people. Guests accompanied by University colleagues can enjoy
the catering services during non-peak hours, and students can access this
area during University events.
Smoking ban on campus
The University campus will be a healthier environment
from 1 January 2007 onwards. A total ban on smoking will be imposed in
the new year in compliance with the Government's Smoking (Public Health)
(Amendment) Ordinance 2006. The Facilities Management Office will remove
all existing designated smoking areas on campus by the end of the year,
and smoking within the boundary of the University could lead to a fine
of $5,000. The University hopes that extra resources for monitoring the
new regulations will not be needed and that the entire CityU community
will benefit.
SLW signs agreement with
Shanghai Financial Law Research Institute
As part of the drive to establish closer relations
with institutions on the mainland in areas such as finance, judicial practice,
and legal education and training, the School of Law (SLW) has signed an
agreement with the Shanghai Financial Law Research Institute.
Marketing grant secured
The Department of Marketing was awarded a grant by
the Marketing Science Institute (MSI), a funding organization in the US
that supports leading-edge marketing studies. The winning project, which
is a joint effort between Professor Zhou Nan and Dr
Dou Wenyu, Head and Associate Professor of the Department of
Marketing, respectively, plus an academic from Penn State University,
US, will look at how sales force management may affect customer relationships
in mainland China. This is the first time CityU has received an MSI grant.
External appointment
Mr Wong Ka-yu,
Director of the Facilities Management Office, has been re-appointed to
the Appeal Tribunal Panel in the Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau for
a period of three years from 1 December 2006.
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