outside work
CityU benefits the community through Outside Practice, sharing applied
research and expertise in specialized areas and strengthening ties with
industry and commerce. Members of staff undertake Outside Practice in
the form of consultancy work, for which they may receive fees, honoraria,
retainers and other kinds of remuneration. Currently, if members of staff
do not receive rewards for engaging in such activities, the engagement
is not classified as Outside Practice and prior approval is not required.
However, to better ensure
the efficiency of the University's day-to-day management, the Management
Board has endorsed recommendations put forward by the Outside Practice
Advisory Group that prior approval will be required for staff undertaking
non-remunerative Outside Practice on a recurring or continuous basis and
which requires substantial amounts of time during University working hours
or in affiliation with external organizations.
university forums
Professor H K Chang, University President, attended the
"The Third Chinese-Foreign University Presidents Forum" from
12 to 18 July in Shanghai. Participants from universities from all over
the world heard talks on the global development of higher education. Professor
Chang spoke about "Modes of Nurturing Talent for Innovation"
at the forum.
Meanwhile, Professor
David Tong Shuk-yin, Deputy President, and Dr Zhu Guobin,
Director of the External Liaison and Cooperation Office and Associate
Professor in the School of Law, will attend the "Hong Kong-Beijing
Presidents' Forum" from 21 to 23 July in Beijing.
Forum 2006
The eHealth Consortium is inviting members of CityU staff to participate
in the "eHealth Forum 2006 ¡X Building a Healthy Tomorrow Using IT",
a two-day seminar exploring issues related to tracking and controlling
disease and maintaining standardized electronic health records. CityU
is one of the supporting organizations of the Forum, which is the signature
event of the eHealth Consortium organized by the Hospital Authority, Department
of Health, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Internet
Professional Association and Hong Kong Society of Medical Informatics.
The event takes place from 15 to 16 September at the Hong Kong Academy
of Medicine in Aberdeen. For details about registration, please visit:
2006¡V07 and Public Policy Research Funding Scheme
CityU was awarded $49.4m for 98 projects in the Competitive Earmarked
Research Grants (CERG) for 2006-07 in the categories of Engineering; Physical
Sciences; Biology and Medicine; Humanities, Social Sciences & Business
Studies. In addition, in the second round of the Public Policy Research
Funding Scheme, two CityU proposals have been funded at $0.7m.
Achievements Journal 2005
CityU students have won numerous awards and prizes for their work in the
past year and CityU academics and researchers continue to produce award-winning
research that impacts upon industry and the commercial world. These successes
have been captured in the recent publication CityU Achievements Journal
2005, a collection of media reports and guides to the very best in
CityU's professional education and applied research.
Leadership Conference 2006
CityU will join with Shenzhen University to host the Student Leadership
Conference to be held at the two campuses from 23 to 31 July under the
theme "Leadership for a Changing World". More than 140 students
from 27 prominent universities will gather at the Conference which will
feature a series of workshops, forums, seminars and enterprise visits.
The opening ceremony, to be officiated by Professor Richard Ho
Yan-ki, Vice-President (Undergraduate Education), and Professor
Lilian Vrijmoed Kwan Lee-ping, Dean of Student Learning, will
take place at 9:30am on 25 July at the Wei Hing Theatre. More details
are available at: www.leader21.org
communications conference
Professor (Chair) Lee Chin-chuan and Dr He Zhou,
Associate Professor, both of the Department of English and Communication,
won the Intercultural Communication Top Paper in the 56th annual conference
of the International Communication Association (ICA) in Dresden, Germany,
from 19 to 23 June. Their paper was entitled "Chinese Party Publicity
Inc. Conglomerated: The Case of Shenzhen Press Group". Meanwhile,
Dr Mike Yao Zhengyu, Assistant Professor in the same
Department, won the ICA's Games Studies Top Three Paper at the same conference
with his co-authored paper entitled "Sexual priming, gender stereotyping,
and likelihood to sexual harass: examining the effects of playing a sexually
explicit video game".
Three final-year BSc (Hons) Computer Science students from the Department
of Computer Science achieved outstanding results in the recent "Pan-Pearl
River Delta Region University IT Project Competition". The Competition
took place in Guangzhou from 30 June to 1 July and is one of the biggest
of its kind in China, involving more than a hundred institutions from
nine provinces on the mainland plus institutions in Hong Kong and Macau.
Vicker Leung Chi-yiu and Chris Liang Li
won the First Class Award, the Best Practicality Award, and the Best Presentation
Award for "A Flash-based Web Builder (FLABER)", software that
makes building websites using the multimedia authoring programme Flash
easier than before. Lam Ming-yan won the Second Class
Award at the same competition for her project "Web profiling navigation
path analysis", which helps personalize the experience of working
with the world-wide web.
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